Who Still Relaxes every 6 wks?


New Member
Hey ladies i'm just wondering cause i really want to try to be a "stretcher" but my hair always has more than enough new growth at 6 wks. I normally go to the salon at 6 wks...and they look at me like, "Its been much longer hun." :ohwell: I think it has to do w/ working out several times a week as well (trying to get sexy). So just wondering are they're any of you that still relax every 6 weeks...and how do you feel about it. Thanx.
Meeeeeee. The longest I've been able to go 6 weeks and 3 days, without breakage and enough hair in the sink to make a whole new hairstyle.

I don't feel anything about it because it's proven to be the best for me (I repeat for me).
"Can you please pass the jelly?" *dead stares* (remember the grey poupon* commercial)

Girl, you know some people on here would have you hanged- no, not hanged:blush: CHOPPED- for asking that?:lachen::lachen: I'm just teasing.:grin:
I relax every six weeks. I can't stretch without massive shedding and breakage. I tried all the tricks, like flatironing my roots, blowing them out, tying them down with a scarf, to no avail. My hair hasn't suffered from my relaxing schedule. I won't relax BEFORE six weeks, but I rarely go longer.
To each his own. I tried the stretching thing and it doesn't work for my super coarse 4b/4z hair! I won't do 6 since I swear my hair grows kinda slow and it's still manageable, but I also won't do a day beyond 8 weeks. Girl do what works for YOUR hair! :yep:
you have to judge what is best for you. If you can't stretch, then don't try because you'll end up getting breakage. Just don't let the relaxer overlap and put some heavy grease on the relaxed hair. Do something so you won't get overprocessed hair.:yep:
I've stretched for as long as four months,-- the longest was eight months, but my hair was in braids.

I'm actually in a quandry, because the last time I stretched for 3 months, and I had a lot of hair loss. It didn't seem to effect my length or thickness, but my hair sheds a lot and when I stretch it gets tangled. Since I don't use any heat on it during the week I have to comb and brush daily, or I get mats. Many ladies here swear by the no comb method, but I am not sure what is worse, mats or combing in terms of length rentension. Lately I have stopped co-washing all together and just started moisterizing my hair with Profectiv DC cream, and Fruitese leave in. I also use their glosser for shine. I wet my hair with that and I gently brush the tangles out and bun it. That seems to work better than co-washing every other day.

Recently at the advising of my best friend I went after six weeks to get a touch up, and I didn't like it. I think that it damaged my hair.

I have course 4a hair that is super thick and super porus. Anybody have suggestions on how you deal with this issue?
I have had my relaxed my hair every 6 weeks for years, but it was only done professionally and with a throughly based scalp. I am lucky enough to not have suffered ill effects.I have stretched for as long as 7-8 weeks but ended up with shedding and massive itching. Rather than scratch my self to death and end up with scalp sores I relaxed at the 6 week mark. However I am finishing the 6 week relaxer schedule at the end of this year and I am going to start stretching again(with a new method) for 8 weeks and see how it goes.
Well, I am stretching with braids for a year which I think anyone could do regardless of texture.

I did it one time for a year without braids and it wasn't hard but that is me, doesn't mean it will be that way for everyone.

I am 3c/4a and feel that our textures aren't that far off where I can't comment. But my strands are fine with thick density. I use Suave Humectress conditioner 2/3 with 1/3 African Royale leave in conditioner as a moisturizer. It works for me but I won't say necessarily it will work for you but just gave as a suggestion
I relax every 5-6 weeks. I have tried to go longer but it doesn't work for me. I haven't had any problems from doing this.
I'm natural but I always thought it would be better to go by growth than time. If you get the same amount of growth in six weeks that others get in 9 or 10 weeks than it doesn't make a difference
just my 2cents
I relax every 5 - 6 weeks. Really I relax, as needed. It seems that 5-6 weeks is average for me, although sometimes I have been able to go to 9 weeks. I can only do that 1 or 2 times a year, though. Never had a problem with it.

I have had a problem with stretching. I get major breakage if I wait too long.
I relax every 6 weeks too...:yep: I don't do any stretching...it causes damage to my hair...my hair is healthier when I relax every 6 weeks.
ohh good i feel better. It felt like every body was stretching...:ohwell:

girl no! Been there done that and stretching only got me more breakage trimming sessions.

It is amazing. I will start getting major breakage around week 5 and 6 - then I relax and deep condition and the breakage stops.

That's how I know that it is not for me.
I relax every 5 - 6 weeks. Really I relax, as needed. It seems that 5-6 weeks is average for me, although sometimes I have been able to go to 9 weeks. I can only do that 1 or 2 times a year, though. Never had a problem with it.

I have had a problem with stretching. I get major breakage if I wait too long.

:yep: I do it on an as needed basis. I dont' necessarily put myself on a schedule and say 'Next relaxer on this date'. I am at 5.5 weeks right now and I have to be very careful when I handle it. I have gone to 8 weeks more than once but the last time I did that it was a mistake. Too much breakage. At the end of the day, remember to do what is best for you and your hair, regardless of what everyone else is doing or what they might think.:rolleyes:
I dont relax every 6 weeks, but my last touch ups have fallen way short of my usual 12 weeks. Last 2 times ive done it at 8 and have suffered no ill effects. In fact my hair has behaved better and there has been no compromise in length, thickness or tangles/breakage.

I play it by ear and relax when i get enough growth OR when my hair starts to tangle and break, normally in colder months im able to go longer in between touch ups.
girl no! Been there done that and stretching only got me more breakage trimming sessions.

It is amazing. I will start getting major breakage around week 5 and 6 - then I relax and deep condition and the breakage stops.

That's how I know that it is not for me.

I think you're my long lost hair twin, HoneyDew!
To extend my relaxers, I have to use a really creamy moisturizer w/steam to help soften the new growth. When stretching, to help further straighten out the roots without heat, when roller setting, i would use rollers a little bit smaller than what I would normally use to help get closer/smoothen the roots.

If my roots is still a bit tight, I'll have my roots blown on a cool/warm setting. This usually does the trick.
I usually relax every 8 weeks but I be wantin to relax at 6 weeks sometimes because my hair just gets unruly and doesnt want to listen to what I say even with Prostyle :lol: and then I dont want to be walkin around looking like a jelly fish with poofy roots and stringy ends LOL ...

Once I hit 6 weeks, my hair starts shedding so bad, I make it to 8 , but past that its worse and I start getting depressed and over analyzing.

so I just relax ..
I'm surprised we have people here still relaxing after 6 weeks. I know stretching is for everyone but if I didn't stretch, I wouldnt gain any length. Before this site, I would have my hair relaxed every 6 weeks and had nothing to show for it. Now, I've learned how to stretch for 4 months at a time and have have experience a lot of growth.. I'll never go back to relaxing every 6 weeks, it just doesn't work for me.
I relax at 7 weeks. Six is too soon and 8 is too long. By week 8, my hair is breaking and snapping no matter what I do (CW, no combing, etc.)
I'm surprised we have people here still relaxing after 6 weeks. I know stretching is for everyone but if I didn't stretch, I wouldnt gain any length. Before this site, I would have my hair relaxed every 6 weeks and had nothing to show for it. Now, I've learned how to stretch for 4 months at a time and have have experience a lot of growth.. I'll never go back to relaxing every 6 weeks, it just doesn't work for me.

Same Here-but I also noticed my became thinner.
nah...haven't done that since high school days when I would slap a box perm on every 6 week religiously from root to ends... :lol: Now that I know better, there is no need for me to relax every 6 weeks... the little bit of new growth I have at 6 weeks is totally managable....
Meeeeeee! I actually went back to relaxing every six weeks. Tried 8 and lost A LOT OF HAIR! Twice I tried it. :ohwell:

So 6/7 weeks works for my hair. I even feel sometimes that I am pushing it at 6 to tell you the truth.
I relax at 7 weeks. Six is too soon and 8 is too long. By week 8, my hair is breaking and snapping no matter what I do (CW, no combing, etc.)

I am contemplating doing this...I am so torn:lachen:I feel guilty just thinking it but I love how relaxing stops the shedding and breakage. I already switched from 12 to 10 weeks now switching to 7 or 8 is a hard decision.