Why do I have issues finding the "right" beautician???


Everytime I try to find a good beautician, it seems that I can never get what I am asking for. For instance, when my hair was longer I could never get anyone to flat iron my hair. Everyone wanted to roll it. When I cut my hair shorter and decided I wanted it to grow back out, they wanted to cut it every week. Now that I have a real short hair cut I have trouble finding someone who will keep my edges and back trimmed when I visit. Just the other night I went to get a relaxer. The relaxer turned out beautiful!!!! However when I ask to have my back trimmed down ( l like it faded low in the back), she barely trimmed it down. So to get it like I really wanted, I had to make a trip to the barber shop. He only charged me $5 but it is the point that I had to go to 2 locations to get it the way I wanted.

The beautician I love going to is in my hometown that is an hour away. We have known each other for almost 20 years and I can always get what I want plus extra, but gas is like a car payment now! I can do my own relaxer, color, rollersets, etc, but I work 50 hours a week and I just don't feel like it!! :nono:

Can someone help me understand why some beauticians don't listen to what you ask for?

Can the Louisville ladies help me out by giving me some names of places that are;

1. Not toooo expensive
2. The don't gossip about everyone who walks in the door.
3. Good hours
4. Don't overbook clients
5. I can get the look that I want
6. When the beautician books you at 10:00 am, she is there before you ( not coming in 2 hours later )
Perhaps, God is telling you that you need to take matters into your own hands. I have mastered everything except a perfect blow out and flat iron, "oh" and trimming. My last beautician trimmed/chopped me back to NL in January, I can't be apart of that no mo. Trust, you are better off without one...

Beauticians are not trained to use Clippers like Barbers are.... I know it takes a few times of cutting a clients hair to find the right length to make client happy, if your not happy go back a day or to after cut and ask to go shorter .