Why ask Why?


Well-Known Member
I was on the phone moments ago with my mother. During our conversation I mentioned I’m wearing hair out but in a ponytail and my ponytail has passed the nape of my neck. It must be doing some growing! Maybe by next year this time it’ll be touching my waist when I wear it completely down. We'll she replied w/attitude "What's since of growing your hair if no one is ever going to know that it's long!"
She’s disgusted with the fact that I don't wear my hair down. I explained to her that me growing my hair to my waist is not necessarily for others to see. I’ll know for myself it’s long! But if someone “ever” sees it they'll know that black people can have long healthy hair. Well she felt it was important that people knew that black people could long healthy hair. I’ve tried to explain to her in the past why I wear my hair up—but I guess she thinks I’m lazy or don’t care about the appearance of my hair. Did my explanation make sense to you guys or am I just being prideful ‘cause my mother said something to I did not like?
It made sense to me too, my roomate just commented about my hair being longer but she never knew because its always up. Most of the people I know are like that too.
When my hair is bra strap length, most people will not know it because I don't relax or press. I am almost 100% positive that people will want me to press/relax once they see my goal length (or even my current length!), but I don't have anything to prove to others. It is just my personal goal. I understand how you feel.