Why are we doing this prayer line?


Well-Known Member
My vision(and im sure everyone's vision) for this prayer line was to be a place of refuge for women who are broken, discouraged, sick, even for those who may just want to fellowship with other Christian women. We can come together with our burdens and lay them before God. Alot of times we may not have the words to say but we can come on this prayer line and we can have others interceding for us and our concerns.I know there are many women who come on the line and just listen, we may not know they are on but they are. This is going to be something that God works through for many women. I believe in Jeremiah, he asked for the "wailing women" that they can intercede for the people's trangression.He asked for the women to come and lay before God so God could move for them. This prayer line isnt just something we just do, but I see it as a movement, a calling forth, a revival in the spirits of our women. Some may feel forgotten of God, some may feel like they are hanging on a by string, some may feel like they just need a refreshing. We will come on this line in expectation knowing that God is hearing us and let our petitions be made known. And after we hang up, feeling confident and patiently waiting for our prayers to be answered. :yep: God Bless..

I want to thank @Shimmie, and @TraciChanel, for helping me with this as well
Praise God for the words of your post. They are prophetic. God is doing something through this and I am excited about it. It will help us press into His heart and allow us to grow spiritually. This is Kingdom work and I can't wait to hear the testimonies of what this movement is doing. Love you guys and I am so glad God has connected us for such a time as this.
Yes..THIS! Not by chance we have all connected!

Praise God for the words of your post. They are prophetic. God is doing something through this and I am excited about it. It will help us press into His heart and allow us to grow spiritually. This is Kingdom work and I can't wait to hear the testimonies of what this movement is doing. Love you guys and I am so glad God has connected us for such a time as this.
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look in the sticky that says prayer line and it will give you information on the updated prayer schedule..its a weekly thing

whats the number and when do I call?
People are hurting... Prayer is the answer. :pray:

And that's what it boils down to

I go to church, pray, read the bible... But I'm somehow missing a connection with the body of Christ. I want to learn to be a prayer warrior. I find myself sometimes with one foot in the world and one in the church. Sometimes we're just one disaster away from losing our faith. I like the prayer line (so far I've only attended one) because you guys show me how to step away from the whoa as me selfish ways and pray for others. For 2012 I'd like to take it up a notch and be more involved in my church and help people in need.

You guys are doing a great job. Thank you!

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