Who's Feeling Overly Hormonal??? :)


Well-Known Member
I so hate being a girl right now. I can't stop thinking about guys. I've been wanting to flirt nonstop and I'm craving male attention like a crack fiend on a one week hiatus.

I so need a guy right now and all I can think about is the phone number of the last guy I liked. I think I texted him already in an estrogen-induced stupor, but I'm scared I might call him later on. I'm too old for this stupidity, I need a husband stat.

I must stand strong and hold out for 5 more days and to make matters worse, I punked out and held an infant this weekend. Stupid hormones are making me feel as dumb as well...a man. LMAO

It's been so bad, I could barely handle the hugging and welcoming portion of yesterday's church service. And all of the fine ones were married, Satan get thee behind me, oh no, I might like that. Jesus take the wheel already!

Who is feeling my pain? :)

:lachen: :wallbash: :grin: :ohwell: :blush: :perplexed: :naughty: :imstupid:
:woohoo: :poledancer:

I've been there. I am there. Something about being 26 has turned me into a hormonal mess. I used to be a maneater, I never gave men or babies a second thought now, I was okay single or having a boyfriend. Now Im single, I'm hormonal and its making it harder to play it cool with the boy that is/isn't in the picture right now.
I've been there. I am there. Something about being 26 has turned me into a hormonal mess. I used to be a maneater, I never gave men or babies a second thought now, I was okay single or having a boyfriend. Now Im single, I'm hormonal and its making it harder to play it cool with the boy that is/isn't in the picture right now.

Hey, is it just me or is Jesus looking a lil' hot in that pic?! :lachen:

Anywho, I'm so glad you're suffering too just like me. I'm 28, so I can vouch that like you mentioned, getting older plays tricks on your libido. But why is it so shameful to flirt with guys who you are not committed to? The guys can always say "no" if they don't want to be used, right? :)
I have been there before. I tried to keep myself bust by reading or exercising. Or anything else constructive. Because when I am alone with my thoughts, my mind tends to get me in a lot of trouble. It will pass.
I have been there before. I tried to keep myself bust by reading or exercising. Or anything else constructive. Because when I am alone with my thoughts, my mind tends to get me in a lot of trouble. It will pass.

Hmm, like you admitted in your post, do you think that most of us get in stupid relationship problems when we're hormonal? Because if you read these threads about trying to get a man, it makes me wonder 2 things, how old is the OP and is she on her time of the month? LOL
Hmm, like you admitted in your post, do you think that most of us get in stupid relationship problems when we're hormonal? Because if you read these threads about trying to get a man, it makes me wonder 2 things, how old is the OP and is she on her time of the month? LOL
LOL!!! I am very anxious when I'm hormonal. I feel like I am missing out on something and that I need to be involved with EVERYTHING. I also have a tendency to be very hard on myself about goals,relationships, just life in general. And I usually take it out on my boyfriend. And the answer to your question is yes. I'm 80% partly to blame for our problems because for some strange reason being hormonal impairs my judgement, and I lash out.
Im 24 and my biological clock is ticking. Does that count?

I want some babies stat!

Or at least a prospect to mate with *sigh*
Aw, how long do you think it will be before you'll be back to normal? :)
IT won't be for a long while. It is life, relationship and everything issues. I have to pray to keep from crying. I took off friday so I had a 4 day weekend and I spent about 60% of it in bed, ALONE reading my bible and praying.
LOL!!! I am very anxious when I'm hormonal. I feel like I am missing out on something and that I need to be involved with EVERYTHING. I also have a tendency to be very hard on myself about goals,relationships, just life in general. And I usually take it out on my boyfriend. And the answer to your question is yes. I'm 80% partly to blame for our problems because for some strange reason being hormonal impairs my judgement, and I lash out.

Our hormones are the only things that keep us women from running this whole universe!

Im 24 and my biological clock is ticking. Does that count?

I want some babies stat!

Or at least a prospect to mate with *sigh*

I so know how you feel. Just watch some delivery videos and that desire to give birth will pass with a quickness...

IT won't be for a long while. It is life, relationship and everything issues. I have to pray to keep from crying. I took off friday so I had a 4 day weekend and I spent about 60% of it in bed, ALONE reading my bible and praying.

OMG!!!! I have never done that. I just went to the gym and chilled out. Oh, but I do have a new prospect... new Asian guy at work, let's see if I like him next week when I'm normal again....

...took the words right out my mouth
I felt that way last night. all I wanted was to cuddle and other things. I still feel a little like that. Now that I writing about it, I am feeling it more. It is powerful aint it?
I felt that way last night. all I wanted was to cuddle and other things. I still feel a little like that. Now that I writing about it, I am feeling it more. It is powerful aint it?

Yes it is!

That's why I call the 2-week period right before my special "monthly friend" comes my "temporarily insane" time-frame. Seriously, around this time I am NOT thinking clearly! :nono: I'm overly emotional...either biting someone's head off one minute, or crying my eyes out the next lol. Not only that, but I always get overly sentimental around this time; contemplating my life's direction and my purpose in life. You would think I was on some freaking Oprah Winfrey show or something! Sometimes I ask myself: "Why am I putting myself through this misery??" The thoughts are usually negative or "boohoo...woe is me" type thoughts. :(

And don't get me started on the GUYS during this period of time. :lol: I'm always feeling bad that I'm single around this time. But any other NORMAL time frame, I'm feeling fun, happy, gregarious, vivacious and excited about being single! Go figure!

I'm telling you, hormones are no joke! :dizzy: :dazed: :confused: :spinning:

Yes it is!

That's why I call the 2-week period right before my special "monthly friend" comes my "temporarily insane" time-frame. Seriously, around this time I am NOT thinking clearly! :nono: I'm overly emotional...either biting someone's head off one minute, or crying my eyes out the next lol. Not only that, but I always get overly sentimental around this time; contemplating my life's direction and my purpose in life. You would think I was on some freaking Oprah Winfrey show or something! Sometimes I ask myself: "Why am I putting myself through this misery??" The thoughts are usually negative or "boohoo...woe is me" type thoughts. :(

And don't get me started on the GUYS during this period of time. :lol: I'm always feeling bad that I'm single around this time. But any other NORMAL time frame, I'm feeling fun, happy, gregarious, vivacious and excited about being single! Go figure!

I'm telling you, hormones are no joke! :dizzy: :dazed: :confused: :spinning:

True True and oh so true. I get all lonely, sometimes I wonder tho if this is just magnifying what we are really feeling during the times that we are under control. I wonder if our subconscious leaks out somehow. :spinning:

Yes it is!

That's why I call the 2-week period right before my special "monthly friend" comes my "temporarily insane" time-frame. Seriously, around this time I am NOT thinking clearly! :nono: I'm overly emotional...either biting someone's head off one minute, or crying my eyes out the next lol. Not only that, but I always get overly sentimental around this time; contemplating my life's direction and my purpose in life. You would think I was on some freaking Oprah Winfrey show or something! Sometimes I ask myself: "Why am I putting myself through this misery??" The thoughts are usually negative or "boohoo...woe is me" type thoughts. :(

And don't get me started on the GUYS during this period of time. :lol: I'm always feeling bad that I'm single around this time. But any other NORMAL time frame, I'm feeling fun, happy, gregarious, vivacious and excited about being single! Go figure!

I'm telling you, hormones are no joke! :dizzy: :dazed: :confused: :spinning:
I feel like I'm reading about myself. Amazing!