Who Relaxes Every 6 WEEKS?


Well-Known Member
This weekend I go for my bimonthly visit and it's my 6weeks mark since my last relaxer. I had planned to get retouches every 8weeks, but by that time, the new growth really is nothing to play with :nono:. So even though I can probably pull 2 more weeks, I'm trying to use preventative measures and not even let it get to a point of me obviously needing one.

So with all the stretching going on, anyone else get their retouches done so regularly?
The absolute EARLIEST I go is 8 weeks. I'm too afraid of overprocessing to go any sooner.
i try to go 8 weeks, but my usual time frame is from every 6-8 weeks. I've tried longer and I just can't do it with the new growth. I may try to start stretching the relaxers out again now that I've been taking better care of my hair for a few years now and the new growth isn't as unmanageable as it used to be. But the lesson I learned is that you gotta go with your gut in terms of how you manage your hair. Not everyone can go 8weeks, 12 weeks, 16weeks+
i try to go 8 weeks, but my usual time frame is from every 6-8 weeks. I've tried longer and I just can't do it with the new growth. I may try to start stretching the relaxers out again now that I've been taking better care of my hair for a few years now and the new growth isn't as unmanageable as it used to be. But the lesson I learned is that you gotta go with your gut in terms of how you manage your hair. Not everyone can go 8weeks, 12 weeks, 16weeks+
I'm right there with you on the time frame and I can't TELL you how right you are on the last part.
Everytime I read or hear about healthy relaxed hair, they always say the minimum you should get a touch-up is 8 weeks. I usually relax at 7 weeks, so it's something I'm working on myself. I'm just a bit more gentle and my hair is fine.
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*sigh* i admit it, i relax every 6 weeks religiously. i have honestly tried to stretch it and i've done alot of what this board says but i still get breakage.

i did say this next time i will try to go to 7 or 8 but 6 weeks falls right before christmas and well...yuh know how it is. lol.

its just that post-6 weeks, if i try to wear straight styles, it lasts only on the day that i flat ironing it. any form of sweat or moisture and my hair feels like a mattress. :perplexed
The earliest I relxax is 10 weeks.. This week I turn 10 weeks post and I don't plan on relaxing until 12/13 weeks..
I went 10 weeks and had bad breakage, but I was doing too much manipulation then.

Currently, I do 7 weeks and it's okay but I'm going to switch to 8 weeks after the New Year.
I have before, depending on how much new growth i have. The longest I've went was 11 weeks and i'll never do that again!!!! I think 6 weeks is okay though.
Wow, you guys make me feel really good right now with my 16-week telax stretch. *pats self on the back* My last relaxer was in beginning to mid August...way to go CC.:grin:
You have to train your hair to stretch. The first few times you do it, there will be breakage. It's inevitable. It's up to you to find the right products and reggie to keep the line of demarcation strong and to prevent as much breakage as possible. What worked at 2 weeks post ain't gonna cut it when you're 10 weeks post.

When I first started, I relaxed religiously every 4 weeks. My first stretch I went 12 weeks and had lots of breakage, but that's because I wasn't dc'ing near enough. Lesson learned. Now I can easily go 16 weeks with the right products

If transitioners can deal with massive newgrowth for 1, 2, 3+ years, we can too!!!
i relax 2-3x a year. but here's the thing. you gotta know your hair and what you can and can not do. my strands are really fine and when i sweat my hair does not revert so i never get that new growth that i can handle. plus i flat iron or rollerset my hair weekly so it doesnt bother me.
in the summer months i co wash daily so even though i may have a lot of new growth its almost always wet so the curlies dont bother me.
You have to train your hair to stretch. The first few times you do it, there will be breakage. It's inevitable. It's up to you to find the right products and reggie to keep the line of demarcation strong and to prevent as much breakage as possible. What worked at 2 weeks post ain't gonna cut it when you're 10 weeks post.

When I first started, I relaxed religiously every 4 weeks. My first stretch I went 12 weeks and had lots of breakage, but that's because I wasn't dc'ing near enough. Lesson learned. Now I can easily go 16 weeks with the right products

If transitioners can deal with massive newgrowth for 1, 2, 3+ years, we can too!!!

Thanks for explaining this cause' I really never understood when people said they couldn't strech. I mean, I think manipulation may play a big part in it too though.
Up until I joined this board a few months ago I relaxed every six weeks, and my hair never made it past SL, it would just keep breaking off. I'm pretty sure there was a lot of overprocessing going on. I'm almost 9 weeks post right now, and while it is getting pretty rough, I know the results will be worth it. Plus it's nice to see what my actual texture is like. I actually have some 3c curls around my edges and I never WOULD have known that if it weren't for this stretch lol. Not really relevant to growth benefits but it's nice to know.

Anyway, relaxing every six weeks might work for some people, but it definitely didn't work for me. I will miss looking fresh all the time, but oh well.
Even though I can't stretch, it's nice to hear that there's an actually method involved. :yep: While I know I will NEVER be able to relax only a couple times a year, this makes me feel less like I will always "have to" relax every 6 weeks and more like I may be able to go a little longer at some point. :)
I use to but now I try not to anymore. As of today I am at 8 weeks and very proud of having held out so far.
I tried that once... and let me tell you, for me, there was a BIG difference between week 6 and week 8. :blush: It's like my scalp got a huge dose of Miralce Grow at week 7 that I didn't know about. ;)
I go 12-14 weeks always....But i go to the salon to straighten my roots so streching is not hard
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I USED to relax every 6-8 weeks before i found this forum. I thought my hair would break off and my stylist would chastise me for waiting too long in between relaxers.

Now that I have my hair trained to stretch i couldnt fathom relaxing my hair any earlier than 12-16 weeks.

I have no excuse now. I know how to take care of my naps and the demarc line. I also thought my NG was just so out of control that i HAD to relax at 6-8 weeks.....once you know better then you'll do better.

And someone else said it right. If folks on here can transition with 8Z hair for a year+ then why can't i stretch?
I will be 12 weeks post on Friday so I understand what you mean about new growth but darling I can't imagine that at 6 weeks post your hair has grown so much you can't handle it. Be careful ok?
I want to see pics of yalls NG at 6 Weeks!

I really cant imagine someone's NG being that bad to relax that early.

I really can't.
I want to see pics of yalls NG at 6 Weeks!

I really cant imagine someone's NG being that bad to relax that early.

I really can't.

It must be something like 2+ inches or something is the only thing I can think of like someone is using a hell of a growth aid :look:

I think it boils down to one not being able to manage their hair appropriately once the new growth starts to come in. Just my opinion
i can admit it. But im also using mt. My new growth is soo bad its shedding everywhere. I cant even get a comb thru this stuff. The only thing stopping me is that im waiting for my butter blends order.

I have been a member of hair boards for quite a few years, I have learned alot of things.So i do know how to manage new growth. I use to be able to stretch for 11-12 weeks. But being my hair is hard to relax and very thick to begin with, plus the growth aid involved, its very hard to manage it. Honestly my hair hasnt been the same since i had my son.
I bun so I do low manipulation.
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I know for me in the past...getting a relaxer once a month was something I felt like I had to do. I just couldn't see myself walking around with out that "fresh" look. I thought one crinkle of new growth was like a monstrosity that must be taken care of right away. I didn't know any better and lost a lot of hair in high school because of this. I had to learn to get comfortable with my hair and focus more on the health than the straightness. having short hair in college made it that much harder because with a shaved back, short pixie cut....a 6-12 week stretch just wasn't possible for me. Now that some years have passed and I have begun to grow out my short, relaxed haircut, I have learned how to wear styles that flatter me and no longer feel like i have to be bone straight so that cuts down on the amount of times I need to relax. I can't co-wash, bun and go....and I can't wash my hair everyday or every other day so I don't have a lot of options other than weave or braids but I like wearing my hair the way it is and can't wait until I can get it into a bun because that's the way it's gonna STAY lol i'm trying to make the 12-16 week stretches at some point :)

Oh yeah and I'm currently trying to stretch for 9 weeks.....maybe 10
i dont know if this is new growth or revertment with mt but its unmanagable

any advise would be great
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I tried that once... and let me tell you, for me, there was a BIG difference between week 6 and week 8. :blush: It's like my scalp got a huge dose of Miralce Grow at week 7 that I didn't know about. ;)

:lachen: Exactly!
The thing is, I usually do about 8weeks...sometimes longer. But I'm starting to think that I should get them a bit sooner. And it's the crown of my head more than anything. I think I'm gonna go ahead and do the 6weeks ya'll :look:*dodging stones*
Mom used to relax me every 6 to 8 telling me it would break off if I didn't LOL.....she would also sometimes perm me around my edges as soon as every 4 weeks. Now I am away from her control lol...AND HAVE learned my own healthy hair techniques. My hair is so much thicker now, and I am able to stretch from 11 to 12 weeks with ease. I will continue to stretch for as long as my hair will allow. My mom has long beatufiul hair and wonders why her edges are getting thinner....OVER RELAXING. It is the devil. Just tie your ends down, finger detangle, bun it, or rollerset and tie the edges down, and treat your relaxer stretched hair like silk and it'll all be fine :)

The title of this thread brought me back to bad memories. I used get my hair done religiously - every 6 weeks... which led to some ugly hair.... over processed, 3 colors..... It was a mess. Iguess that is why I would be more than terrified to go back to a chemical.....

When I would take a "braid" break, then the stretch would be about 12 weeks. Then my stylist would 'punish me' by cutting any growth off.

The bad ole days.
If I were relaxed now - I would wait......... at least 6 months.