Why did you cut my babys %#$%# hair! (vent)


Active Member
Ladies, I am so PISSED! :mad:

Why did my husbands grandmother cut my daughters hair! :mad:

Wanna hear the story here it goes .......

My grandmother-in-law is babysitting my 2 girls for the summer. Yesterday was their first day with her. After work my mother-in-law droped them off at home and guess what!

MY BABY HAD A $%#$ HAIRCUT! Not a trim ladies! A HAIRCUT!

My daughter is 1! So of course I'm highly pissed off. I call the grandmother.

Me: Did you cut my daughters hair?

Grandmother: Huh?

Me: Did you cut my daughters hair?

Grandmother: O yeah I just cleaned her ends up a little bit

Me: I dont cut my daughters hair and no one else should be w/o consulting me!

Grandmother: Baby, I've always cut my girls hair its just something I do

Me: Excuse me!?!?

Grandmother: Her hair was uneven (smacking lips getting an attitude)

Me: Please, dont cut my daughters hair ever again!

Grandmother: Fine, I'll leave her hair alone. I hope you will not have any hard feelings over this?

Ladies, I just hung up. I didnt know what else to say or do. I couldnt go off
on my husbands grandmother b/c she is his grandmother and she is also doing us a favor by keeping the little ones over the summer, but, why did she have to cut my babys hair?
:whyme: I'm so hurt and mad about this!
Why would someone cut a 1 yr olds hair?

Why? A little girls hair at that!????

Here is a picture of her hair before .... I'm to upset to post the after picture

Her hair cant even fit into one ponytail anymore! :mad:



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I usually play devils advocate for old people, but I think granny was wrong for this one.:ohwell: That baby wears a curly puff! Why would you even up a puff on a baby?:perplexed I think she just wanted something exciting to do. :look:

She is still a lil cutie though :yep:
OH Goodness! i seen the title and had a HORRIBLE flashback of my 1st born:mad: My son was about 1 1/2 and he spent the weekend at my bf's moms house and she shaved his head BALD. She said she cut it cuz he wouldn't her comb it:( Oh I am too mad now I gotta go take a breather.....
I am speechless and I have similiar problems with my mother-in-law. I caught her lighting a damn cigarette when my baby was just 5 months old. I had to grab him go outside. Then my stupid self let her keep him agin two weeks ago and he came back with about seven mosquitos bites.I know my DH might TRY to fight me on this one,:mad: but I dont think she will be keeping him again. He's 15 month now and I never let him out at dusk or dawn. The west nile virus is no joke esp for kids and the elderly.
OMG, the girls are so cute! Those little grins on their faces...:lol:

You did the right thing, letting that woman know in no uncertain terms she better not ever cut your child's hair again. Who would cut a kid's hair without permission??? I just don't get it! :perplexed

From now on, just be polite and pleasant to her, since she is watching the girls...and remember, she is old. You don't want to fight with Grandma and have her keel over...;)
just kidding.

Don't worry. Your baby's hair will grow back, and she's so young, she probably won't even remember the haircut episode.
Oh she is so cute:) !

I would be mad too. There are certain things only a parent (especially mother) should decide because I think I wouldnt be happy even if I came home and hubby had cut my child's hair without asking first.

I have heard about other family members deciding to pierce children's ears without asking the parents first:eek: . I dont care how we are related you just dont do that.
:nono: I can only shake my head in disbelief. :nono:

I feel bad for you because I know how pissed I would be if someone did that to my daughter's hair. The only positive thing I can say is that it will grow back. I know it doesn't make you feel better, but I don't know what else to say. I would definitely be pissed!

BTW...your daughter has beautiful hair in the pictures. She is sooooo adorable!

Good Luck to you!
I'm sorry to hear that. I could see if she had changed the little one's hair style (i.e. put in in pigtails or something), but taking scissors to her head is out of line!
I'd be pretty furious myself but the girls are absolute DOLLS!! That first picture made me crack up!!
I know how you feel, take a deep breath and let it go. Your little girls are soooo cute, thank God her hair will grow back and I know Grandma won't cut it again---If she is wanting something to do send over books so she may read to them...
WTH was Grandma thinking??? :mad: She really over-stepped her boundaries with that one. Im glad that you didnt sugar coat it, and were very clear about how angry you were. She was way out of line, and its best that you check that inappropriate behavior right now so that it doesnt happen ever again.

And mind you, I have always been one for respecting my elders.... but this is one situation where I wouldnt try to downplay or minimize my angst. I am apalled and in shock over this. I agree with SistaSlick..... when little girls wear puff balls, there is nothing about that style that would make one think "Oh, their ends need to be trimmed." Its not like they were wearing it down and straight. Grandma was clearly just bored and looking for entertaining. *smh*

Thank GOODNESS she is so young and it will quickly grow back.... imagine if this had happened when your daughter was older, like around age ten or so. It would have been equally traumatizing for her as well.

Btw, both of your girls are sooo adorable. They look just like two precious little angels. :)
I don't know why grandparents feel they have the right to do anything without your consent. I can tell you countless numbers of stories similar to this one, except that involved was a 2 year old child and her grandmother took it upon herself to relax that baby's head. This is a total violation of respect for you and your daughter.
Bublnbrnsuga said:
I don't know why grandparents feel they have the right to do anything without your consent. I can tell you countless numbers of stories similar to this one, except that involved was a 2 year old child and her grandmother took it upon herself to relax that baby's head. This is a total violation of respect for you and your daughter.

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
Bublnbrnsuga said:
I don't know why grandparents feel they have the right to do anything without your consent. I can tell you countless numbers of stories similar to this one, except that involved was a 2 year old child and her grandmother took it upon herself to relax that baby's head. This is a total violation of respect for you and your daughter.

Dear lord...please tell me this isn't true. That person deserves a good whupping. :mad::mad:
Lawd have mercy..... :mad: :eek: I'm mad at grandma right with you....my in-laws know not to touch my daughter's hair....I believe they know I'd f*** somebody up seriously!

Your girls are too cute!!!
Awww they soooo purrrttyy!! Okay, you know grandmothers thing they have some sort of "rights" and cant nobody tell em' nothin'! I'd take a breather, keep caring for her hair,give a kiddie multi vit and be done...
WomanlyCharm said:
Dear lord...please tell me this isn't true. That person deserves a good whupping. :mad::mad:

Sadly enough, I've heard the same type of story from a friend of mine in college:ohwell: . I was shocked too. She was too young to remember her aunt relaxing her hair (she heard the story from her mother), but even over a decade later she was still mad at her aunt's audacity. She felt like her aunt messed her hair up, and would often talk longingly about how her hair was before that time (from looking at pictures). She has since gone natural.
I know how you feel, it is an ongoing battle with family members for them to leave our daughters hair alone.
My mother in law cut her hair once too. I went off.
Then her other grandmother kept trying to sneak a relaxer in her hair , but our daughter has called us up each time b4 she had a chance to do it. She won't listen. Leave her %&$#@$& hair alone.
She is like.. but she' is 14 years old.....AND?? do not touch her hair please.
Im still lost on what would make her think it was ok or even begin to cut her hair? I wouldve been hot and just mightve lost it.
WomanlyCharm said:
Dear lord...please tell me this isn't true. That person deserves a good whupping. :mad::mad:

Me and the mom had to grow her hair out!
your babies are beautiful.:) This is an unfortunate situation but at least you spoke your mind and hopefully nipped that kind of behavior in the bud. Your baby is still very young and her hair will probably grow back fast. I do feel your pain though and I would be pissed too....
I'm so sorry to hear this. No one should be doing anything to a child's hair or body(haircuts, piercings, tattoos) without getting the parents' permission first. Grandmothers think they have some kind of special privileges and honestly I think they pull a lot of crap that they know is wrong because they're old and figure no one will give them a hard time about it.

I wouldn't be breathing a sigh of relief just yet though if I were you. I would NOT put it past this grandma to do something like this again eventually. You're probably locked in for this summer, but next time you need long term childcare get someone else to do it. Also, tell whoever it is THIS story about the haircut and that they are not to be making ANY changes to your child's hair or body without your consent.

I have heard of stories of grandmothers getting little girls ears pierced after Mom and Dad have specifically said no. People can be brought up on ASSAULT charges for doing things like this.
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You know, I'm a mother of a three-year-old girl... For once, I dont' know what to say.

I know one thing...

:censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored:

I would've cussed that woman out!!!!!!!!!!! (And would've prayed for forgiveness later!)
Your daughter's hair will grow back in no time. I have learned with other people you have to give them explicit details of what can/can't be done to the kids hair.

Take a breather, tell granny & whomever else (cause you know the story is gonna spread thru the family) they'll get the funk out it try that stuff again!!

BTW the girls are gorgeous.
[QUOTE=Bublnbrnsuga]I don't know why grandparents feel they have the right to do anything without your consent. I can tell you countless numbers of stories similar to this one, except that involved was a 2 year old child and her grandmother took it upon herself to relax that baby's head. This is a total violation of respect for you and your daughter.[/QUOTE]

I totally agree. Grandmothers and sometimes mothers don't want to respect thier children and grandchildren's opinions because they figure they have the authority,

"cause I raised yo ***! and i don raised 6 chilluns",. :ohwell: They think they know better but they don't. The number of "chilluns" they raised does not mean they had adequate parenting skills.

Those girls are cute as can be! They had gorgeous little tiny curls. OK now I'm mad.:mad:

Get your husband involved and tell her that you want her in the children's lives but that you are in charge of thier hair care and using certain products and you do not want her to cut thier hair ever again and that there is nothing wrong with thier hair.

I know it is hard to speak up, but the fact is, grandmothers are sometimes lonely and glad to have the childen's company and she just might comply especially if she thinks you might take them away.

MizAvalon is right. This can be considered an assault and she can be charged for this. Cutting a person's hair used to be a punishment for certain crimes in order to inflict shame and to humiliate for the appropriate offense.

It is unusual for grandmothers to cut a child's hair. Is she going senile? How much hair does granny have? Tell her next time you'll take the scissors to her old ***.:lol:
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I can't believe she would think this would be OK with you! I understand how you feel because my Aunt cut my little sister's hair without permission and I was just as mad as my mom. Good thing is that her hair will grow back but you were more than justified to be pissed and to tell her to never do it again.

ETA: Both of your daughters are beautiful!
Thanks for the kind and encouraging words ladies! :kiss:
I hope it doesnt sound weird but I cried about my babys hair last night.

I'm just in such disbelief!

My baby's hair is GONE!

and I cant get it back! :cry3:

I know it will grow back but its just the fact that her hair was cut!

For no reason at all! Her length diminished :mad:

I think Im going to braid her hair for the rest of the summer that way I will

not have to worry about anyone all up in here hair!