Why does one side of my hair grow faster than the other?


New Member
For the past 10 years or so, the right side of my head (the part near my ears) grows faster than the left side.

I don't know why this is happening. Does anyone know?
Most of us have this same issue. You aren't alone. The side that grows faster maybe getting more blood circulation. Try if you can switching from time to time you may see a difference.

Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Nexus S 4G
Most of us have this same issue. You aren't alone. The side that grows faster maybe getting more blood circulation. Try if you can switching from time to time you may see a difference.

Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Nexus S 4G

was just about to say this. Blood supply. More specifically oxygenated and de-oxygenated blood has diff nutrient profile.
My right side which I sleep on grows faster than my left but my left is thicker. When I was relaxed, the section around my ear on right side will out grow the rest of hair to the point, I would have that section cut shorter but it would out grow.
For me it's the back of my hair.

The front (bang section) of my hair grows WAY slower than the rest of my hair. It's almost depressing how slowly it grows, as compared to say, the back. It's only now touching the top of my lip :perplexed

My theory is that this is the only part of my hair that was constantly subjected to abuse pre-journey....daily flat ironing, more frequent relaxing (it was my my weave leave out), constantly unprotected, etc. Maybe it's just never recovered :sad:
My left is longer than my right and I think part of the reason is that I carry my purse on the right and noticed that I am always snagging hair. Now I am more aware when hoisting my bag onto my shoulder.
My right front side is shorter and thinner than my left side. I baby it as much as possible, but it doesn't seem to make a difference. I've learned to just accept it.