why are my ends hard


Well-Known Member
I wash my hair weekly air dry with giovanni direct leave in i use only a very small amount in sections on two seperate occassions i tried coconut oil to air dry then i tried olive oil to air dry. While its wet it feels nice and silky but once its dry it feels fried. I do use allot of oil. Should i try a different leave in? Or leave out oil. Please help
May be your ends aren't getting enough moisture. I think that Giovanni leave in contains protein and the fact that you're also using coconut oil ontop could mean your ends aren't receiving enough moisture.

Just a thought - hopefully other ideas will be forthcoming.
Leave out the oil. Both of those oils have made my hair feel crunchtastic in the past. I personally find that most leave ins make my hair feel kinda hard too so I can't give you much advice on that. Maybe try a lighter leave in like a liquid type?
Wow i didnt know giovani leave was protein. What is so bad about the coconut oil? What steps should i take to repair my ends? How do I properly air dry?
From what I've read, coconut oil brings out the protien in your hair (something like that) so if you're already using a protien leave in and then coconut oil, that could definitely be your problem if your hair is protien sensitive. Otherwise it isn't bad...it works for me if I use it on straightened hair but not well at all with airdrying. You could do a very light trim and keep them moistrurized with something that is not protien heavy.

About how to airdry, I don't have great advice for that. I'm natural, I just hop out the shower, spray in some leave in and then go on with my life.
Found an ingredient list:

Ingredients: Water, Extracts of Rosemary oil , Nettle oil, Thyme oil, Birch Leaf oil, Chamomile oil, Clary, Lavender, Coltsfoot leaf, Yarrow oil, Mallow, Horsetail oil, Soybean Protein, Cetyl alcohol, Vitamin E, Trace minerals, Citric Acid, Sodium Hydroxymethylglycinate, Grapefruit Seed.

It's not a hard core protein (think Aphogee) but it's definitely there.
I always mix my giovanni leave in with my darcy's botanicals leave in. My hair is much softer when I do.
I had to stop using giovanni direct because the protein in it, was making my whole hair feel hard. Maybe it's the same with your ends.