Why Does My......


New Member
Hair at the very back of my head (some of you call it the "kitchen")
dry soooo quickly?

Is it extra dry? I do my best to keep it as moisturized as the rest of my hair, and still, while every other part of my head is at least damp, it feels so dry and sometimes fragile....

What am I doing wrong?????

Anyone else have this problem?????



championgurl I have the same problem. I don’t think that we are doing something wrong; I just think that the "kitchen" hair is like that, the 4a types.

What is your hair type? My hair type is 3c-4a, but the back of my hair is only 4a
hiza said:
championgurl I have the same problem. I don’t think that we are doing something wrong; I just think that the "kitchen" hair is like that, the 4a types.

What is your hair type? My hair type is 3c-4a, but the back of my hair is only 4a

ITA with hiza. My hair is the same way. Just keep babying that area with extra conditioner, extra moisture and oil, and little manipulation. In time I think that hair will continue to grow and thrive but it may never be as shiny and moisturized as the rest of our hair. Good luck.

Off Topic: Hiza, your album is the bomb!
I have the same problem too. And I have a problem with retaining length back there. It snaps very easily. I do take good care and moisturize it alot. I think it could possibly be because this is the first area that we apply the relaxer, and probably don't rinse it out too good since it is difficult to do. So soon i'm gong to start self relaxing (as soon as i stop being lazy) and i plan to start from the crown of my head and slap on the relaxer in the kitchen at the very last minute....
Thanks for the reassurance ladies! I thought I was the only one.....
I never considered the fact that that's the first place relaxer usually goes...
My hair seems to be whole type though-out; a tighter 3c.....
I will continue to handle it with extra care, and try to relax it last,as I do with my hairline. ;)