Who use soap bars to clean hair instead of shampoo?


New Member
I want to know who hear use soap bars to wash their hair instead of traditional shampoo? I recently bought two 6 oz natural rosemary soap bars for my hair. There are all natural ingredients in it ( coconut oil, olive oil, rosemary and peppermint essential oils). The person i bought it from testify that it makes her hair very clean and helps with scalp circulation due to the rosemary. I plan on using it within a few days i am anxious to see what happens. I have been wanting to stop using harsh shampoo on my hair and get something natural. I will keep you ladies posted....
the other day i used a lush hard water shampoo bar and jungle conditioner bar. loved the shampoo bar (even though it contains sls). The conditioner bar was o.k.(not great but not bad either). I plan to use them again- my hair looked great afterwards- got compliments and i liked the way it smelled and looked and felt.
I use tiffanys shampoo bar and I thought about trying one that had the rosemary ess oils in it, I like them for if I go out of town, and I like to have them in my Hurricane Hair Kit! Because they do come in Handy for things like that, and I heard that weather this Hurricane Season is gonna be worse!
NappyParadise said:
I use tiffanys shampoo bar and I thought about trying one that had the rosemary ess oils in it, I like them for if I go out of town, and I like to have them in my Hurricane Hair Kit! Because they do come in Handy for things like that, and I heard that weather this Hurricane Season is gonna be worse!
i tried that too. didnt work