Why can't I post attachments anymore?

OK below are the instructions, but no matter what reply option I click on from the available buttons, I still do not have permission to post attachments (down where it says posting permissions). Not even when I click "Go Advanced". What gives?? Oh, and there is no "Post Reply" button available for me; I only see "Reply", "Reply with Quote", "Reply to Thread" and "Post Quick Reply".

How do I attach a file to a post?

To attach a file to your post, you need to be using the main 'New Post' or 'New Thread' page and not 'Quick Reply'. To use the main 'New Post' page, click the 'Post Reply' button in the relevant thread.

On this page, below the message box, you will find a button labelled 'Manage Attachments'. Clicking this button will open a new window for uploading attachments. You can upload an attachment either from your computer or from another URL by using the appropriate box on this page. Alternatively you can click the Attachment Icon to open this page.

To upload a file from your computer, click the 'Browse' button and locate the file. To upload a file from another URL, enter the full URL for the file in the second box on this page. Once you have completed one of the boxes, click 'Upload'.

Once the upload is completed the file name will appear below the input boxes in this window. You can then close the window to return to the new post screen.
Has my membership level changed? :sad:
No as of now i believe none of us can post attachments. The last time this happened i think Nikos was doing some type of upgrade/maintenance. The button will eventually reappear/reactivate again. When? I dunno, hopefully soon. HTH.
Ladies, I found this as a response to a similar question. HTH.

Re: Can't upload pics to photo album

I have disabled uploads site wide ladies. I need to run some optimizations first prior to enabling it again.

Thank you for your patience.

Nikos Dimopoulos