Why dont we measure our growth in inches like other hair forums?

I just don't want to be bothered with measuring and keeping track of the numbers. Using body markers for length milestones is easier and more accurate visually cause BSL in inches on a 6 foot tall girl isn't the same in inches as BSL on a 5 foot girl-yeah I said it.
I just don't want to be bothered with measuring and keeping track of the numbers. Using body markers for length milestones is easier and more accurate visually cause BSL in inches on a 6 foot tall girl isn't the same in inches as BSL on a 5 foot girl-yeah I said it.]

I just know on the long hair community site they measure their hair in inches as well as by APL, BSL, ect. Why dont we do the same on here? :look: Just an innocent question...

I'm on that site and I measure inches too. I don't remember posting here but I post on my fotki and another forum can't remember if it's kiss or hairlista.
I just don't want to be bothered with measuring and keeping track of the numbers. Using body markers for length milestones is easier and more accurate visually cause BSL in inches on a 6 foot tall girl isn't the same in inches as BSL on a 5 foot girl-yeah I said it.

For me this is all the more reason to know the inches. You can have someone post that they grew to BSL in a year or whatever and other ppl are comparing to that, but really their hair may already be longer than that person if BSL for them is only 10 inches.

Knowing the inches gives you a fuller picture of what's going on. Not that it's all that important, but this is a hair site, so for those who are interested it just gives you more info. It's not necessarily the height, but body proportions that makes the difference.

I guess I'm not understanding why ppl think measuring is such a chore. You can still track your growth using milestones. But when you post that you're BSL we'll know that BSL on you is 10 inches.

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Their common way of measuring, which is from the front hairline to the bottom of the hair in back, is a little odd to me because like 12" of the measurement is just your head. :lol: If your hair is 2" long from root to tip, you measure from the front hairline to the end of your 2" strands in back and end up with like a 14" measurement for hair.

I kind of like the way of measuring where you measure root to tip on a given portion of hair.
well i personally don't care enough, also i have a habit of losing my measuring tape. :( I have like 4 or 5 for sewing and zero are accounted for. My hands and body however are always there.

Inches are only an interest when you trim imo or how much growth you get a year.
I just don't want to be bothered with measuring and keeping track of the numbers. Using body markers for length milestones is easier and more accurate visually cause BSL in inches on a 6 foot tall girl isn't the same in inches as BSL on a 5 foot girl-yeah I said it.

:lol: I know that's right.

I'm 6'1 and the first time I hit APL I swear it looked like SL on me. Everyone else's APL looks like they've got Rapunzel hair.
I like to use inches, so I do measure my hair with a ruler because I'm curious and it helps me keep track of how much I'm actually retaining. I also use the body markers because I may have the same amount of inches as someone else, but my hair will probably fall to a different spot than someone else with that many inches of hair.
Inches put everyone on the same ....plate? -_- IDK

It gets rid of the body markers and height discrepances(sp).
And it gives you a very acurate sence of how much you are growing/losing.

I always wondered why so many "non-curlies" insist that your hair must be hanging loose, not stetched to measure...

Sent from my T-Mobile G2 sorry about the spelling :P
What "page" are we trying to be on? People want different things, and most people on this board want XX Length Hair. I would love APL length unstretched hair, and I don't care how many inches that is. Because of this thread I've measured, and I need 20 inches from my hairline to get to APL. No clue how many inches stretched that is, and I don't WANT to know; I'll be depressed.

But I also wonder if it wouldn't just be a way to be dismissive of other's progress. I can easily see someone post about finally reaching APL for the first time in her life and that being 15 inches for her, and people saying "15 inches? That's nothing. I need 5 more inches to be APL." Wouldn't necessarily be that way, but we've all seen others denigrate someone else's progress on the board, so I don't know that it'd be too far-fetched.
What "page" are we trying to be on? People want different things, and most people on this board want XX Length Hair. I would love APL length unstretched hair, and I don't care how many inches that is. Because of this thread I've measured, and I need 20 inches from my hairline to get to APL. No clue how many inches stretched that is, and I don't WANT to know; I'll be depressed.

But I also wonder if it wouldn't just be a way to be dismissive of other's progress. I can easily see someone post about finally reaching APL for the first time in her life and that being 15 inches for her, and people saying "15 inches? That's nothing. I need 5 more inches to be APL." Wouldn't necessarily be that way, but we've all seen others denigrate someone else's progress on the board, so I don't know that it'd be too far-fetched.

That's exactly what I mean, APL is a significant marker to reach and putting emphasis on the actual number may take that excitement away for some, I know it would for me. Now if people want to measure just to know hey no one is stopping them but I avoid challenges that require an actual length in inches cause that discourages me too. I just want to know WL HL etc...I want to get there, I don't want to know how many inches that is cause that will just mess me up.
Some people dont have rulers and such as in Africa and such as where rulers are the United States and such as for the rulers.

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It took me a while to get this! :ohwell:

I don't live in SC now, but I went to high school and college there and I tell you, I've never been more shamed then after that beauty pagent girl's video went viral! It was so sad:sad:
I just know on the long hair community site they measure their hair in inches as well as by APL, BSL, ect. Why dont we do the same on here? :look: Just an innocent question...

I thought we did both on here. (Inches and Body Length)
When I BC'd I used to measure my hair every 2 months. My hair was barely nape length and I was in a hurry to make my hair grow. I used to use a regular ruler. After I hit BSL I didn't see the need to use a ruler anymore. After a while my hair got too long to measure with a regular wooden ruler.

I measured my hair from crown to tip a few weeks ago and I think it was 23 inches. I am more interested in reaching certain lengths than to be X inches.

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My hair grows up and out toward the ceiling so I just grab a section and stretch it along a ruler to mention it. My hair will never reach any body milestone beyond my shoulders without being straightened.