Why did she ask me if I cut my Hair?

mika vs sasha

New Member
I walked into the office this morning, wearing a cute braid out. I mean this is the best braid out I've worn!! I sectioned my hair into 13 braids, and my hair has tons of volume and no dry ends. I thought I was way too cute untilI one of my co-workers asked me if I cut my hair. I really hate shrinkage!! I was so upset b/c I don't want to hear that my hair looks shorter, I want just the opposite.
well, braidouts and even rollersets or any style that's not straight will always make your hair look shorter than it really is. ;)
mika vs sasha said:
I walked into the office this morning, wearing a cute braid out. I mean this is the best braid out I've worn!! I sectioned my hair into 13 braids, and my hair has tons of volume and no dry ends. I thought I was way too cute untilI one of my co-workers asked me if I cut my hair. I really hate shrinkage!! I was so upset b/c I don't want to hear that my hair looks shorter, I want just the opposite.

Maybe she meant did you get it 'done.' Where I grew up saying you got a hair cut was the same as saying you got it done. This was particularly true for the white women, but it seems hairdressers of all types love to cut. Don't feel bad, shrinkage equals healthy hair.
mika vs sasha said:
I walked into the office this morning, wearing a cute braid out. I mean this is the best braid out I've worn!! I sectioned my hair into 13 braids, and my hair has tons of volume and no dry ends. I thought I was way too cute untilI one of my co-workers asked me if I cut my hair. I really hate shrinkage!! I was so upset b/c I don't want to hear that my hair looks shorter, I want just the opposite.
you know what....was this co-worker white???

cuz ive noticed that whenever a black person does ANYTHING different to their hair, a white person will always ask, "oh did you get a hair cut?" and its because they cannot fathom the versatility of black folks' hair! white people generally have one option when it comes to hair styling they can wear it long, or they can cut it....we, on the other hand have the best of both worlds!! they dont get it. its alright...just bear with them :D
mika vs sasha said:
I walked into the office this morning, wearing a cute braid out. I mean this is the best braid out I've worn!! I sectioned my hair into 13 braids, and my hair has tons of volume and no dry ends. I thought I was way too cute untilI one of my co-workers asked me if I cut my hair. I really hate shrinkage!! I was so upset b/c I don't want to hear that my hair looks shorter, I want just the opposite.

Because some people don't understand that adding curl or wave to the hair = less apparent length!
Or like some other people said, maybe she was just asking if you'd 'had it done'.

When I wore a braidout into work a colleage said "oh, you've had your hair done"... I said "no"... but couldn't be bothered to explain.
I get asked that ALL the time lol. And yes by white co-workers. Mainly whenever I have washed my hair--it's shorter on the first day.
While I was relaxed and wore my wash and go to work for the first time in my new group, one of my co-workers asked me the same thing. While I was thinking, if you noticed a change in the length then surely you noticed that it was STRAIGHT yesterday and CURLY today, nevertheless, I just smiled and said no. This co-worker was white and sometimes they just don't get it. I don't think she meant any harm, they just don't understand shrinkage :ohwell:
Shatani said:
you know what....was this co-worker white???

cuz ive noticed that whenever a black person does ANYTHING different to their hair, a white person will always ask, "oh did you get a hair cut?" and its because they cannot fathom the versatility of black folks' hair! white people generally have one option when it comes to hair styling they can wear it long, or they can cut it....we, on the other hand have the best of both worlds!! they dont get it. its alright...just bear with them :D

Yep!! I got kinky twist & got asked the same thing. I put on a straight wig & got asked the same thing. They just don't know any better.:ohwell:
Shatani said:
you know what....was this co-worker white???

cuz ive noticed that whenever a black person does ANYTHING different to their hair, a white person will always ask, "oh did you get a hair cut?" and its because they cannot fathom the versatility of black folks' hair! white people generally have one option when it comes to hair styling they can wear it long, or they can cut it....we, on the other hand have the best of both worlds!! they dont get it. its alright...just bear with them :D

ITA! I spent the majority of my middle school dayz after a relaxer with that same daymn question! :lol: