Who uses regular conditioners as leave-ins?


New Member
Which conditioners do you use?

For the past year and a half I've only used two leave-ins... giovanni direct and africa's best liquid hair mayo.

In the last few months, I've had to drastically tighten the budget for my beauty products. I used up the bottles of direct that I had last week. I thought that I would be fine with the africa's best...

However, I haven't used the africa's best without the giovanni direct being in my hair first before :wallbash: It does not work the same. Not that I have any breakage or big problems like that... my hair feels moisturized, but lighter and fluffier than usual. It also doesn't want to clump as much as it usually does. Even with the addition of gel.

I need something heavier to make my hair feel the way I like it to feel and give it some weight. My hair loves light proteins and doesn't like glycerin and cones too much.

Direct is now out of my budget. I'm looking for something in the 5 dollar range. It's not expensive, but I use about 4 or 5 bottles a month... it all adds up.

I've tried many, many leave-in conditioners, and they don't work the way I like.

I was thinking that since conditioners usually come in bigger bottles and are heavier, I'd get a good product and more bang for my buck.

Any suggestions?
I used to use Africa's Best Liquid Mayo too. Now I pretty much use regular conditioner as leave-in/moisturizers. Plus they're great for setting hair too. I use whatever I have on hand. Last night I used Patene R&N moisturizing conditioner, mostly I use Organix and Cristophe conditioner from CVS. Herbal Essences is also good too.
I really like Elasta QP IFC. You only need a little bit, but it's very heavy and rich. A liter runs me about 11 bucks.

Also, some of the cheapies (V05/Suave/White Rain) might work for you - they're at least worth a try for the price, ya know?