Why didn't YOU like Motions Relaxer? Pt2

Why didn't YOU like Motions Relaxer

  • It left me underprocessed

    Votes: 22 56.4%
  • It thinned out my hair, caused dryness/breakage

    Votes: 9 23.1%
  • It wasn't bad, I just like_____better

    Votes: 4 10.3%
  • I LOVE Motions!

    Votes: 5 12.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
Hi ya'll! So my next relaxer isn't due until July but I'm doing my research now. I'm planning on ONLY going to the salon for touch-ups and that's every 3 months. After telling my sis about my overlapping stylist she's recommended me to hers which is around her hometown (bout 30 mins. away), it's a guy and his whole concentration is on healthy hair. (I rewarded her with about a 1/5 of BT I had left in my first bottle)

Anyway, his salon is called "Timz Healthy Hair" She went to him after her stylist for years caused her thick APL hair to break off. When she went to him he evened off her hair to about earlength and now it's about the same length as mine, maybe a tad shorter if anything. She also says everyone who goes to him who started off with short hair it's now long and thick and healthy. Great!! Well my only hesitance is he uses Motions. And I remember the general consensus on LHCF is Motions is bad bad bad. Well, I'd just like to know why you came up with that verdict. Underprocessing or drying/breakage? Please specify the strength and type you used and the specific problem you experienced after. Thanks alot ladies!
:lachen: :lachen: This is why I HATE making polls. Every one gets lazy and just votes, but don't come in and give the specs.

I actually wanted to read the replies.

BTW, DivineInspiration gave you a post in your other thread if you want to check it out.
Motions broke off my hair BIG time. It also dried my hair out and left it without body. My hair did not swing the entire time that I used Motions. Now I use Mizani and my hair is SWANGING again :) . The body in my hair is back, it is much healthier and it is also growing. I will never use Motions again.
Forget dryness and all that, for me, the Number 1 reason why I HATED Motions relaxer is....It left me under processed...EVERY TIME...no matter how LONG I had it in. and it was Super strength!!!:eek: I would burn my scalp and still up up looking 4 weeks post!!!:eek: What gives?! :confused: I even tried to give it another chance... after my first 3 failed ones! I used it for my April relaxer and once again...it failed. I used ORS once and loved it. Don't know why I left..Oh yeah, I though buying a relaxer in bulk/ a tub would be cheaper. Waste of money.:perplexed Going back to ORS on my next one. :grin:
For me it was the issue of burning. No matter how I did not manipulate my scalp/hair before a relaxer it burned no matter what:(
Motions is some BS!!!!!!!!!! It left me so underprocessed! I was so disappointed. I only used it once, and it was my first time self-relaxing. I left it on the max amount of time and smoothed. I relaxed my hair in two sections, so it's not like I ran out of time.

I say follow the advice of the others that don't recommend it. I should have listened and not tried that mess!
I've used Motions in the past... years and years ago. I only used it once, and never went back. Motions put my scalp on blaze!!!!!!!
Left me underprocessed & breaking -- but the upside is I learned about texturizing in the process! Now much straighter and happier with ORS Lye formula.
I transitioned from affirm (no-lye) to motions (no-lye). I had been using affirm for 10 years. :eek: I just wanted to try something new, so I decided to use motions. My decision to use motions was based upon networking with others who used it at the Dominican that I frequent. I tried it for the first time in February and my experience was great.:D My hair was completely straight and it did not burn. I also have not experienced any shedding or breakage. Since I am due for a re-touch soon, I will use it again. Again this is just my personal experience. It seems as though the majority rules as far as LHCF is concerned.:)
When I was using Motions (I used it about 3 or 4 years) at first my hair was doing fine, the last year that I used it I had a lot of thinning, my hair was very brittle and would not get past shoulder length. I used the regular strength with lye. I would suggest that you don't use motions. But everybody's hair is different.
I used Motions Herbal..it reverted after 2-3 weeks. I switched immediatedly to Silk Elements..then to Barry Fletcher.
I've tried Motions Oil Moisturizer Relaxer and it left my hair very underprocessed. So I switched to the Herbal Rlaxer and it was a little better, but it burned and I was still underprocesed but I liked it better than the Oil Moisturixer Relaxer.
Thanks everyone for voting and your replies. My sis used Dudley for years and when she went to him switched to Motions, her hair is doing fine but I'm a stick to one thing kinda gal anyway hence my hesistance, so maybe I'll just see if he can keep applying my Dudley Mild.
when I used motions it left my hair underprocessed in the front and I didn't have that relaxer look. you know the bling you get after a perm. I didn't have that with motions but once I switched to Mizani everything I got that shine.
SvelteVelvet said:
Thanks everyone for voting and your replies. My sis used Dudley for years and when she went to him switched to Motions, her hair is doing fine but I'm a stick to one thing kinda gal anyway hence my hesistance, so maybe I'll just see if he can keep applying my Dudley Mild.

Since you are going to a licensed professional, he should be able to get whatever brand you desire. I've never used Motions but I read through all the responses in this thread. I think you have the right idea...Just keep on using your Dudly mild brand but go to this new Hair Health Stylist.

You should probably request his opinions about the 2 brands. He might be very well informed. Do you burn very easily?
It wasn't bad. I just like ORS lye better.

Under processed hair wasn't an issue for me, but I'm starting to wonder if it contributed to thinning my hair.
Mook's hair said:
Since you are going to a licensed professional, he should be able to get whatever brand you desire. I've never used Motions but I read through all the responses in this thread. I think you have the right idea...Just keep on using your Dudly mild brand but go to this new Hair Health Stylist.

You should probably request his opinions about the 2 brands. He might be very well informed. Do you burn very easily?

Not too easily, there's always two spots though around my left side and right side that seem to catch it a little sooner than the rest, and this is since using LYE and since the hairdresser would apply to my new growth then start from the back and apply to the rest of the length of my already processed strands. :mad: I'm excited about this new guy though, I've heard too many success stories to not give him a try. I feel like finally, a professional I can trust will be with my on my hair growth & health goals at least for my touch-ups, which can make or break progress.
I swear this stuff is a mislabeled deep conditioner.:perplexed It did nothing for my hair and I used it twice, I was so underprocessed, the second time I left it on for a little longer than rec. and still!
I used it a few time in college, but I was left underprocessed every time. I just gave up relaxers ater that experience.

But now I use Silk Elements Regular.
Everybodys responses are making sense. I'm away from home in London for a couple of months. I spent probably two hours in the beauty supply store trying to find the right relaxer...ended up picking motions because that's what my family likes to use.

This was my second time relaxing my own hair, but I was ready. I put it on thoroughly and combed it, I had enough time. My scalp wasn't burning (I really don't irritate my scalp so it didn't have a reason to burn). I left it on the maximum amount of time and I still had new growth left!

I always thought I had overly thick hair bc my texture is thicker than my mom's, but now I know it was just the motions! I feel better. I'm throwing my bottle away and next time I'll use Mizani, or another one that seems to work for a lot of people at LHCF.

So underprocessed that I could not even call it texlaxed. I might as well have used conditioner in place of that ish :mad:
I been using MOTION HERBAL for yrs its great ,but for some odd reason (APRIL3 ,) it underprocess my hair BIG TYME.
maybe it need to use regular instead of MILD next time
SvelteVelvet said:
Hi ya'll! So my next relaxer isn't due until July but I'm doing my research now. I'm planning on ONLY going to the salon for touch-ups and that's every 3 months. After telling my sis about my overlapping stylist she's recommended me to hers which is around her hometown (bout 30 mins. away), it's a guy and his whole concentration is on healthy hair. (I rewarded her with about a 1/5 of BT I had left in my first bottle)

Anyway, his salon is called "Timz Healthy Hair" She went to him after her stylist for years caused her thick APL hair to break off. When she went to him he evened off her hair to about earlength and now it's about the same length as mine, maybe a tad shorter if anything. She also says everyone who goes to him who started off with short hair it's now long and thick and healthy. Great!! Well my only hesitance is he uses Motions. And I remember the general consensus on LHCF is Motions is bad bad bad. Well, I'd just like to know why you came up with that verdict. Underprocessing or drying/breakage? Please specify the strength and type you used and the specific problem you experienced after. Thanks alot ladies!

Broke, broke, broke my hair off, off, off and left it thin and brownish red. Regular no-lye at the salon..No more for me..the pretty model advertising ladies in the yellow dresses made me try it for a broken while!:(
Ok, well I've drawn hope from my sis, and miss Letitia and Lovely Z's success with Motions and I'm going ...this Friday! I'm 10 weeks post, and tried to go 13 as in my siggy but it's not happening, it's starting to shed/break and so I'm going to pay attention to those signs, especially since I experience very little to no breakage normally so perhaps 10 wks is going to be my maximum from now on. I was going to try to self touch-up but I'm nervous still, I need to build up to that a little more, so I scheduled with him.

I explained how I've used Dudley in the past and I became disappointed in my last stylist because she insisted on applying to my already processed strands. The first time I know she did it as a 'corrective' from the no-lye stuff and we were doing treatments for a while before so the outcome was great. It was silky straight, yet strong and thick at the same time with lots of bounce and I was in awe. But I know overtime that's not going to be healthy for my hair. Which is why the second time, my hair didn't feel too great afterward. He understands touch-up means only on new growth. I asked him if Motions was the only relaxer he used and he really sticks by it and assured me I would be fine. I'm trusting and will do all I can to make sure everything goes ok. I can handle a little underprocessing, I can even appreciate it because I want to maintain thickness as it grows. So I'm gonna go for it. I'm bringing my wide-tooth comb too and before I even sit in his chair he's going to know straight up not to comb my wet hair with a fine-tooth and there will be no trimming.

I'll post pics and update you guys on my experience. Thanks again for all your input!