Why does my hair grow in a "U" shape?


New Member
Can some1 explain this to me? Does it imply any neglect on my part to the sides of my hair??

Cause with this natural U shape thing I've got going on I wondered if it's just normal or maybe there's something I'm doing wrong. Do most people have to "trim away" their U shape or get a blunt cut to get ride of it? I like it (for now, at least) but I was just wondering...
It seems to me that your hair is growing at the same rate if your ending up in the *U* shape....to me the *V* shape hair isn't the same length from side to side, it's longest point is in the middle KWIM? JMO

I don't think you are doing anything wrong. It's not unusual for hair to grow in a u shape. I happen to think u and v hemlines are really pretty.
Mine grows in a V-shape, and I like it better that way because it gives the perception of longer length.