WHOA! Stirring Message!

Thanks K...excellent post and its needed.

The only thing is that many will point and say 'Uh-huh' at whom they think this applies to. We have to 'know' whom God has chosen for His purpose to be fulfilled.

Still, an excellent post.
He said, "We were BORN radically depraved and self-hating"

13"(K)Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it.
14"For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it.

I just realized this: we can't be in the world and have everything they have. My personal belief: I listen to mostly jazz now because before I had a wide variety of listening music. But if the way is narrow that leads to life, I can't listen to everything the world does.
"Your best friend is the one who tells you the most truth. In America, we have become so thin-skinned, that no one can rebuke us. No one can tell us we are wrong." by Paul Washer

MAtthew 7:15
15"Beware of the (L)false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are (M)ravenous wolves.
26:30 explains this culture of "tolerance" and how we shouldn't buy into this lie.

"God will not let you talk as your flesh wants to talk" - This is so true because just the other day, I was driving and was angry at this lady cause she wouldn't turn and I said something bad, and as soon as I said it, I knew I was wrong so I repented. When you become saved, you are convicted when you do something wrong unlike before when you just didn't care.

"Don't you know that your body is the temple where the holy spirit dwells?":yep:
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He said, "We were BORN radically depraved and self-hating"

13"(K)Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it.
14"For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it.

I just realized this: we can't be in the world and have everything they have. My personal belief: I listen to mostly jazz now because before I had a wide variety of listening music. But if the way is narrow that leads to life, I can't listen to everything the world does.

Baby, listening to jazz is not 'the' sin. Music is what it is, a gift. There is much gospel music that is even more dangerous. For you see, it is the 'sprit' behind the music -- be it jazz, gospel, opera, whatever the genre.

The sin is what the music is saying and giving glory to. Much gospel gives glory to the flesh; while much jazz, gives glory to the gift of music. Just ask the Lord to help you to discern.

While I listen mostly to 'worship' music (soft and sacred), I also have a very large jazz collection, classical and movie soundtrack music, and none of it has made me sin. There are jazz muscians who give their hearts to the Lord.

This message is speaking of those who flat out do not serve God and His holiness. Let your heart be ruled by the Holy Spirit, not fear.
Baby, listening to jazz is not 'the' sin. Music is what it is, a gift. There is much gospel music that is even more dangerous. For you see, it is the 'sprit' behind the music -- be it jazz, gospel, opera, whatever the genre.

The sin is what the music is saying and giving glory to. Much gospel gives glory to the flesh; while much jazz, gives glory to the gift of music. Just ask the Lord to help you to discern.

While I listen mostly to 'worship' music (soft and sacred), I also have a very large jazz collection, classical and movie soundtrack music, and none of it has made me sin. There are jazz muscians who give their hearts to the Lord.

This message is speaking of those who flat out do not serve God and His holiness. Let your heart be ruled by the Holy Spirit, not fear.

There was a misunderstanding. I was saying, the music I listened to previously was a wide range, almost anything except hard rock and stuff that was explicity against God. But I realized that I was listening to alot of music that wasn't godly. That's why I said now, I listen to mostly jazz.
There was a misunderstanding. I was saying, the music I listened to previously was a wide range, almost anything except hard rock and stuff that was explicity against God. But I realized that I was listening to alot of music that wasn't godly. That's why I said now, I listen to mostly jazz.
I'm sorry. I read your post incorrectly. Thank God for jazz...and thank God for your heart that wants to please Him. :giveheart:

Again, I apologize for mis-reading your post. :kiss:
This is an excellent message. The thing is - it should be a very common message. How far have we come that the message of sin and repenting from it is uncommon...

This really made me think and seek The Lord.

Thanks for sharing.
Loved the video If I had the money I would start a tv station that would only air his sermons 24/7. I honestly believe that the end times are here and pastors and preachers need to get back to the basics. Salvation!!

I honestly believe that the "American Christian" is too busy trying to please people, not step on any toes, and not offend anyone, by calling out and correcting so-called "christians" when they are doing something out of line with what the Holy Bible says.

If I'm not mistaken true Christians are supposed to correct each other when they see a brother or sister in error, right?
Thank you for sharing this!

His message was a wakeup call for me.:yep: It had me examining my words and actions and thinking about where I really stand with the Lord. (I have a lot of changes to make :yep:) I signed up for his free podcasts and received 8 more downloads and I downloaded that very sermon to my ipod. Thanks again.