
New Member
So last night I had my first dream ever about hair! It was gorgeous too! It was a full blunt waist length like my dream goal is. I put it in a low ponytail then took it down and put it in a high ponytail. Then I took it out and swung it around. It felt so luscious... :drunk: In my dream I kept doing length checks. :lachen: I just couldn't believe it was all mine! I kept saying to myself (in the dream) I've finally made it! I made it! Then I woke up to not even SL hair...:sad:
LOL This is so funny! I dreamt I was waist length, too, last night! It was glorious! I hope dreams help with length retention somehow, cuz I've been having this dream at least once a week!
I'm glad you had a pleasant dream. Be glad for it because it gave you a visual of what you are striving for. Much better than my dream last night. I flat ironed my hair for a length check. Not only was my hair the same length but it kept breaking and shedding and took out half my density. So glad to wake up from that! lol

You'll get to WL! You already know what to do.....so just be patient and it will come!
omg! I had my WL dream too!
In the dream.....I had on that same suit that Halle Berry had on in catwoman, with a bomb a$$ body and I was running from the cops!
My hair was waistlength and as I was running it it fanned out behind me like silk!
I hated to wake up from that!

But as everyone else stated Miryoku...if you can dream it, you can achieve it!
We WILL get our waistlength girl! lol
omg! I had my WL dream too!
In the dream.....I had on that same suit that Halle Berry had on in catwoman, with a bomb a$$ body and I was running from the cops!
My hair was waistlength and as I was running it it fanned out behind me like silk!
I hated to wake up from that!

But as everyone else stated Miryoku...if you can dream it, you can achieve it!
We WILL get our waistlength girl! lol

Me too! Me too! I have dreamt twice now that I went to stretch my hair for a length check and my hair stretched all the way to my waist. I remember feeling how natural it felt to be able to do that. So much so, that it felt odd that my hair stopped at APL when I woke up :yep:
all this talk about dreams and I had one last night about my hair being wl too. talk about amazing. it feels so achievable now.
Omg this is such a coincedence I was just telling JMoe about my WL dream actually I was MBL (thats my goal length) and it felt so real and I kept telling my daughter like omg omg take a pic I have to call JMoe I have to call her, I think Im MBL. I just took my sew in down after about 6 wks and I didnt take my braids down bc I preepoo'd overnite, I was doing some real wishful thinking lol
hahaha! U know this is something I've been trying to do recently! I'm trying to actualize all the things i want. I want a certain parking spot on my block, i start thinking about it before I even get to my house and lo and behold there it is. I have a LOT of self esteem issues when it comes to my hair and I've been so negative to my own hair. I need to start the self love to it all over again so I'm imagining it full armpit length and nat'l with some fat braids! Happy dreaming! lol
I would have rather have had your dream than mine last night. In my dream, I rubbed relaxer all over my natural hair and ran through the park with my arms spread wide singing the theme to "The Sound of Music":perplexed
I would have rather have had your dream than mine last night. In my dream, I rubbed relaxer all over my natural hair and ran through the park with my arms spread wide singing the theme to "The Sound of Music":perplexed
:lachen: whats going on?
thats an awesome dream :spinning:
anyway i too had the WL hair dream, it was very pleasant...