Why certain parts of your hair can appear looser in certain areas...

I wonder how many naturals this is true for.

I wore wash n'gos 95% of the time during my first 2 years and didn't use heat. I just have 3 different curl patterns with different strand thicknesses :lol:. Luckily all of it's at least cottony-kinky. There are even 2 distinct curl types right beside each other in the front of my hair. One side even hangs down longer than the other because it's looser. My crown hangs down lower because it's looser that the true 4a back section. By my ears it's just frizzy 4b puff while the rest of my hair has a obvious curl pattern.

I still think for many, it's just how our hair is :drunk:.
My front is loose yet still kinky. My kitchen is a different texture all together, silky 3C/4A, I guess? The rest is 4A/B combo.
For me, it's the hair in my back that is much, much looser and silkier than the rest of my hair. The hair in the front is curlier than the rest.
I always secretly believed multiple textures on the same head was rarer than people claim and more for reasons in that article. But I think that's mostly because my texture is so uniform. So for the longest time, I'd just nod & smile when ladies would list a host of different textures. Lol. :-)
Back when I manipulated more I had loose patches in the front middle and back.

Now that I have stopped manipulating and using combs for nearly 2 years I still have loose patches in the front, middle and back.:look:

I do think when I manipulated with combing my hair it made those patches seem even more defined in waves though.
I'm torn on what to believe because most naturals I see who wear their hair out 90% of the time do have a more uniform pattern.

But at the same time I have curls of different sizes. My hairline has no curl patter what so ever... the back is clearly 4a.... The crown the curls are between 4a and 3c.... my hair was like this even when growing out from my twa when I couldn't pull it up or back... so IDK.... =\
I'm torn on what to believe because most naturals I see who wear their hair out 90% of the time do have a more uniform pattern.


I don't know about everybody, but most naturals I see are wearing their hair in twistout, twists, or picked out. I don't see too many wash n'gos, and that would be the least manipulated style. Also, for my hair at least, what products and how much I do and don't use on my hair will change the uniformity or lack there of. Snooty gels like KCCC and Darcy's Curling Custard made every different curl pattern on my head stand out so badly. Using the same amount of gel on the front and top of my hair as the tighter back can have that effect too. But if my hair isn't well moisturized and completely shrunken, it looks like a lumpy cotton ball with curls poking out here and there :lachen:.
I wear a wash and go everyday in warm weather and still have several textures. I'm sure other people can't tell unless they are all in my head.

Varied curls are common. I remember watching a program one time where the stylist was known for creating realistic curly looks and his secret was to vary the size of the curls.

My daughter is uniform 4a and that is more of an oddity to me to have the exact same curl size everywhere.
I don't know about everybody, but most naturals I see are wearing their hair in twistout, twists, or picked out. I don't see too many wash n'gos, and that would be the least manipulated style. Also, for my hair at least, what products and how much I do and don't use on my hair will change the uniformity or lack there of. Snooty gels like KCCC and Darcy's Curling Custard made every different curl pattern on my head stand out so badly. Using the same amount of gel on the front and top of my hair as the tighter back can have that effect too. But if my hair isn't well moisturized and completely shrunken, it looks like a lumpy cotton ball with curls poking out here and there :lachen:.

Alicia James on YT wears a wash and gos allll the time and her hair looks pretty uniform... I have to look through my subscriptions to see who else she's the only one who comes to mind right away but Naptural85 did a wash and go this summer and he curls looked uniform as well... Denimpixie too
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Nah... what if you don't have tension? I rarely wear buns, used to wear wash-n-gos for the first year of being natural and I wear two stranded twists now. The nape area for me is at least a 4A while the rest of my hair is clearly 4B and maybe even 4C.
Unless this can permanently change your curl pattern, this is not true in my case. You can clearly see at my roots the various curl patterns. And when my hair is wet, the various curl patterns are very evident. I have a strip about 5" wide from my forehead to my nape that's 2Bish/3Aish and no amount of tension can create that difference in texture (the rest of my hair is 3Bish).

Also, when I used to shave my head, you could see the differences as my hair grew in.
Many of us long term naturals have noticed it. The hair closest to our forehead or nape is easier to detangle, softer and the curl pattern appears little looser than the rest of our hair. We are quick to assume that we have multiple textures but somehow we don’t consider that manipulation may play a big role in why our textures vary so much throughout our head. Even though to all intents and purposes it may look like your texture is just naturally looser at the crown, there are actually some reasons other than nature that cause this phenomenon. Let’s look at a couple

Sorry but this is quite inaccurate and I am a long term natural. the front of my hair is the driest and the hardest to detangle. My Hair becomes looser the further down my head having 3c at my nape and I am multi-textured.
Alicia James on YT wears a wash and gos allll the time and her hair looks pretty uniform... I have to look through my subscriptions to see who else she's the only one who comes to mind right away but Naptural85 did a wash and go this summer and he curls looked uniform as well... Denimpixie too

Denimpixie was a self-proclaimed multi-textured natural. She claimed 3C/4A on the board and, I believe, on her blog.
I think that we forget that you can't see a full 360 of someone's head. Unless you're all up in and through someone's hair, there's really no way of knowing for sure.
I know a lot of people that wear WNGs all the time and although the hair looks uniform all around, under some of the layers, the texture varies.
I haven't met anyone with textured hair that is the same all the way through.
Denimpixie was a self-proclaimed multi-textured natural. She claimed 3C/4A on the board and, I believe, on her blog.
I think that we forget that you can't see a full 360 of someone's head. Unless you're all up in and through someone's hair, there's really no way of knowing for sure.
I know a lot of people that wear WNGs all the time and although the hair looks uniform all around, under some of the layers, the texture varies.
I haven't met anyone with textured hair that is the same all the way through.

I wasn't saying she in particular had 1 texture just that there are naturals that wear wash and gos all the time in response to you saying most only wear twists outs etc. :look:

The only one I said seems to have uniform texture was Alicia James.

In my original post I neither agreed or disagreed with the OP I was just stating what I noticed. If my mom would let me post pics of her hair I would show she also have a very uniform pattern and she only wears WNG's. My sister never pulls her hair back but had varying patters.

Either way I neither agree nor disagree. I was just making a comment.
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Alicia James on YT wears a wash and gos allll the time and her hair looks pretty uniform... I have to look through my subscriptions to see who else she's the only one who comes to mind right away but Naptural85 did a wash and go this summer and he curls looked uniform as well... Denimpixie too

But none of these ladies identify with just 1 hair type. Alicia James and Naptural85 both say they're 4a/4b. Deminpixie is one of my hair idols and I can tell that she has 2 different curl patterns, 3c/4a. Also Naptural85's wash n'go is more so a twistout, so all of her hair gets equally stretched. In her old videos when she did a wash n'go, you can moreso see her 4b patch. WhoisSugar is a good example of someone with 3 curl patterns like me that are less prominent when she adds a styler. Another thing that happens if your crown is longer and/or looser is that it can hang over and cover up other areas of your hair. Sometimes unless the person literally lifts their hair, it'll all look the same because you can really only see one section.

I know that there are people with just one curl pattern all over (lucky :lol:), but I think a lot of curly and coily heads have different things going on. Since curly hair has taken off with non-black people as well, I have seen too many other curlies with multiple curl types too, so it's not a black hair specific phenomenon. I actually think that styling helps create uniformity rather than alters it like the article suggested. I also wouldn't call the bun the go to style for most naturals, and therefor the main reason for the lack of uniformity. Look at twists, twistouts, and braidouts and see how uniform they'll make an entire head of hair. It's one of the reasons naturals do those styles :look:.
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I would go for it, but it seems like a hypothesis at best. I am fully natural. I wore my hair in a wng for almost a year and a half until I got enough to pony and bun. My nape and front hair line have ALWAYS been a loser curl, even when I was relaxed. The center-crown has ALWAYS been super tight coiled. Hair texture uniformity is deeper than just what we see when we look. Especially on curly our coily hair. My hair may look uniform but I know from feeling that it isn't. I think the same applies for most natural hair. Thickness, density , coil/curl size, hair thickness and texture play a role.
I dont like the current popular typing system. It is not definitive enough. My system it's better lol




My hair is wiry, normal, straw sized coils around the perimeter and coarse, normal inkpen sized coils in the center. The very front...lord help it is random coarse fine waves about a half inch....I hate that part because it messes up my wng because it just hangs.
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This is going left. Unless you put tension on your hair 24/7, this wouldn't apply to you. I know some people wrangle their hair down but it's not impossible to have different textures in one head.
ProductJunkie: I think I'm confused... I never made the comment that most only wear twist outs so I don't know where that came from.
But in your original post, you proceed to give examples of curly ladies that wear WNGs all the time and have uniform curl patterns (I'm assuming to debunk what was said above).
My comment was that one or more of the people you mentioned do not, in fact, have a uniform curl pattern.
And then I just added in that sometimes it can look uniform until you get all up in it and realize that's not the case.
But that's just my experience.
My hair is wiry, normal, straw sized coils around the perimeter and coarse, normal inkpen sized coils in the center. The very front...lord help it is random coarse fine waves about a half inch....I hate that part because it messes up my wng because it just hangs.

Yeah mine is different like that.

The wavy, curly parts are soft, fine and dark brown.

The coiliest parts of my hair are like pensprings, medium/wirey and jet black.
ProductJunkie: I think I'm confused... I never made the comment that most only wear twist outs so I don't know where that came from.
But in your original post, you proceed to give examples of curly ladies that wear WNGs all the time and have uniform curl patterns (I'm assuming to debunk what was said above).
My comment was that one or more of the people you mentioned do not, in fact, have a uniform curl pattern.
And then I just added in that sometimes it can look uniform until you get all up in it and realize that's not the case.
But that's just my experience.

All I was saying at first was there were people I know who wear WNGs all the time who seem to have a more uniform curl pattern... And that I was torn about believing the OP because I've seen both.

Then it was said that most naturals do not wear WNG's a lot so I quoted a few who do... Alicia James who I stated has a uniform looking curl pattern and Demin Pixie who just wears WNGs (wasn't commenting on her curls because you can see the differences) because they were the first two that popped in my mind.

I also mentioned the Naptural85's wash and go looked more uniform and I notice she doesn't pull her hair up as much as other naturals (or that what I was trying to say sorry if I was confusing).

That is all.
ProductJunkie: gotcha. I thought that your WNG/uniform curl pattern comment was being applied to everyone in your post.
It's actually not even that serious. I just like knowing what is being said :)
My hair is 4a, 4b all over. But I have different characteristics that impact different sections so the texture appears differently. Like others have said it grows out of my head that way. It was different when I was relaxed and it still is now that I'm natural.
Sorry but this is quite inaccurate and I am a long term natural. the front of my hair is the driest and the hardest to detangle. My Hair becomes looser the further down my head having 3c at my nape and I am multi-textured.
Your hair sounds like mine