Why does my hair feel drier as I get more new growth?


Well-Known Member
When I have a fresh relaxer, my hair stays moisturized and I can sometimes go a day or two without reapplying moisturier. But as soon as I get around a 3/4 inch of NG, my hair becomes a DESERT!! Not just the NG, but my entire head. Doesn't matter how much I moisturize/wash/DC, my hair stays dry as a bone and starts to break.

Does anyone else experience this?
i notice the same thing with my hair too. i dont know why it happens but my hair definitely feels drier around that time.
oobrittany said:
When I have a fresh relaxer, my hair stays moisturized and I can sometimes go a day or two without reapplying moisturier. But as soon as I get around a 3/4 inch of NG, my hair becomes a DESERT!! Not just the NG, but my entire head. Doesn't matter how much I moisturize/wash/DC, my hair stays dry as a bone and starts to break.

Does anyone else experience this?

I did at a certain point: since joining the board I learned that you have to balance between a protein conditioner & a moisture conditioner: it really help eliviate my dryness: also the other simple products too: like UBH Line: Lacio Lacio: Dove Mist: HTH
I think that sometimes my roots are drier because I have harder time getting in there with the leave and moisturizers.

I notice that I even need less moisturizers and leave-in after a relaxer. I just think I neglect getting down to my roots because it gets rough.

I got better with this by sectioning may hait better. I actually use clips to section off to get my leave in better. I have that problem less often now.

I cannot think of any other reason.
Our hair is a lot more drier when we have NG growth because of our tightly curled pattern (depending on your hair type). But typically our hair is drier then most at our natural state because the natural oil that we produce is not able to travel down our tightly coiled hair shaft like it does when it is straight (read this from an online journal at work). My hair is easily moisturized during the first month, month and 1/2 post relaxer. Then after that if I struggle with keeping the NG and the rest of my hair moisturized. Thats why it is good (like others said) to find the right balance between moisture and protein. So your hair is moisturized and strong. HTH!!! I never thought about why our hair is so dry until I read that journal...makes a lot of sense
bablou00 said:
Our hair is a lot more drier when we have NG growth because of our tightly curled pattern (depending on your hair type). But typically our hair is drier then most at our natural state because the natural oil that we produce is not able to travel down our tightly coiled hair shaft like it does when it is straight (read this from an online journal at work). My hair is easily moisturized during the first month, month and 1/2 post relaxer. Then after that if I struggle with keeping the NG and the rest of my hair moisturized. Thats why it is good (like others said) to find the right balance between moisture and protein. So your hair is moisturized and strong. HTH!!! I never thought about why our hair is so dry until I read that journal...makes a lot of sense

I've heard this.