Who Skips Deep Conditioning?


Well-Known Member
After the "Is Deep Conditioning a Myth?" thread popped again, I began to question that step. I love the Natural Haven Bloom website and have learned much from her articles.

I DC for the purpose of detangling and adding moisture, but if the DC just coats the hair much like rinse out conditioner, is it really necessary? Many CG ladies skip the deep conditioning and have great hair.

I am thinking of just leaving oil on my hair overnight each week, then shampooing and conditioning instead of Deep Conditioning. Since we know that certain oils actually penetrate the hair shaft and prevent hydral fatigue, I can see the merit in using them as a form of weekly DCing before shampooing.

Does anyone skip deep conditioning?
If so, how long have you done so?
Have any adverse affects?
What do you like about it?
I used to for about a year, but now I deep condition every time I wash. My hair is smoother, healthier, shinier and softer now :grin:
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After the "Is Deep Conditioning a Myth?" thread popped again, I began to question that step. I love the Natural Haven Bloom website and have learned much from her articles.

I DC for the purpose of detangling and adding moisture, but if the DC just coats the hair much like rinse out conditioner, is it really necessary? Many CG ladies skip the deep conditioning and have great hair.

I am thinking of just leaving oil on my hair overnight each week, then shampooing and conditioning instead of Deep Conditioning. Since we know that certain oils actually penetrate the hair shaft and prevent hydral fatigue, I can see the merit in using them as a form of weekly DCing before shampooing.

Does anyone skip deep conditioning?
If so, how long have you done so?
Have any adverse affects?
What do you like about it?
Actually in this post she talks about how deep conditioning allows oils and water to penetrate the shaft http://www.thenaturalhavenbloom.com/2012/10/deep-conditioning-effect-of-time-and.html
So even she doesnt think its a myth
I have done this before and my hair is so much more manageable when i reintroduced DC'ing to my regimen. I don't get the coated feeling conditioners give with my DC's. It might be the products you are using.
I used to until I got off of my lazy bum & did. I realized my hair is more manageable and much softer.
I tried skipping DC'ing a few times when I didn't want to deal w/ the long hair process but each time it made my detangling process hard to manage.
I can skip deep conditioning and often do. For me it doesn't make a difference with regards to retaining length but it definitely helps with manageability. I don't believe in deep conditioning for and extended period of time. Its too much hassle to be jumping in and out of the bathroom. however long it takes for me to wash my body is how long i deep condition.
heirloom, Sorry I stepped away from my computer! From her many posts on DCing, I gather that most ingredients that will penetrate (aside from oil), penetrate within seconds of application. So, I am theorizing that if I use oil overnight, I will get its benefits, and then if I put conditioner on my hair after shampooing, go about my business and then rinse (10 to 20 minutes later), I should get the benefits of the other ingredients without stepping in and out of the shower or leaving conditioner on my hair for hours. I hope this makes sense
heirloom, Sorry I stepped away from my computer! From her many posts on DCing, I gather that most ingredients that will penetrate (aside from oil), penetrate within seconds of application. So, I am theorizing that if I use oil overnight, I will get its benefits, and then if I put conditioner on my hair after shampooing, go about my business and then rinse (10 to 20 minutes later), I should get the benefits of the other ingredients without stepping in and out of the shower or leaving conditioner on my hair for hours. I hope this makes sense

It does make sense. So instead of using a traditional conditioner to DC you are using an oil. I'm thinking doing the same just to cut out the amount of time I spend hopping in and out of the shower. Plus my hair never really got that knotty before this hair journey and I became diligent with the DCing. I did a EVCO prepoo last night and washed it off this morning and so far so good, my hair has more swing
I don't think what I do is really a DC. The AOHSR instruction are to use it in dry hair before shampooing. I consider this more of a pre-poo. I do this because it means I only have to get in the shower once. I'm not even sure this step is necessary and I'm considering giving it up.

The only time I skip deep conditioning is when I'm in such a massive rush that I literally don't have the time. But most of the time I make sure to DC. My hair always thanks me for it, it's always much easier to manage and feels better.

Also, I noticed a lot of people are talking about the hassle of hopping in and out of the shower....if you wash and rinse your hair in the sink it avoids all of that headache. I stopped washing my hair in the shower a loooong time ago once I realized it's massively wasteful. The sink is my best friend on wash days. Less effort and saves water.

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Like someone said earlier...I don't deep condition regularly because I don't want to hop in and out of the shower. I don't like washing my hair in the sink. I feel like I'm suffocating. But I will be incorporating a deep conditioner once again. My hair needs it. It gets dry way too quickly. I am looking for a good deep conditioner as the ones I tried before never made a difference to me and/or they had too much protein. I purchasing Mixed Chicks deep conditioner this week. Hopefully I will like it
I used to skip it all the time. Now I will prepoo for several hours or prepoo with oil overnight on days I don't feel like it because my hair suffered when I didn't deep condition regularly.

Prepooing or overnight conditioning on washday skips the hopping in and out of the shower.
I love washing in sink, as my hair is less tangled, towel dry, add DC sit around/clean for a few with genie wrap on head and then jumping in shower...

My hair is loving the DC I have been doing as of late... My hair I am finding loves to get a treatment weekly, Lol
I deep condition every blue moon or so... I'm so lazy with my hair! Need to work on that. Although the lack of DCs doesn't stop my hair from retaining length, I think doing it more often might help with manageability and detangling, etc. I'll get back on track with it soon. :yep:
How long should one leave conditioner on their head before it's considered deep conditioning? I leave my conditioner on until it's the last thing I rinse off after I'm done showering and that takes anywhere from 10 to 45 minutes.
How long should one leave conditioner on their head before it's considered deep conditioning? I leave my conditioner on until it's the last thing I rinse off after I'm done showering and that takes anywhere from 10 to 45 minutes.

This is me....i usually let it sit for about 10-15 minutes. I don't have time to wait 30 min to an hour.
I DC on dry/damp hair before I get into the shower. I spritz my hair, add DC, put on shower cap (maybe heat cap), do housework 15-30 min then get in the shower. I don't DC religiously, usually more in the winter than summer, and maybe 1-2x a month. Otherwise, I DC when my hair seems to need extra conditioning.
How long should one leave conditioner on their head before it's considered deep conditioning? I leave my conditioner on until it's the last thing I rinse off after I'm done showering and that takes anywhere from 10 to 45 minutes.

Deep conditioning has more to do with using an actual, quality deep conditioner rather than time. Rinse outs will never be deep conditioners and no amount of time will make them one.

My old stylist told me a deep conditioner should need no more than 7 minutes with heat to penetrate, or 15 without heat. I've gotten the same results using her advice as I did doing hours long/overnight DCs.
what works best for me is adding my reconstructor or condit° on damp hair,detangle ,braid 8 sections... do my housework or whatever...then get in the shower and rinse + co wash or gentle shampoo every now and then.

ive had good rétention (less manipulation this way,ive got fine hair).

i do this every 10-15 days.
I don't DC (stopped a year ago) and see no difference in retention or manageability. I was transitioning at the time - 3 1/2 years, and saw no increased breakage at the line of demarcation, either. I'm pretty sure I don't have unicorn hair, so I think there are probably lots of us who don't need it.
DCing made a big difference for me. I was stuck at just below shoulder length for about two years before I started DCing on a regular basis (every time I washed my hair). I was able to make it to APL in less than a year when I started doing it.

I alternate between protein and moisturizing deep conditioners, and I always sit under the dryer with them for 20 to 45 minutes, depending on what I'm using. Heat allows them to penetrate better than overnight DCing for me. And while I use oils sparingly to seal, I find that trying to DC or prepoo with oils actually dries out my hair, as they tend to seal my cuticle and prevent moisture from getting into my hair. I guess I have low porosity hair, which surprises me considering how dry it can get. :ohwell:

DCing also helped me to be able to stretch my relaxers, which helps with thickness and length retention. Without DCing, I can make it only about 8 weeks before my hair starts snapping off at the demarcation line with any manipulation. Now I can go 12 weeks or more with no problem, which makes my scalp and my hemline very happy. :grin:

But this is just my experience; as always, YMMV. Good luck!
I DC, but for only 30-60 minutes. As I mentioned in the other thread, my DCs are all natural so I leave them in. I DC with a heat cap while getting ready. After DCing, I seal and style. No in and out of shower or wasted time for me. I DC without even thinking about it or feeling inconvenienced by it.
I can skip deep conditioning and often do. For me it doesn't make a difference with regards to retaining length but it definitely helps with manageability. I don't believe in deep conditioning for and extended period of time. Its too much hassle to be jumping in and out of the bathroom. however long it takes for me to wash my body is how long i deep condition.

Same here. I hate getting back in the shower to rinse it out. I'll put in conditioner first and at the end rinse it out

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Ogoma, so you basically shampoo, put on the dc and style? or do you put on the DC, go about life for 30 minutes, then style (without rinsing)?
I used to skip it all the time. Now I will prepoo for several hours or prepoo with oil overnight on days I don't feel like it because my hair suffered when I didn't deep condition regularly.

Prepooing or overnight conditioning on washday skips the hopping in and out of the shower.

^^ This! When I stopped DCing my hair for about a year due to life and not having time, my hair payed the price :nono: I have fine hair that seems to dry out quickly so I've gone back to DCing once a week (and dusting once a month as I'm prone to split ends & SSKs) and I've noticed my hair is doing a lot better. I DC with a hooded dryer for a 15-30 mins. Overnight DCing is uncomfortable for me :ohwell:
I have to deep condition, but my life doesn't allow me to hop in and out of the shower like I used to. Now, I DC overnight the night before I wash. I spritz my hair with my oil and water mix (I use avocado and olive oil, which penetrate the hair shaft). Then, I put my deep conditioner on, put a plastic cap on and put my terry turban on over it. Next morning, I either cowash or shampoo and condition.

For me, overnight DC does the same as the post wash DC.