Why does it seem like...


New Member
a mild no-lye relaxer works better at processing then a mild lye relaxer? Has anyone else experienced this?

Upon my switch to lye I discovered that I couldn't use a mild because it didn't do a thing for me. My hair came out totally underprocessed. I had used a no-lye for years before coming to this board and found that it took the guess work out of relaxing. Mix it up, stick it in, leave in for 20/30 minutes and it was done perfect all the time. The only problem was I just had very dry hair.

A mild lye underprocesses me more then I care for. I have been using a regular lye. A revlon mild does nothing for my 4a, thin, fine hair (I did a strand test and it was still nappy.) What's up with that!!!

I ask this because it was suggested to me to use a mild from a stylist that trimmed my hair. She said I shouldn't be using a regular relaxer and I agree.

I'm just finding that I don't get the same results with a lye that I got with a no-lye.

Any suggestions?

I now use a regular strength relaxer for 20 minutes and it's a straighter then the texture I got with the no lye. Which is a little to straight for me, I prefer a little more texture, but not underprocessed.

Does any of this make sense??
It makes total sense Nita. I noticed the same thing when I made the switch. I've always used mild no-lye relaxers and by the time I was done applying, I could wash it right out . My hair would be very straight. It's almost as if as soon as the relaxer hit my strands, it was processed. However, I'm not sure that was a good thing. This to me is actually proof that the Lye is better for the strands because it doesn't process as quickly. You just have to adjust the timing a little to get the desired results.
That's really interesting.. I've always used a regular no-lye relaxer.. after finding this board.. I have figured out that I don't need the regular one..I should be using the mild one.. my hair gets poker straight with the regular one..and like Armyqt..as soon as I'm done applying it..it's time to wash it out.. which is prolly 10 minutes.. I was going to switch to the Elucence gentle/mild..which is a lye..for the next time I relax my hair..but I wonder if I should try the no-lye mild first. What do you think? I have no idea what to do..
Rushgirl, is there any particular reason you're consider making the switch? One thing to note is that a lye will not straighten your hair as well as no-lye. You may have to let it marinate for a minute before neutralizing.
Well, I think the only reason was that I have been reading on here that lye is less harsh on your hair than no-lye and Lye is more harsh on your scalp.. I was just thinking that I rather be less harsh on my hair since I have fine, fragile hair. Other than that.. maybe out of curiosity..lol My mother told me when I was a kid that lye relaxers will make your hair fall out or that your hair would burn off..or some b.s. like that.. lol I guess it was just because lye is less harsh on the hair.. that's really the only reason.. So do you think that maybe I shouldn't switch? I also wanted to try the Elucence gentle/mild which is lye.. so that was another reason..lol
personally I switched because my hair was seriously dry with a no-lye relaxer. I'm happy I did, even though it took me a while to figure out why my hair was being underprocessed. Believe me, that part was no fun. But in the longrun, my hair is healthier and happier for it. Just weigh the pros and cons before you make a final decision. There's tons of posts on this topic. many ladies switched to lye only to switch back to no lye becuase lye didn't straighten the hair as well. In a sense, its almost like transitioning, but in a far less dramatic way. For us fine-haired ladies, we need all the elasticity we can get. And lye relaxers leave us with more.

At the end of the day, do what you feel is best for your hair.
Well, you saying that does make me think I should switch to the lye.. I have fine hair and at one point it was REALLY dry..but then I found some hair boards and it's ALOT better.. but the more elasticity the better I say..especially with the fine hair..so I'm gonna try it I think... I rather have something that is less harsh on my hair! And my hair straightens really easily.. I've been actually thinking about not straightening it as much so it would be like a texturizer..right? I didn't know what a texturizer was before finding this board..lol I would love to have curly hair.. like that girl in your Avatar..maybe a little curlier.. who is that btw? I'm gonna see how long I can go w/o relaxing it.. it's been like 5-6 weeks I think.. the last time I did was before Valentine's Day.. then I'll make a decision.. Heck, I'm still trying to figure out what hair type I am..LOL I think I've finally..I think..figured out that I'm a 3..I don't know what letter though.. I keep looking at everyone's albums to try to figure it out.. then when I see someone who's hair looks like mine..they don't put what hair type they are..LOL Okay..I'm babbling.. sowwwy..