Why are certain members getting banned for no reason?

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New Member
I know for a fact that aquafinawetwet did not do anything wrong. She did not post anything offensive since she joined. I suggest reviewing her post and letting her know why she was banned.
are you sure she doesn't know? No one gets ban for no reason. They may not agree with the reason but there's a reason.
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I believe it states in the Terms & Conditions, that the mods can choose to ban members at THEIR discretion. Meaning that they really don't owe an explanation, but are courteous enough to give one.

If your friend has a question about this, then she needs to contact the mods herself to talk about it. I don't think this forum is an appropriate place to bring up such things because starting threads like these can also get you banned.
I believe it states in the Terms & Conditions, that the mods can choose to ban members at THEIR discretion. Meaning that they really don't owe an explanation, but are courteous enough to give one.

If your friend has a question about this, then she needs to contact the mods herself to talk about it. I don't think this forum is an appropriate place to bring up such things because starting threads like these can also get you banned.

But once you're banned, how can you contact a mod? If you can't log in or anything?
I'm sure you know as well as everyone else, who aquafinawetwet was. If a member is banned and comes back with a new s/n and the mods know this, they will get banned again. Offensive posts or not. End of story.
I know for a fact that aquafinawetwet did not do anything wrong. She did not post anything offensive since she joined. I suggest reviewing her post and letting her know why she was banned.

Aquafinawetwet/lilmsjanet contacted us and although she knew very well why, I provided an explanation.

The side effect though - for you - is that the offending member's IP address has been banned and that means your IP address too. That is a bit weird since you share the same IP address for the last year....

If you are just sharing the network that lilmsjanet has (or she shares yours) then you should thank your friend for effectively restricting your access too.
Goodness. Does it take all this? Some leopards just don't know how to change their spots.

Folx know EXACTLY WHY they get banned. Some folx get a short rope, others get a longer one. Thing is, if you want your $6.50's worth, constantly testing the rope length is kind of diametrically opposed to that.

Just saying.
Certain people live under the extremely false perception that the Internet and especially a discussion forum is anonymous. Logging in with a different account even if you have a dialup with rotating IP addresses is hardly something that will 'protect' your anonymity.

Even so, fine you managed to 'fool' us and you are the same old trouble maker disguised with a different name. The nature does not change - you will slip sooner or later and we will know who you are and you will leave.

I have to admit though, apart from a very small number of ex-banned members, most that returned have not broken a rule at all.

Now as for the small number that still wants to stir trouble... Thank you for the $6.50
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