Why does God let bad things happen?


Well-Known Member
My mom is starting to lose her faith recently, she is questioning God and wonders why God lets bad things happen in the world. I replied that people choose to do bad things and when the times comes God will judge and treat us accordingly.

Although I am not questioning God, I do wonder why God 'lets' bad things happen to good/ innocent people. For example I was reading the molestation and forgiveness thread and was thinking about those who have literally nothing.

I do need to seek God on guidance with this issue; but was wondering what is everyone here, take is on the matter.
God never fails and his ways are not ours. We MUST trust him no matter what. It is our faith that moves God than our praise. When things happen they always happen for a reason: to expose, correct and to heal. No one is perfect and some problems are more deeper than others. When we see this it teaches us to pray for one another and love people even if we do not agree with the love of God and only God can teach us how to love when it hurts. Problems keep us on our needs and closer to God. Pray is investment but it has a great return. Trouble never last always so thats why the race is not given to swift nor the battle to the strong but those who can ENDURE until the end. The way we endure is to stay near God so when the blessing come we will not forgot how we got there. What it takes to get you to your blessing is what you must keep doing to maintain it. Prayer, reading word, prasie/worship, fasting and faith.

Be encourage in the Lord HE IS TOO WISE TO MAKE ANY MISTAKES. He can do everything but FAIL.
Our world has laws that even God Himself must abide by (otherwise there would not have been a need to send the Christ). He gave us dominion and authority but most are either not aware that they possess it or are not sure how to use it. And as a result, they become prey to those who ARE exercising that dominion and authority and it works whether we judge the act good or bad (fire can destroy a home or provide much needed warmth, but fire itself is neutral).

To allow us to seek God and recognize our need for a saviour. God's purpose for our lives and to glorify him.
This is a good question. I ponder on it every now and then, I don't think its God letting. I think we as human are allowed to make our choices good or bad and if you are a "true Christian" and you raise your children to be "true Christians or believers even if bad things happen to you- you will get through it. I am reminded of Joseph and Daniel and other people in the bible. Look even the possibilty of being thrown in the fire or being thrown in the lions den would have shaken me to the core I don't know if I could have done it. truthfully, But they were WILLING to go through it. The diciples were willing to get beat, even have their heads removed from their bodies. Bad things will happen --this world belongs to satan but if you hold fast in Christ- it should not matter- will it hurt yes it will. To see my child hurt would devaste me but as long as my child is in christ I will know they are where they belong. But if my child is not in christ this is a thing I cannot get past because there is no hope, nonewhatsoever this is the worst crime, no matter what happens. As long as you are in christ you don't have to worry about what happens to this body on this earth. I am going to say this children (below 13 or better who have not yet known the difference between right and wrong fully, as adults do) who died in a crime or even who just die for whatever reason, have no waiting period they go straight to heaven. Straight there is no judgement for them. None at all. No sleeping they are immediately with the father. I feel sad, I feel pain when I hear on the news someones child is gone not for the child but for the mother - the family for they will miss the child and its so painful but the child is in wonderland in heaven with Jesus and is fine and have no memory of anything that happen down here. I feel sorry for the teenager or young adult that dies in a crime and had not accepted Jesus as their savior for whatever reason. For their fate is sealed.
God let's bad things happen to us to make us stronger, to test our faith in Him, and to get us to trust and rely even more on Him. Tell her to read the book of Job in the Bible for encouragement. God bless.
This is a good question. I ponder on it every now and then, I don't think its God letting. I think we as human are allowed to make our choices good or bad and if you are a "true Christian" and you raise your children to be "true Christians or believers even if bad things happen to you- you will get through it. I am reminded of Joseph and Daniel and other people in the bible. Look even the possibilty of being thrown in the fire or being thrown in the lions den would have shaken me to the core I don't know if I could have done it. truthfully, But they were WILLING to go through it. The diciples were willing to get beat, even have their heads removed from their bodies. Bad things will happen --this world belongs to satan but if you hold fast in Christ- it should not matter- will it hurt yes it will. To see my child hurt would devaste me but as long as my child is in christ I will know they are where they belong. But if my child is not in christ this is a thing I cannot get past because there is no hope, nonewhatsoever this is the worst crime, no matter what happens. As long as you are in christ you don't have to worry about what happens to this body on this earth. I am going to say this children (below 13 or better who have not yet known the difference between right and wrong fully, as adults do) who died in a crime or even who just die for whatever reason, have no waiting period they go straight to heaven. Straight there is no judgement for them. None at all. No sleeping they are immediately with the father. I feel sad, I feel pain when I hear on the news someones child is gone not for the child but for the mother - the family for they will miss the child and its so painful but the child is in wonderland in heaven with Jesus and is fine and have no memory of anything that happen down here. I feel sorry for the teenager or young adult that dies in a crime and had not accepted Jesus as their savior for whatever reason. For their fate is sealed.

I agree with this post :yep:
God let's bad things happen to us to make us stronger, to test our faith in Him, and to get us to trust and rely even more on Him. Tell her to read the book of Job in the Bible for encouragement. God bless.

ITA esp with the highlighted :yep: :yep:

This has been what I have always thought; Trudy's explanation is something which I am beginning to realise.