Why can't I get my relaxers to look like fresh from the salon shine?

I don't use a blow dryer or flat iron on my hair at all...I always rollerset and I have not had any problems with shine. Here are a few combinations I use when I rollerset - also I have very fine hair and because it is so fine - I use very little product to prevent my hair from being weighed down...

Aphogee Keratin/Green Tea - Lottabody or Nexxus Mousse (sometimes the Aphoge Pro-vitamin leave in) - Water bottle (to keep hair moist during setting)
Lacio/Lacio dime size and Water Bottle
Motions Leave In and Water Bottle

Maybe rollersetting and then blowdrying/flat ironing may help...

Everyone has given such great advice...

I didn't read through the whole thread, but maybe you need to use a deep cleansing or chelating shampoo to remove any buildup from hard water or stying products that you are using.
I didn't read through the whole thread, but maybe you need to use a deep cleansing or chelating shampoo to remove any buildup from hard water or stying products that you are using.

I bought a chelating shampoo by ORS, but then I read up and lots of ladies here complain about their hair being TERRIBLE after using such shampoos... They say that they wish they'd never used it... made the hair hard, made the hair more damaged... I'm so scared... I have never thought myself to be very pretty and my APL hair is my best feature... if I lose it, then I'll be lost...
I bought a chelating shampoo by ORS, but then I read up and lots of ladies here complain about their hair being TERRIBLE after using such shampoos... They say that they wish they'd never used it... made the hair hard, made the hair more damaged... I'm so scared... I have never thought myself to be very pretty and my APL hair is my best feature... if I lose it, then I'll be lost...

I think you look great judging from your avi pic :yep:

I love rollersets if you're going for shine and bounce... my technique for getting shiney, bouncy hair is deep conditioning on dry hair, then washing... after my final rinse w/ cold water I add my leave ins, I get the nicest sets using a quarter amount of keracare foam wrap and chi silk OR a dime size of lacio lacio and chi silk and I always spray w/ aphogee keratin b4 hand. After drying I flat iron my roots and wrap, once un-wrapped I may add a dime size amount of any type of serum for extra shine...

Rollersetting is a technique you have to really keep practicing in order to fully master it. Keep trying it and I'm sure you'll get it there are tons of youtube videos you can check out for help :yep:... Also, play around w/ the products that you're using, not everything works for everyone...
I agree w/ Kami and sqzbly1908, rollersetting is much healthier and gives a great shine! I am a fan of Its a 10 leave in and Chi silk serum...no setting lotion, it makes it very crunchy and dull no matter how I dilute it. Once you master rollersetting, it will make your hair super shiny and bouncy, with out the direct heat.
My hair is never shiny after rollersetting usind diluted Narobi foam wrap. Tonight, I'm going to try plain old water and Chi Silk and see what happens.
Yeah, I think I'm gonna re-do my hair... since I touched up last night, would it be bad to rewash it again today? I will try rollersetting... I ended up rolling my hair up on satin covered sponge rollers last night, my hair is a HAM and looks like I need a touch up...

Would you guys advise not to do it? Oh, I think I'm gonna have to give up on this DIY hair growing... but I just don't trust the professionals...

Whatever you do, don't give up! :bighug:There are plenty of women here and on Youtube who can help. Have you tried Roux Porosity Control? That might help seal the cuticle; I've used it after relaxing, and it really helps. Sally's carries it, and it's pretty cheap for a small bottle. I've heard that apple cider vinegar is good for sealing the cuticle, too, but I've never been able to get past the smell. HTH, and good luck!
Coloring your hair doesn't have to be bad--if u are tinting or going darker it isn't too bad; it's when you have to lift your hair's natural color to go "lighter" that you can run into problems...try clear rinses...those are meant to increase hair shine.

Yeah the rinses... I've always heard such scary things about coloring my hair... that it makes your hair fall out and break off... to be careful which brands you use...semi-permanent vs. permanent... can somebody school me? I think I'm definitely gonna go out in the snow to the nearest BSS and buy some, if I can get enough info...