Who relaxes their every ever 7 weeks or SOONER?


Well-Known Member
Does anyone relax their hair every 7 weeks or sooner? If so, why? How is your hair handling it?

I am 7 weeks post and I think that I am going to have to relax my hair like soon. My new growth is starting to dred up. The longest that could ever stretch was 10 weeks and that was a bear!!

I usually start having problems right around 8 weeks but I stretch longer with the help of HOT OIL treatments and DCing. I also do quite quite a bit of protective styling right around 10-12 weeks and up if I want to stretch longer, which I am doing right now. I am attempting to stretch 32 week this time but the longest stretch I've done so far has been 21.5 weeks. I will stretch this long but only with the help of braids and/or cornrows.

ETA: So try the hot oil treatments before you relax, okay? Let us know how it goes.
I do. I've been relaxing every 4-5 weeks for many years. I get 1/2-3/4 inch of new growth per month and that's enough for me to relax my hair. I like it manageable. I don't want to have to comb my hair out, because that's what would happen if I stretched.

My hair is very healthy doing it this way. I will never stretch my relaxer because I don't want to risk breakage.
Me, I relax once a month. I've been doing that for...I guess the past two years ever since I switched to lye relaxer. My hair is strong and I'm happy with the progress I'm making. For me, stretching would cause more trouble than it's worth because combing, washing, and flat ironing would be more difficult.
Me, I relax once a month. I've been doing that for...I guess the past two years ever since I switched to lye relaxer. My hair is strong and I'm happy with the progress I'm making. For me, stretching would cause more trouble than it's worth because combing, washing, and flat ironing would be more difficult.

Wow, your hair is really pretty!
I usually start having problems right around 8 weeks but I stretch longer with the help of HOT OIL treatments and DCing. I also do quite quite a bit of protective styling right around 10-12 weeks and up if I want to stretch longer, which I am doing right now. I am attempting to stretch 32 week this time but the longest stretch I've done so far has been 21.5 weeks. I will stretch this long but only with the help of braids and/or cornrows.

ETA: So try the hot oil treatments before you relax, okay? Let us know how it goes.
Co signing on the dcing. Also keeping your ng moisturized works wonders. Soft ng...:lick:
Last time I relaxed at 6 weeks. I am now 7 weeks post and I was trying to stretch to 10 weeks but I'm not going to make it. I'm pretty sure I will relax tomorrow. I have a lot of newgrowth and it's getting to the point of being unmanageable. I guess stretching is not for everyone. I may try again but for now I'm throwing in the towel!
Last time I relaxed at 6 weeks. I am now 7 weeks post and I was trying to stretch to 10 weeks but I'm not going to make it. I'm pretty sure I will relax tomorrow. I have a lot of newgrowth and it's getting to the point of being unmanageable. I guess stretching is not for everyone. I may try again but for now I'm throwing in the towel!

Ok, you convinced me. I am NOT fighting this anymore. I have tried all of the DCing, oiling, co-washing, etc, etc. IT JUST DOES NOT WORK FOR ME.

ETA: I will try a hot oil treatment tonight as per Aggie. If this does not work, I will relax on Monday.
I usually start having problems right around 8 weeks but I stretch longer with the help of HOT OIL treatments and DCing. I also do quite quite a bit of protective styling right around 10-12 weeks and up if I want to stretch longer, which I am doing right now. I am attempting to stretch 32 week this time but the longest stretch I've done so far has been 21.5 weeks. I will stretch this long but only with the help of braids and/or cornrows.

ETA: So try the hot oil treatments before you relax, okay? Let us know how it goes.

How do you apply your hot oil treatments and what do you use? Thanks!
I have never relaxed or texlaxed on a schedule like that. I just look for when there is an inch of new growth like the directions say LOL. When I see an inch for sure I do so. The last time I texlaxed happened to be at 9 or 10 weeks post and that's when I noticed my 1 inch. But if I were to see an inch in 7 weeks or sooner I WOULD do it sooner.

I don't have time to babysit 2 different textures and since my natural grows in 2 different textures by itself we are talking 3 or 4 different things going on LOL Nope.
I tried to go 8 weeks, but my hair would snap off, so I went back to 6 weeks and Voila' beautiful smooth manageable hair that does not break. No stretching for me.
I don't stretch either. When I think there is enough new growth, which is usually around 5 weeks, I relax. Beyond that, my hair just snaps off and its not worth it to me. Everything ain't for everybody. I stick to what I know works for me.
I used to relax once a month and i loved it. What got into stretching was when i joined. I tend to go 12+ weeks. I've noticed that my hair has gotten a tad thinner than when i wasn't stretching so i've decided to lessen my weeks. Like others have said, everything doesn't work for everybody. Some people just can't stretch and i'm one of them.
The only time I am able to stretch is if I have braids or senegalese twists in my hair..but if I am wearing it loose I can't go longer than 6-7 weeks..but everything isnt for everyone.
Last time I relaxed at 6 weeks. I am now 7 weeks post and I was trying to stretch to 10 weeks but I'm not going to make it. I'm pretty sure I will relax tomorrow. I have a lot of new growth and it's getting to the point of being unmanageable. I guess stretching is not for everyone. I may try again but for now I'm throwing in the towel!

I was having this problem when I first started stretching my relaxers. I recommend that you add a week each time until you get to the number of weeks you'd like to stretch. You have to get used to taking care of your new growth.
I used to relax every 6 weeks but now I wait 10-12 weeks before relaxing. I have even gone 14 weeks without really noticing. I think that it is best to go by how fast you hair is growing, kinda what some of what the other ladies said. Your hair doesn't always grow at the same rate each relaxer cycle.

It took me a minute to get used to stretching. You definitely can't go thru your stretch thinking that your hair is going to look straight (not unless you are Sylver2, she has mad skills). Most who stretch may wear their hair in straight style up until 6-8 weeks and then they switch it up and do braidouts, bantu knots, buns, etc. I am now at 6 weeks post and because of Chlorella and other vitamins I have started doing braidouts. I plan to stretch to 20 weeks without braids, my longest, and I know I am going to have to be patient and inventive.
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I do lengthy stretches, usually 24-27 weeks, but only b/c I wear sew-ins so much and don't have to deal with the two textures on a daily basis. When I start wearing my hair out I will go back to relaxing every 6-8 weeks. Stretches without the sew-ins or braids have caused me more damage the good, so it's not really worth it in my case.
I'm in like my 15th or 16th week of transitioning, but I used to get a relaxer every 4 weeks. I would start to panic if I waited any longer than that.
I'd like to know how much ng you have at 7 weeks or sooner to relax? In inches or cm...However you prefer to answer lol.
I can go 12 weeks only because i get my roots straighten with the blower by my fantastic cousin if not i would relax at 8 weeks....I am thinking of going only 10 weeks next time since is summer, depending on my growth...I just did it.

But i have always stretched between 12-14 before i knew it was stretching
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i use to relax every 4-6 weeks. it seemed fine until i realized hair never grew past a certain point, seemed thin and started breaking from overprocessing.
i was also one who couldn't absolutely not stretch..new growth outta control ..couldn't handle it :lol:.. until i 'had' to.
I used to relax every six weeks until I finally started noticing that my hair was thinning out and looking pathetic. Then I found LHCF, did my first stretch to 15.5 weeks, went back to my stylist, and got overprocessed and noticed the same problems :nono:. So I am stretching again, but only because of extreme breakage at the demarcation line in one area due to that setback. So I think what I'm trying to say is, you are the only one who knows what's best for your hair. If it's thick and healthy and growing past shoulder length, then keep doing what works for you.
i use to relax every 4-6 weeks. it seemed fine until i realized hair never grew past a certain point, seemed thin and started breaking from overprocessing.
i was also one who couldn't absolutely not stretch..new growth outta control ..couldn't handle it :lol:.. until i 'had' to.

Off subject, Sylver what are you doing here? Go update your album LOL.
That's it! I am am relaxing on Tuesday :wallbash:

I tried the hot oil treatment and every other thing that used to work and my hair was like:

I give ...
That's it! I am am relaxing on Tuesday :wallbash:

I tried the hot oil treatment and every other thing that used to work and my hair was like:

I give ...

LOL I understand but I really want to know how much NG do you have at 7 weeks or sooner? I'm just wondering does it even matter as long as you protect the previously processed hair to prevent over-processing. Like I say, I wait an inch no matter when it comes could be 7weeks or 15 weeks lol. But if it doesn't matter after all then I'd be willing to do it at a half inch to save myself some time. I love a fresh texlax LOL.
LOL I understand but I really want to know how much NG do you have at 7 weeks or sooner? I'm just wondering does it even matter as long as you protect the previously processed hair to prevent over-processing. Like I say, I wait an inch no matter when it comes could be 7weeks or 15 weeks lol. But if it doesn't matter after all then I'd be willing to do it at a half inch to save myself some time. I love a fresh texlax LOL.

I have a little over an inch of new growth. I have been taking a lot of biotin and I think that has accelerated the growth (and maybe even increased the coarseness) a little.
I have a little over an inch of new growth. I have been taking a lot of biotin and I think that has accelerated the growth (and maybe even increased the coarseness) a little.

Yes don't torture yourself any longer :lachen::grin: Seriously, everything isn't for everyone. I agree.

Make sure you post results!
i use to relax every 4-6 weeks. it seemed fine until i realized hair never grew past a certain point, seemed thin and started breaking from overprocessing.
i was also one who couldn't absolutely not stretch..new growth outta control ..couldn't handle it :lol:.. until i 'had' to.

And now look at you.... stretching a whole year. :yep: :grin: :yep: You've actually inspired me. I want to move to a three or four relaxer a year cycle (every 13 to 17 weeks). I want to start this year and I like to relax my hair right before Christmas. So, I am currently into week 6 of a planned 21 week stretch. Then I will do another 21 week stretch.