Who was able to rock half-wigs right after the BC? do share...


Well-Known Member
Me and my co-workers were twirling around with idea of BCing soon, and we all were stuck on the concern of whether or not we could wear half wigs right after the BC considering I'd only have a half inch to an inch of hair to work with. Do share if you have any input; if you have pics or video tutorial links do share as well.
I did!!! but i waited until almost 6 months post to chop. I also got a sew-in a month after my BC. I chopped at the end of July, and I weaved/half-wigged about 80% up until the last couple of weeks...now i'm at a length I feel comfortable with (NL). I'm just about 9 months post now.
I've never had hair that short since I transitioned, but I have a pretty small head so a half-wig is pretty much a full wig on me so I was able to hide all of my hair under and just put a headband on to cover the wig hair line. So since my hair was never out, I'm sure it would work for you.
Hope you get more responses!
Ok good to know...wow, the suspense of going natural is eating me up, lol. You never know what you're going to end up with until you just do it. :) But, I know myself and I know that relaxed or natural, I love variety and options. I love my half wigs more than anything and would love to be able to rock them. Oh well.