
New Member
wash my hair after like 5 days i wash my hair moisrurize daily until i twist my hair but i seem to get flakes at the front i dont get it and i had to wash my hair again cause of it. what can i do

i wash my hair normally with la keir set and grease scalp with olive oil and put a tea tree oil moisurizer in it and still flakes after 5 days??

thanks holla
I have a theory it maybe a reaction to what you put on your scalp. Sometimes, I get dry scalp, sometimes I don't. For instance, last week I pre-conditioned, wash and then conditioned my hair. I noticed that my scalp was flaking but it wasn't before washing. Try brushing your scalp with a toothbrush before washing your hair to get rid of potential flakes. I did not have the flake problem, this week when I washed.
cool i get that also i get them bad and then i dont get em but do u grease ur scalp cause when people say they dont i think how is that possible? lol

You should wash your hair with a dandruff shampoo!
Let the shampoo sit in your hair for 5 minutes before you rinse.
Massage your scalp daily and when you oil your scalp!
Dandruff can reoccur because of product build-up!
Use a clarifying shampoo at 1-2 times a month to remove product
build-up from your scalp and hair!