WHY am I crying??!!??!?!?


New Member
So I have been going to for my wash and set for over a year to the salon....blow out my roots...great bounce and shine...So ever since i joined LHCF i have been doing it at home myself to only be upset, disappointed and today crying....

I have never had major hair damage....but i notice that when my hair gets no heat it feels rough, looks all uneven and my roots forget it....makes me wanna shave my head......

I feel obsessive when i see broken hairs and i think it would be best if i stick going to the salon....What do you ladies think?:nono:
:bighug: Does it look that bad? It could just be it's not as smooth as when your hairdresser does it. Go back to her/him and have him/her do it and I bet it looks just as good as ever.
If it's upsetting you this much, then go to the salon. Not everyone is going to be a DIYer, no matter how hard they try.

If you don't want to go back to the salon, maybe you need to switch up your technique(s). Check out some youtubes, fotkis, tutorials, etc.
I say go back to the salon if you like. I still go for my relaxers and three or four weeks post for a special deep conditioner. I really liked my stylist, but financially and time-wise, I had to cut back. I do my own roller sets (I'm under the dryer now), and they're never perfect like hers, but they are good enough.

Please don't cry or beat yourself up. :nono: Go back to the salon for a while and try doing your own hair later. You can alternate doing it at home or going to the salon like I do. You can also ask your stylist for tips that will make it easier for you to do at home. I did this earlier in the fall and her tips made all the difference. :yep:
Ok, yeah, I see you just joined. I'm only pointing that out because if you've been a regular salon goer and all of a sudden you're doing it yourself, chances are there will be a very noticeable difference. :yep: I can't really relate because I've always gone anywhere between every 2 - 4 months, so I enjoy the salon feel for a minute and then back to normal for the next few months. :lachen:

Since it's only been a month or so, maybe keep trying. Taking care of your hair is a skill that doesn't always come naturally. If you go once a week, maybe go every two weeks, and watch carefully, ask questions so that you can try it at home. Keep experimenting, and before you know it, you will be just as good as, if not better, than your hairdresser.
Ok, yeah, I see you just joined. I'm only pointing that out because if you've been a regular salon goer and all of a sudden you're doing it yourself, chances are there will be a very noticeable difference. :yep: I can't really relate because I've always gone anywhere between every 2 - 4 months, so I enjoy the salon feel for a minute and then back to normal for the next few months. :lachen:

Since it's only been a month or so, maybe keep trying. Taking care of your hair is a skill that doesn't always come naturally. If you go once a week, maybe go every two weeks, and watch carefully, ask questions so that you can try it at home. Keep experimenting, and before you know it, you will be just as good as, if not better, than your hairdresser.

lol Yea it doesnt bounce like when she does it....but i was broke this week so i made myself believe it would be ok....but no:look:

Is not bad is just not monday WOW hair.....:wallbash:

Thanks ladies...I will keep trying when i am relaxed!
So I have been going to for my wash and set for over a year to the salon....blow out my roots...great bounce and shine...So ever since i joined LHCF i have been doing it at home myself to only be upset, disappointed and today crying....

I have never had major hair damage....but i notice that when my hair gets no heat it feels rough, looks all uneven and my roots forget it....makes me wanna shave my head......

I feel obsessive when i see broken hairs and i think it would be best if i stick going to the salon....What do you ladies think?:nono:

What products are you using. I find that it's all in the products when I was and set. Now, I am natural, and I don't know if it applies to relaxed (disclaimer) but if you pony set with a little lacio lacio (in a spray bottle mixed with water. About one part lacio to 12-13 parts water. Shake it up) and then roll...keeping hair wet the whole time, respraying if you need too. Also technique. I wash, condition, dc, leave a little moisturizing conditioner in (add a dime size amount of amla and olive creme by qhmet) smooth through with a wide tooth comb. Seal with coconut then spray with lacio (add a little sabino for heat protection, comb through again) add some more lacio/water and smooth roots. Pony set. Divide hair in four to six sections. I Do one on each side. Bangs, middle of head and back. Then make pony tails, spray more lacio water if you need and roll roll roll. I use the big grey rollers at sally's but depending on the length, depends on how you do it. My hair comes out ridiculously shiny and moist. Also if you want it straighter, then you do a silk wrap. Cross wrap your hair. Roll saran wrap (yes saran) around once and re sit under the dryer for 10-15 minutes (I use my soft hooded dryer).
if it ain't broke... don't fix it!

there is nothing wrong with going to the salon, especially when you have a good stylist and you get great results. :yep: if i were in your shoes, i'd keep going for visits... but also, keep practicing every now and then to try and perfect the technique myself (assuming you still wanna be a DIYer ;) ).

look on the bright side. it's been 4 years and i still can't cornrow my own head :lol: so i just leave it to someone else to do as a treat to myself.
OK, I haven't read everyone's response but I will tell you what I always say, "If it ain't broke(n), don't fix it." Why did you stop going to the salon if that's been working? I say go back to the routine you knew and which worked. No use taking chances with something that means so much to you.

ETA:...especially if it's causing you so much grief. :bighug:
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Here's a pic of mine after all that. I did do a flat iron after. But I'm natural. I did find that my hair was super smooth all the way down just from roller setting and the roots were wavy w/o flat ironing. I could've worn it that way. I have the link to the sabino thread of how it was achieved. There were other pics and this was day two of doing it. The link has pic of day one and day five after lots of rain. I don't have those pics on saved to my college computer, they're on my computer at my parent's . So you'll have to click that link to see day 1 and other tips if you need them.


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I say go back as well and be sure to get DC on a regular until your hair is back to here it needs to be. From the look of your siggy you have great hair so you should be back to normal in no time.
I say do what works for you. If you love going to the salon then keep it up. It will take some time to learn to do your own hair. If you are determined to learn to do your hair on your own, just keep it. You will get better at it.

Either way it goes your hair is gorgeous in your siggy.
Are you using the products that yoru stylist is using? Gurl it's okay, I'm not that great at styling my own hair either, just keep trying! In the meantime, just go to your stylist and have a relaxation treat!! Your siggy looks great!! So, they must be doing something right!!
Yeah don't stress yourself. Your hair is gorgeous BTW. If it ain't broke don't rush to fix it but I'd still take the time to practice. I promise you'll get better. I've been doing rollar sets for 20 years though and I still have my days.
i believe that a lot of folx who test out DIY believe that they are going to get salon results...there is a reason that the results of the salon are such - TO KEEP YOU PAYING YOUR HARD EARNED MONEY to have that WOW on Monday :)

once you get the hang DIY and set realistic expetations as far as what your hair will look, feel and flow like, you won't be crying over every peice of broken hair you see. you will get to know your hair as you progress in your DIY skills (if that is what you choose to do).

even if you use the same prods as the stylist, chances are you won't get the same results...

good luck, hun and happy hair growing!!! :hug2:
:nono:sorry you are having a hard time.
I think that you can have great hair success by going to a stylist if it is not working to do yourself. If you set your terms with your stylist and let them know what you will absolutely not accept, you want have any problems. Sometimes including myself, cannot do certain things at home. I can flat iron so when it comes to that, I go to a stylist. Its okay. Don't be so hard on yourself. :grouphug: