Why can't I judge my own lenght?


Well-Known Member
I am sure there are more ladies going through this!
It's like even though my hair is long I still consider it short in my head my almost bsl lenght is like sl wich seems completly crazy!

Why do guys think that is?
Maybe when you see your hair down too often, it doesn't feel that long. When I hide my hair for months and wear it down, it feels longer. If I wear it in a ponytail or down for the same amount of time, it feels like it doesn't grow since I'm constantly seeing it.
I am sure there are more ladies going through this!
It's like even though my hair is long I still consider it short in my head my almost bsl lenght is like sl wich seems completly crazy!

Why do guys think that is?
Sometimes it's difficult to see the progress unless you're looking at photos. Are you taking pictures at all? You could also have a case of hair anorexia. It's fairly common around these parts (I have it :look:).
Sometimes it's difficult to see the progress unless you're looking at photos. Are you taking pictures at all? You could also have a case of hair anorexia. It's fairly common around these parts (I have it :look:).

Lol Yeah I think I just might I dont really take to many pics at all I probably should!
Yep, hair anorexia. I have it too. I think APL is long, although not on me.

When I was BSL (relaxed) I also didn't feel like that was long. Hopefully I will get to BSL again (natural) and feel that it's long.:perplexed

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I could understand...

I haven't let my hair down for 2 years and until I know for sure I'm WL, I'll never be satisfied! I took a length shot a couple of weeks ago using a shirt with stripes but I'm not all that impressed. I started off between SL and APL and so I don't understand why I'm only between BSL - MBL or so...I heard that stretching to check length by pulling the hair down vs. blowdrying does not yield the same results. Hopefully using the blowdryer is longer.....

I'm nervous that I won't WL by the end of the year :sad:
I'm the same way. I truly don't feel like my hair is long at all...In fact I'd classify it as short. My SO thinks I'm sick. Maybe he's right.
it never ends, when i was transitioning previously i grew my hair out to midback length and it still didnt feel long. hopefully this time, if im lucky enough to surpass that length and get to waist, "maybe" it might feel long by then.
:wallbash:Y'all make me sick complaining about your BSL and beyond not feeling long enough! :wallbash:
:spank: I'm sitting here with my SL hair wondering when I'll finally be at APL and you are already there! :lachen::lachen:
I take pics, too. That's the only way I can tell whether my hair has grown or not.
I know the feeling. When I first BC'd, I said when it grows to SL I would be happy. Then I said when it's APL I will be happy. Now I just don't say anything. I was looking at a lady's hair in Walmart yesterday and I told my mom to look how long her hair is and mom said your hair is as long as hers :ohwell:.
Sometimes it's difficult to see the progress unless you're looking at photos. Are you taking pictures at all? You could also have a case of hair anorexia. It's fairly common around these parts (I have it :look:).

I totally agree. Whenever I have a hair-anorexia day, the photos are a clear reminder that I'm experiencing positive results.
I'm MBL but still not entirely convinced my hair is long. I have 2 inches to go till waist length but now I'm thinking maybe I'll grow it tailbone length so it can feel long. Yeah I gots hair anorexia LOL
:yep: I agree about taking picture's and you're definitely not alone. For me, I’m braiding my hair for the duration of my transition and i can never remember how long it was the pervious time I unleashed it or by how much it’s grown, it just appears short to me. I think I will still think it’s short until I reach MBL (I hope :look:)
I know the feeling. When I first BC'd, I said when it grows to SL I would be happy. Then I said when it's APL I will be happy. Now I just don't say anything. I was looking at a lady's hair in Walmart yesterday and I told my mom to look how long her hair is and mom said your hair is as long as hers :ohwell:.

Classic!!! :lachen:

I only feel like my hair is long when I'm detangling, because it takes forever. :rolleyes: Every time I straighten it, it still doesn't seem all that long. Maybe once I reach waist, I'll be satisfied.... :look:
I'm MBL but still not entirely convinced my hair is long. I have 2 inches to go till waist length but now I'm thinking maybe I'll grow it tailbone length so it can feel long. Yeah I gots hair anorexia LOL

Yeah you need counseling.. :look:
Tailbone length.. Y'all are crazy..... lol.. how would you style it if it were that long???