Why Does Pantene have such a BAD RAP?

Thank you everyone for replying!!! I have been doing a little searching on the net about Pantene and there is a lot of love and hate for this product.
I can't remeber where I found some of my information, so I apologize, but one person said that Pantene is no different than the serums that stylists use after styling your hair. They also said that they know that the product works if used correctly but they just want you to buy their expensive products instead. If you clarify regularly and do a good rinsing after using the conditioners, your hair should be fine.

I guess I have what works for me now, finally after being on this board since 2003! I haven't been natural long so that can be part of the problem. I just remember getting the most growth retention when I used Pantene for conditioner washes back early in my journey.