"Who Says Words Don't Count?"

Nice & Wavy

Well-Known Member
To the ladies of the Christianity Forum and those who don't participate here but just lurk, here is something for you to ponder upon and be reminded that:

Being in the CF is a blessing and we all can be a blessing to others when we lift up each other and not allow satan to come in with drama towards each other. I appreciate and love you and I pray that you receive this thread with love!

Love you with the love of the Lord,


"I am the way and the truth and the life..."John 14:6 (NIV)

There once was a little girl...with a battered heart.

She was told by the first love of her life...that she was unwanted.

Her Daddy's silence made her cry. His words made her broken.

Then one day she was given an old typewriter...and when she placed her fingers on the dusty keys, her heart settled.

Words came from her fingertips that her lips couldn't produce.

Her poems cryptically told of hidden abuse. Tears often smeared her little girl masterpieces.

Years passed... her fingers stilled, her heart grew cold, her lips cursed God.

But there were other people busy at their keyboards... pouring out inspired messages. Thank you, Shimmie!

Messages that would one day reach her - in deep places - places long ago hidden away. Messages that told her she didn't have to be a child of a broken parent. She could be a child of God. She was wanted.

She is me.

Jesus used theirkey strokes to produce words, messages, books, and Bible studies -- their words unlocked me, released me, held me, exposed me, and helped put me together again.

And then my fingers found their way back... and dared to strike a key or two or ten thousand. Letters became words. Words became chapters. Chapters became books. And somehow others were unlocked, held, exposed and helped.

Every one of us has words inside that were never meant to just rumble about, hidden away. They are meant to be shared. Given. Released. Spoken. Written.

But somehow, Satan has deceived us by making us think we are not good enough, smart enough, educated enough, or eloquent enough to be able to share the reality of what Jesus has done in our lives. In Matthew chapter 5, Jesus calls us the salt of the earth and the light of the world. He goes on to instruct us to let our light shine.

But we don't have to do it in our strength. For right at the point we dare to say, "There's no way," Jesus steps in and calls Himself--- "The Way."

And your story is the best thing you have to share "the Way" with the world.

Dear Lord, thank you for weaving a story of redemption throughout my life. Give me the honesty to live it in such a way that honors you and the courage to share it in such a way that blesses others. Today, as you scan the earth looking to strengthen hearts fully committed to you, I raise my hand high and say, "choose me, I am willing." In Jesus' Name, Amen.
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Awwwww NW, :flowers:. That was so beautiful and what you've said is absolutely true. I am a very quiet person I don't talk a lot here on the forum or in my everyday life. I'm just not a yapper:perplexed never have been, but I love those who are because I like to listen. I'm not the friend, sister and daughter who is always to giving my opinion on everything and telling others how to live their life or what they should have done so they wouldn't be in the situation their in. I'm just the opposite I'm the friend, sister and daughter that if you are hurting I'll give you a hug, take you out to dinner or get you up and out to do something fun and then I spend some time listening to you bellyache.

I know some here might think what I'm about to same is grap, but I was just talking to the Lord about this. Sometimes when I'm lurking here and I see so many people helping and sharing information I really do want to give, but I'm just not a talker, so I feel like maybe I missed an opportunity that God gave me to share something with somebody and I didn't take it. I've been praying to the Lord very recently about changing, if you notice I've been posting a lot more. I'm not going to say that I'll be a spring of running water, but I will try to put forth more effort to encourage and uplift my sister christ.

NW, I'm sad for your trials:cry: and I empathize with you, but I thank God you went through what you did, so that you could be here today spreading his word to me and the others.

Continue in walking his walk.


Awwwww NW, :flowers:. That was so beautiful and what you've said is absolutely true. I am a very quiet person I don't talk a lot here on the forum or in my everyday life. I'm just not a yapper:perplexed never have been, but I love those who are because I like to listen. I'm not the friend, sister and daughter who is always to giving my opinion on everything and telling others how to live their life or what they should have done so they wouldn't be in the situation their in. I'm just the opposite I'm the friend, sister and daughter that if you are hurting I'll give you a hug, take you out to dinner or get you up and out to do something fun and then I spend some time listening to you bellyache.

I know some here might think what I'm about to same is grap, but I was just talking to the Lord about this. Sometimes when I'm lurking here and I see so many people helping and sharing information I really do want to give, but I'm just not a talker, so I feel like maybe I missed an opportunity that God gave me to share something with somebody and I didn't take it. I've been praying to the Lord very recently about changing, if you notice I've been posting a lot more. I'm not going to say that I'll be a spring of running water, but I will try to put forth more effort to encourage and uplift my sister christ.

NW, I'm sad for your trials:cry: and I empathize with you, but I thank God you went through what you did, so that you could be here today spreading his word to me and the others.

Continue in walking his walk.



And that's a beautiful attribute.:kiss:
My goodness this blessed me!:huggle:

You bless me all the time, klb. You are the little sister i never had...I love you!:grouphug:
Awwwww NW, :flowers:. That was so beautiful and what you've said is absolutely true. I am a very quiet person I don't talk a lot here on the forum or in my everyday life. I'm just not a yapper:perplexed never have been, but I love those who are because I like to listen. I'm not the friend, sister and daughter who is always to giving my opinion on everything and telling others how to live their life or what they should have done so they wouldn't be in the situation their in. I'm just the opposite I'm the friend, sister and daughter that if you are hurting I'll give you a hug, take you out to dinner or get you up and out to do something fun and then I spend some time listening to you bellyache.

I know some here might think what I'm about to same is grap, but I was just talking to the Lord about this. Sometimes when I'm lurking here and I see so many people helping and sharing information I really do want to give, but I'm just not a talker, so I feel like maybe I missed an opportunity that God gave me to share something with somebody and I didn't take it. I've been praying to the Lord very recently about changing, if you notice I've been posting a lot more. I'm not going to say that I'll be a spring of running water, but I will try to put forth more effort to encourage and uplift my sister christ.

NW, I'm sad for your trials:cry: and I empathize with you, but I thank God you went through what you did, so that you could be here today spreading his word to me and the others.

Continue in walking his walk.



Awww...thanks for the flowers...I love flowers!

God knows your heart and so do I. You are a blessing to me everyday that I come onto this forum. I appreciate you and love you so much.

I wish we lived close by...I would love to hang out with ya and talk:yep:

Thank you for always sharing your heart in my threads...you are a very special person to me and I'm glad to call you my sis!

Luv ya!
Wavy: I thank Him that you are a new creation in Christ. I hope I'm hanging around when He says to you, "Well done, my daughter."

Shimmie: All I can say is that you're rubbing off on me...:yep: What a ministry you have! His crowns of righteousness are already yours.

Shalom: First a spring, then a river of life then an ocean. Get ready, girl.

KLB: My Ace, my Sunshine! I guess you'll go write that book, huh?

Great thread, Wavy cause the controversial threads are 50/11 (shout out to Shimmie) pages long. We all need to be encouraged and we never know when our words will uplift and edify someone else. I'm learning that when I take my eyes off my own situation and focus on someone elses, He begins to really do a work in me.
Wavy: I thank Him that you are a new creation in Christ. I hope I'm hanging around when He says to you, "Well done, my daughter."

Shimmie: All I can say is that you're rubbing off on me...:yep: What a ministry you have! His crowns of righteousness are already yours.

Shalom: First a spring, then a river of life then an ocean. Get ready, girl.

KLB: My Ace, my Sunshine! I guess you'll go write that book, huh?

Great thread, Wavy cause the controversial threads are 50/11 (shout out to Shimmie) pages long. We all need to be encouraged and we never know when our words will uplift and edify someone else. I'm learning that when I take my eyes off my own situation and focus on someone elses, He begins to really do a work in me.

Mocha...you will be there, with a pot of lima beans and some cornbread...cause I'm going to be hun'ry:lachen:

You sure are right about 50/11...gosh, i wish sometimes that the same would come into a thread like this and be blessed and encourage...but, I digress!

He is doing a work on all of us...that is for sure.

I love you, Mocha!
You bless me all the time, klb. You are the little sister i never had...I love you!:grouphug:

Aww....I've always wanted a big sister. Being the oldest of three sisters I've never had anyone to "go to".:giveheart:

Wavy: I thank Him that you are a new creation in Christ. I hope I'm hanging around when He says to you, "Well done, my daughter."

Shimmie: All I can say is that you're rubbing off on me...:yep: What a ministry you have! His crowns of righteousness are already yours.

Shalom: First a spring, then a river of life then an ocean. Get ready, girl.

KLB: My Ace, my Sunshine! I guess you'll go write that book, huh?

Great thread, Wavy cause the controversial threads are 50/11 (shout out to Shimmie) pages long. We all need to be encouraged and we never know when our words will uplift and edify someone else. I'm learning that when I take my eyes off my own situation and focus on someone elses, He begins to really do a work in me.

I was like book...what's Mocha talkin bout?:confused: I've been looking at the title of this thread allllll morning. Ya know it's like the words in the title itself have been speaking to me. Then it occured to me I have unwritten words waiting to meet paper.

While I'm out on leave I'm gonna focus on my book.:yep: Thank you sooo much Mocha for allowing the Holy Spirit to speak to me through you.:kiss:
Mocha...you will be there, with a pot of lima beans and some cornbread...cause I'm going to be hun'ry:lachen:

You sure are right about 50/11...gosh, i wish sometimes that the same would come into a thread like this and be blessed and encourage...but, I digress!

He is doing a work on all of us...that is for sure.

I love you, Mocha!

Did you say lima beans and cornbread, girl? Cause I never made my pot that day. :lachen:But you know it's a snow storm here so I'll have to get them tomorrow.
Aww....I've always wanted a big sister. Being the oldest of three sisters I've never had anyone to "go to".:giveheart:

I was like book...what's Mocha talkin bout?:confused: I've been looking at the title of this thread allllll morning. Ya know it's like the words in the title itself have been speaking to me. Then it occured to me I have unwritten words waiting to meet paper.

While I'm out on leave I'm gonna focus on my book.:yep: Thank you sooo much Mocha for allowing the Holy Spirit to speak to me through you.:kiss:

That's how He do! :yep: Now FOCUS!!!!
Aww....I've always wanted a big sister. Being the oldest of three sisters I've never had anyone to "go to".:giveheart:

I was like book...what's Mocha talkin bout?:confused: I've been looking at the title of this thread allllll morning. Ya know it's like the words in the title itself have been speaking to me. Then it occured to me I have unwritten words waiting to meet paper.

While I'm out on leave I'm gonna focus on my book.:yep: Thank you sooo much Mocha for allowing the Holy Spirit to speak to me through you.:kiss:

Well, you have one now and you know you can come to me at any time!
Did you say lima beans and cornbread, girl? Cause I never made my pot that day. :lachen:But you know it's a snow storm here so I'll have to get them tomorrow.

Girl, I bought some yesterday and gonna soak them babies tonight. Got my hamhock and my cornbread....Jiffy that is, and I'm going to get my eats on tommorrow....:lachen:See what you started????/:grin:
Girl, I bought some yesterday and gonna soak them babies tonight. Got my hamhock and my cornbread....Jiffy that is, and I'm going to get my eats on tommorrow....:lachen:See what you started????/:grin:

Awww...shucks!!! I gotta go to the store!!! Jiffy is my best friend!
Awww...thanks for the flowers...I love flowers!

God knows your heart and so do I. You are a blessing to me everyday that I come onto this forum. I appreciate you and love you so much.

I wish we lived close by...I would love to hang out with ya and talk:yep:

Thank you for always sharing your heart in my threads...you are a very special person to me and I'm glad to call you my sis!

Luv ya!

You're welcome.

I wished we lived close by to, I really need to absord your wisdom and knowledge. I think it's a beautiful that you and the rest of the ladies here do and I am constantly in AWE of GOD'S work through.

Love you too!:yep:
Wavy: I thank Him that you are a new creation in Christ. I hope I'm hanging around when He says to you, "Well done, my daughter."

Shimmie: All I can say is that you're rubbing off on me...:yep: What a ministry you have! His crowns of righteousness are already yours.

Shalom: First a spring, then a river of life then an ocean. Get ready, girl.

KLB: My Ace, my Sunshine! I guess you'll go write that book, huh?

Great thread, Wavy cause the controversial threads are 50/11 (shout out to Shimmie) pages long. We all need to be encouraged and we never know when our words will uplift and edify someone else. I'm learning that when I take my eyes off my own situation and focus on someone elses, He begins to really do a work in me.


Mocha, sometimes you have to.