
Well-Known Member
Who do you think is ya hair cousin?

Hair Cousin - not a hair twin, hair may be a bit different, but your hair seems to like and respond well to the same/similar product(s), hair care, etc.

Hair twin - y'all are hair separated from birth - hair is similar, like all the same products, the hair routine/regimen is virtually the same.

Please add what you think your definition is if you don't think the above is applicable or needs to be more definitive :yep:

Based on the above - I'm going with Gymfreak, Brownie, Priestess (hair product guiniea pig for 2007) and Sareca as my definitive hair cousins (they may beg to differ, but I'm claiming them).

There are also many heads I think are my hair cousin in my mind..:look:


I feel like I'm still looking for my twin...:user:

Let's have a hair family reunion up in this piece....and we'll help each other...
Hey twin *waving @ Gym*

Say what??

I guess Mona and I might be fam, too :grin:

*off to check out fotki*
Lavendar is my hair twinny twin! :grin:
I think your my hair cuz Monalisa!
I'd have to do some investigating to find my other cuz......:scratchch
*brings in a floral centerpiece*

All yall my cousins.

I am looking for my twin. I know she's around here somewheres.
I have more hair cousins, but unfortunately they are not members of this board...:ohwell: I found them of Fotki. I think they are on another forum...
I think Sistaslick is my hair cousin. Incidentally (sp) when i first was introduced to the boards she was the first person i set eyes on. I followed her regime and luckily my hair responded to the products. But as far as a hair twin i haven't found one yet :sad:. i remember there was a member here and looking at her pics reminded me of my hair( can't remember her name right now). It was like looking at my own hair. But when i read her hair type 4c, i was like, "nah, couldn't be my hair twin cause noooo parts of my hair are in the c family!" But i'll keep looking, though.
PrettyBrownEyes718 (IDK if she's a member of this forum, but if you are, Hi Girl :wave:!) has hair that is similar to mine.
I want to add DivineFavor and Kinikakes to my cousins list...My hair wants to be like theirs when it grows up :grin:
I wanna add Silverlotus....she is my hair cuz.

Ur just grabbing up relatives... :lol:

Okay for cousin status, do you both share similar hair type? Do you both use the majority of the same products and methods that work for your hair? That's a hair cousin...

Do you have the same hair type, share a similar hair regimen, all products work for the both of you, now that's a hair twin...

*going back to review some posts...*
Ur just grabbing up relatives... :lol:

Okay for cousin status, do you both share similar hair type? Do you both use the majority of the same products and methods that work for your hair? That's a hair cousin...

Do you have the same hair type, share a similar hair regimen, all products work for the both of you, now that's a hair twin...

*going back to review some posts...*

You can go review all you want...That is my cuz :lol: We use most of the same products and similar methods...Don't hate cuz I have a big family.:rolleyes::lachen:
Most of my cousins are using Aveda DR, but that's ok, b/c Joico K-pak line does the exact same stuff to the hair (if not better :sekret: ) and we use our stuff the same way, so I am not scurred of you, Mona :lol:
I dunno...I dont know at all, I wanna say candy C but her hair is way more gorgeous than mine...my hair wants to be like hers when it grows up though!
I got one pic but im so ashamed the mirror is proper dirty...so i cant even share!

This is my natural hair though from Sept 2005:


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