Why Are Cones Bad?


New Member
I mean compaired to all the other chemicals in most shampoos and conditioner, what makes cones so bad? I have only seen that some people say cones are bad without really saying why.

Silicones are not bad. They are bad if you are not using shampoos containing sulfates, because generally, silicones (most, but not all) require sulfate shampoos to be removed from your hair. If you allow cones to build-up, they block moisture and make your hair drier.

I do mostly conditioner washes and water rinses. I use non-sulfate shampoos once a week/two weeks and use a sulfate shampoo once a quarter (maybe). As such, I avoid all non water soluable silicones. Silicones also build-up quickly in my hair. Other folks are just fine with them as a part of their hair regimen.
I LOVE CONES!!!!! Ain't nuthin' bout cones bad in my house. I just make sure I cleanse my hair well and I use them reasonably.
Heres my take on cones,,,, For years I severely overused cones and when i say severely i mean it lol, I would use half a bottle of Frizz ease serum about EVERY WEEK on only half my hair!! , and i believed this was keeping my hair healthy, moisturized and from breaking even though had dry awful broken hair.. Then i drastically used less which helped somewhat and at this point I use cones ONLY to protect from flat iron and they are in my shampoo and con, serums on my hair do not moisturize,i only use jojoba oil for moisture now. Any buildup on the hair will cause it to get dry be it cones or other oils, i believe cones are oils of some sort, anyway, one thing that cones do help with is knotting and tangling, if u get these ,,cones are about the only thing that will help
Ravenhairbellydancer said:
Heres my take on cones,,,, For years I severely overused cones and when i say severely i mean it lol, I would use half a bottle of Frizz ease serum about EVERY WEEK on only half my hair!! , and i believed this was keeping my hair healthy, moisturized and from breaking even though had dry awful broken hair.. Then i drastically used less which helped somewhat and at this point I use cones ONLY to protect from flat iron and they are in my shampoo and con, serums on my hair do not moisturize,i only use jojoba oil for moisture now. Any buildup on the hair will cause it to get dry be it cones or other oils, i believe cones are oils of some sort, anyway, one thing that cones do help with is knotting and tangling, if u get these ,,cones are about the only thing that will help

I do too. I used to abuse them, as well. My hair was dry when it was all rinsed off. :look:

Sometimes, I will give myself a little shine with a light serum, but they are not my fake-it softness like I used to think when I first discovered cones. Also the viscosity of the cones makes a difference for me. The thicker ones, that I used to abuse, are just too much. I try to go for thinner ones.
HoneyDew said:
I do too. I used to abuse them, as well. My hair was dry when it was all rinsed off. :look:

Sometimes, I will give myself a little shine with a light serum, but they are not my fake-it softness like I used to think when I first discovered cones. Also the viscosity of the cones makes a difference for me. The thicker ones, that I used to abuse, are just too much. I try to go for thinner ones.

Me too!, the only serum i own now is NTM serum which is nice and runny and smells so fine, I remember last year (preLHCF:eek:) flipping out when i learned they were discontinuing John Frieda relax serum thinking my hair would all break off LOL and this stuff had mineral oil, thank goodness i discovred this site lol

Yesh , Im with Her on This One!

HoneyDew said:
I LOVE CONES!!!!! Ain't nuthin' bout cones bad in my house. I just make sure I cleanse my hair well and I use them reasonably.
Ravenhairbellydancer said:
Me too!, the only serum i own now is NTM serum which is nice and runny and smells so fine, I remember last year (preLHCF:eek:) flipping out when i learned they were discontinuing John Frieda relax serum thinking my hair would all break off LOL and this stuff had mineral oil, thank goodness i discovred this site lol

:lol: :lol: Been there, too!!! I am glad that I have gotten it together now.

I used to use so much that my hair had this fake shine on it. :look:
I used to use so much my hair wouldnt move :lol:

im very heavy handed thats why its hard for me to go 2 weeks tween relaxers :lol:
Well I'm a newbie so when I heard that cones where bad, I though mayby they put microscopic tears on the shaft of the hair to weaken it so I wasn't sure. I guess if dryness is the worst thing that happens I guess I can deal with that. I have never really liked those de-frizzeres or shine booster because I didn't feel like it worked very well for me. Cones are in my poo and conditioner though. I guess if I don't use too much more then that then I am ok?
I love me some cones. I've never had buildup or dryness when using them. And I don't think they lock out moisture all the time because everything has to wear off eventually.
They're not exactly "evil", but I don't think my hair likes them much. They seem to make my ends dry out. I don't use them that often, and if I do, I don't sweat it because I shampoo every week.
B_Phlyy said:
I love me some cones. I've never had buildup or dryness when using them. And I don't think they lock out moisture all the time because everything has to wear off eventually.

I agree. I still moisturize my hair after I haev applied cones and my hair responds to the moisture well.
My hair doesnt mind cones. I use products with them I just make sure to clarify at least 2x a month. My hair has been doing fine with them. I think most problems people have with cones is the buildup.
i love cones, they are the way forward for me, i dont clarify either, and my hair is betterthan its ever been
Some say that cones block moisture just like what they say about grease
I find both to be untrue my hair still reacts to moisture with both but I do use sulfate poo's
I LOVE CONES!!!!! Ain't nuthin' bout cones bad in my house. I just make sure I cleanse my hair well and I use them reasonably.

Time will tell - but from all that I've been reading and how my hair responds for now I'm quite ok with cones:grin: