Why did you go natural?


New Member
Hello ladies (and gents?) :) As a former lurker, I noticed quite a few of you have decided to make the jump to natural. For those of you who are transitioning or went for the big chop, what made you decide to do so?

Personally, my hair's been natural all my life up until 3 years ago (got it texturized). Until recently, I never really valued my natural texture (4b ALL the way.. it would be a 4c if there was such a thing), so it's kind of funny (and foreign) to me that going natural can be a big thing. So, for those who've made the jump or want to make it, I'm completely interested in why it's important to you and how you came to your decision!

**Side note: Please forgive me if this is the millionth post asking the same question. I'm still new!
Im relaxed now buti was natural for three years.
I became natural because i was fed up haveing damaged hair and not knowing how to look after it...i had only been relaxed for about two years and never before that.
I missed having healthy hair even though i still have healthy relaxed hair now but back then i didnt know what the heck i was doing!
i have learnt a lot more thanks to this board
I wanted to know my natural hair texture because I had been relaxed since about 4 years old and never new what my natural hair felt like. Plus, my hair was damaged from all the relaxers and it wasnt growing like it shouldda been. I transitioned for a year in braids then BC'd. I been relaxer free for over a year and I love it.
I saw so many women with beautiful natural hair and I wondered why I couldn't wear my hair natural too. Plus, I feel that my natural hair makes me more attractive. People think I must be from some exotic place because of my hair, and I'm like, no, this is how most black women's hair looks in its natural state.
Here are my answers from 2 other threads asking this:

I am transitioning because when I initially found LHCF I was looking to grow long, healthy & relaxed hair. I had no idea what my natural hair texture was like and didn't really care. After browsing around the site for a while I began to realize the potential of 'our' hair. I realized that I did not need a relaxer to look cute. And, that you didn't need "good" hair to wear your hair naturally. I was a slave mentally and physically to that relaxer... I knew no better. Since January (when I found this site) I have totally embraced my naps. I haven't even been tempted to relax. Another thing I have a daughter that I hope to teach that she doesn't NEED a relaxer,period.


1. What were the reasons for getting you to take this big step?
I had no idea what my natural hair texture was like and didn't really care. After browsing around the site for a while I began to realize the potential of 'our' hair. I realized that I did not need a relaxer to look cute. And, that you didn't need "good" hair to wear your hair naturally. I was a slave mentally and physically to that relaxer... I knew no better.
2. Did you have a relaxer or texturizer?
3. Any difficulties that made you give up or almost give up?
I haven't even been tempted to relax.
4. For those that are now 100% natural any regrets?
Not even one.
5. How does managability, styling, and dryness(if you have any) compare from being relaxed, texturized, compare to being natural.
When I style it, I have more realistic expectations. I don't expect smooth silky hair; because that's not what I was born with. As I experience my hair more it becomes easier to do. I know what my hair likes.
6. Did you have to change haircare regime, products?
I am just much more conscious of what I use on my hair.

1. Tired of depending on relaxers as the ultimate source of beauty.

2. My hairdresser's support, and then she moved out of the state five months later.

3. Wanted "shake and go" hair, but didn't know that I could do it until I discovered the hair boards.

This month (Sept. 16) is the one-year mark of my last and final relaxer! I didn't think it was possible! But it is!:)

Welcome to LCHF!
PittGirl06 said:
I wanted to know my natural hair texture because I had been relaxed since about 4 years old and never new what my natural hair felt like. Plus, my hair was damaged from all the relaxers and it wasnt growing like it shouldda been. I transitioned for a year in braids then BC'd. I been relaxer free for over a year and I love it.

what she said only I BCed, had a short 3 month transition:lachen: :lachen: plus the less I have to do to keep my hair healthy the better
sarel said:
Hello ladies (and gents?) :) As a former lurker, I noticed quite a few of you have decided to make the jump to natural. For those of you who are transitioning or went for the big chop, what made you decide to do so?

Personally, my hair's been natural all my life up until 3 years ago (got it texturized). Until recently, I never really valued my natural texture (4b ALL the way.. it would be a 4c if there was such a thing), so it's kind of funny (and foreign) to me that going natural can be a big thing. So, for those who've made the jump or want to make it, I'm completely interested in why it's important to you and how you came to your decision!

For some, including myself, when you have been relaxed for 15,20,+ years is is hard. You are coming from a relaxed state of mind. It is totally new. My first chemical was at about the age of 11-13, so I actually never washed my natural hair myself. Lawdy, was that an experience.:lol: I was so use to using a little bit of shampoo, slapping it on and rinsing. Not that easy with my natural hair. the first time I washed I had to rinse like 5-6 times. My hair was sooooo much thicker.

I went natural because I love natural hairstyles. I wanted to try something new. A relaxer is so extra for me because my hair mos def needs ALOT of protien to thive with a relaxer. I could always relax again but for now I am staying natural.
im still transitioning, since july 2005

i decided to go natural , because for as long as i can remember ive been relaxed(yes my mom relaxed me that young)

id just to see what my natural hair looks like an see how long i can grow it.
also. its easy to flatiron if i ever want a straight style so to me its the best of both the curly an straight worlds.
PittGirl06 said:
I wanted to know my natural hair texture because I had been relaxed since about 4 years old and never new what my natural hair felt like.

Me too! Plus I was tired of relaxed hair and it seemed time consuming. I've been natural 2 years and I :love: it!
... cuz I wanted to see & feel my natural hair for the 1st time that I could remember (after 18 yrs of being relaxed)
I went Natural because I was just tired of relaxing my hair, My relaxed hair wasn't breaking or damaged, I just wanted wash and go hair and I got it and I love it, even though I have my frustrations from time to time, buteven though you are natural you still have to care for your hair properly, but I am happy with my nappy hair. I didn't transition I just cut it off as soon as I got some new growth LOL!!!!! I am Impatient.
I was sick and tired of spending $55 at the salon to last 6-8 weeks. I ended up beginning my transition by accident, I really didn't think much of it, I just didn't get a relaxer. I found this board at the same time and have decided to continue my transition. I love my natural texture!
I'd decided to transition first, then I looked for information, and stumbled upon hair forums.

I simply could think of any reason I wanted to still be relaxed. I hated getting a fresh retouch (although I loved how it felt afterward), hated trying to find a few hours to go to the shop (never wanted to be there on a Friday night or Saturday). I stretched anyway, so I just decided one day that I might as well go natural.

I was relaxed for over 20 years, so for me, it was sort of a big deal.
I always toyed with the idea. Some LHCF members had a lot of success with natural so I took the plunge. I love it. I don't think I will ever go back. I may flat iron but not perm it.
LOL...my experience had NOTHING to do with "finding my roots" so to speak.

I was living in Paris, needed a touch-up, went to some African salon where I didn't speak enough French to effectively communicate, and they didn't speak any English (and rightfully so). Long story short, I had the MOST horrific experience and thought I was going to walk up out of there bald.

SO I decided this is silly and I'm not doing this anymore to myself...so I just stopped perming.

And for about 2 years I was like "now why am I doing THIS to myself".

And then I started learning how to do MY hair... and it's "all good" (or getting better).

Will I never go back to relaxing my hair? Of course not...one day I Might slap some relaxer in this scalp again.

I'm just having fun. It's like white girls and color - mix it up, play with it, ENJOY it. Whether relaxed or natural - love your hair. Its fun. :)
Hi. I actually was natural for five years about eight years ago. My hair began falling out in clumps due to stress in starting med school and bad self-perms. I did the big BC before I knew what a BC even was, and put my hair in braids. By the time I decided to perm again, my hair was to BSL.

After about five years of perms, my hair began breaking off. I went to a salon with a sister that I thought knew how to do hair, but the only thing she did well was to cut my hair unevenly to my ears. :mad: Since then, my hair has not passed my shoulders. And then, the breaking began again ('specially in my crown--where it has alwys started! :ohwell: ). Now, I am done with perms. Plus, I am now mentally in place that I respect, love, and I 'm not ashamed of the curly kinks that God gave me. So, I am in transition again. :p
Basically....*my* natural hair demands LESS than my relaxed hair. And the less I have to deal with my hair the better :lol:
So many reasons...

I was tired of all the drama associated with relaxing my hair (scalp burns, the intense scalp itch when a touch-up was due, hair breakage, etc.)

Relaxed hair styles started to look boring and common to me

I knew my natural hair texture and knew I could manage it

I find natural hair styles beautiful

I have the ultimate hair styling flexibility as a natural and can wear straight hair whenever I desire, which happens to be not very often

Being able to get my hair wet without worry (rain, swimming, humidity -- no problem!)

The thought of continuing relaxers into my later years is very unappealing

I have absolutely no intentions of ever relaxing my hair again. Texturizing is also not an option.
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What I wrote from another post simular to this.

I cut off my healthy permed hair 3 years ago. I did not have problems taking care of my relaxed hair.

I just wanted to be natural. I think natural, nappy, kinky, coily, hair is fly.

I love the way my natural hair feels like cotton.
The way it loves water, I don't have to run out of the rain.
I love the way it curls up around my finger when I am playing in it.
I love how versitile it is. I can do every style out there fro, twist, braids, straight, mohawk, roller set, et.....
and without extentions (I am not trying to make the chinese rich any more)

I also got tired of the salon over night stays

someone on another site said she thought about how she was applying a chemical on her head that had all kinds of warnings on the box. You have to wear gloves to apply this chemical to your head. It made me think. All the scabs and soars are are not worth it to me at this time.

Mostly that society had me so brain washed into thinking that how God made me was bad!

I think India Arie said it best. I AM NOT MY HAIR.

Don't get me wrong I like natural and relaxed her.
But for know I am loving my Nappiness

When I lived in Atlanta (March 2004) I had the hairdresser from h#ll expereince to the point I had to go to the doctor. I waited for 6 months before I got a perm again and then 2 months before the next perm. Well in June 2005 I went to a salon to get a touch up and about 2 weeks after that I notice alot of shedding. In September 2005 I went to my first LHCF meeting and the ladies there told me to give my hair a break, so I thought about it for awhile and had braids all winter. Now it has been a year since my last relaxer.

I did not think that I would like my natural hair but I have been receiving compliments from men alot lately about my hair and the funny thing about it they have not been black men either.

So I guess I can say I am like ever other woman out there. There are good and bad hair days. ;)
I found it difficult to grow my super fine hair with a relaxer. My strands always seemed to be melting away and no amount of product could control my hair. I always walked around looking "tore up" even though I put much effort into styling it. It wouldn't hold a curl and none of my wraps stayed put and I had major flyaways.
I went natural because my hair was really damaged from relaxers. It broke as soon as I ran a comb or my fingers through it.
I decided to go natural for several reasons:

1. It was getting too time-consuming to work out consistently and re-style my hair everyday, not to mention how damaging daily heat styling can be.

2, After watching a season of ANTM and watching some of the girls with natural hair, a light bulb went off for me and I realized natural care could really look cute. I began wondering what my hair would look like (after years of relaxing it and fighting my natural curls.) I think this decision also tied in with turning 40 and getting to a point in my life where I began learning to accept who I am -- my hair, my body, etc. It was the best decision I ever made! I can have curls in less than a minute OR with a little more effort, I can have straight hair when I want a change. I have the best of both worlds.
I went natural at the advice of my husband. After I had our son, my hair started falling out really bad. I was so frustrated and my husband just said one day "Just cut it all off and start over" And that's exactly what I did. I didn't even transition. I was like 7 weeks post relaxer and I cut my hair myself down to about 1/2" (or less). It was awkward at first but now, 5 months later, I have about 3-4" of hair and I am loving it. I don't think I would feel this way about my natural hair if I wouldn't of stumbled on LHCF.
I am going natural because there is nothing wrong with my hair so why should I have to alter it chemically. God made my the way I am for a reason and I now just don't want to relax. I think sometimes if black people had spent as much time learning to take care of our natural hair as we did trying to create things to alter it we wouldn't have the issues with it ( hair) as we do now and the need for these types of boards ( don't get me wrong I love the boards). I just wish we didn't think we had to look a certain way in order to looked at as beautiful. But back to the question, I love to jump in the shower and get my head wet and not worry that I have to blow dry , flat iron , wrap etc.. I hate worry that the hot Florida sun is gonna make my sweat and my hair will look a mess. It has just become to much. I kinda feel like when I relax I'm hiding. It's like I look like this but no one is supposed to see it cause its bad. So I have 5 more months then the flimsy relax ends are getting cut. Hope that made sense and didn't sound negative. lol
It was a combination of things. Spiritually it was a rebirth for me and the start of my journey towards ministry, although I didn't know it at the time. Also I had just moved from GA to NM and my hair wasn't thriving. My hair was almost waistlength and I was just fed up. I loved the length but it was not healthy. I had always wanted to go natural and not have to be a slave to the relaxer and started off by just stretching. I did that for like 2-4 months and then I cut my hair to a chin length bob and put braids in and later finally cut the remainder off. What I love most is the versatility, no worries about avoiding scratching my scalp or patting my head to avoid scratching, no burning, scabs, just freedom. Not to say it hasn't been easy but it will be 5 years this year and it was the best decision I ever made. Q