WHY Do We Make It So Hard On Ourselves?


New Member
I have been wondering about this.:ohwell:.
Why is it so hard for us to follow instructions?

I could have saved myself ALOT of SheaButter and oils if I would have followed some simple instructons and tweeked a little by MEASURING! :wallbash:

For some reason I just want to trow things together and not measure and everything comes out a mess. Well, yesterday, I decided to make some Flax Cream some ladies came up with on another site. I followed the directions and measured. I did tweek the recipe a little. OMGosh!!! It came out so fluffy and creamy. I have been trying to do this for a while now and I finally got it right. :pulpdance:

Also I watched a you tube video on how to make my own hair gel. It came out great, with a little tweeking to make it more to my liking. And I watched a video on how to apply in sections. My dang curls are SLAMMIN today. I can't believe it.

Why did I make things so hard on myself all this time. I could have been having good hair days everyday!!!:wallbash:

Slapping on product my way...

Putting on product in sections...better curl defenition....


Not measuring ingredients...good but not great...

Measured ingredients...creamy and fluffy..

Shout out to Ladykpnyc's video "Define Your Curl Pt. 1" :thumbsup:
Here's the video for flax gel::infatuated:

Sorry so long. But I know we all do this to ourselves.
Look at those coils and curls! So cute!

I for one always follow instructions... but I'm on the other end of the spectrum. Completely OCD like. You don't even wanna know how bad it really is :lol:

I'm going to go watch those videos. Thanks for posting them!
Oooh Your hair is so pretty!! Thanks for posting this...this is just what I need because I would do exactly what you did initally!
Thanks every one for the nice compliments.
That flax gel will be a staple of mine now. I added shea oil to the recipe, and I love it.

I just added 3 tbs of the flax gel to some shea butter and 3 tsp of EVOO to make the flax cream. I love it to. My hair is drying, but I an not getting near the shrinkage that I usually do, which is an added plus.
Pretty Curls angkin! I agree with you. I think my hair would've looked way better a LONG time ago if I had actually ever read the chemical relaxer instructions carefully and followed them LOL. And I really thought I was doing myself a good service by using the gloves but I shouldn't have kept tossing that little wrapping paper aka instructions straight into the trash. :lachen: It actually says use only every 6-8 weeks and apply to New Growth only. Oh well Im done with relaxers anyhow--we never really got along ... I believe that once Im natural me and my hair will really be best friends. I do like to follow advice from a lot of ladies here and I already realized that sections make the processes smoother and give better results.
Pretty Curls angkin! I agree with you. I think my hair would've looked way better a LONG time ago if I had actually ever read the chemical relaxer instructions carefully and followed them LOL. And I really thought I was doing myself a good service by using the gloves but I shouldn't have kept tossing that little wrapping paper aka instructions straight into the trash. :lachen: It actually says use only every 6-8 weeks and
apply to New Growth only. Oh well Im done with relaxers anyhow--we never really got along ... I believe that once Im natural me and my hair will really be best friends. I do like to follow advice from a lot of ladies here and I already realized that sections make the processes smoother and give better results.

Thank you...
I used to do the same thing when I was relaxed. I thought I knew how to do it better that the instructions.

I don't know why I never applyed my products in sections before. I have been looking at those videos for a while now, and never did it. I figured it just looked like to much dang work. Oh how naive I was. Its the only way I will apply from now on. I hope my curls will last longer doing it way to.
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