Who Needs to Feel Loved Right Now?


"God is the Only Truth -- Period"
Staff member
Hello Sweet Angel, ;) Is it you?

Well, not to worry... for truly loved you are.

Here's a great big hug to prove it and it is meant completely from my heart. But even more, from the heart of God our Father who art in Heaven.

In His own words....a soft yet strong whisper,

"I love you, sweet one of Love..."

And God never lies...
Thanks Shimmie. You know I love you, too. :)

Right now I'm praying for God to wrap His loving arms around Rozlips and remind her that He loves her. The loss of her baby must truly be devastating to her and her husband. I've been sad for her since she announced it on the OT forum, and will be praying for God to strengthen her in the days and weeks ahead. :Rose:
Thanks so much Shimmie! I definitely need to feel loved right now. I am going through a rough divorce and at times just don't feel God's presence at times.
Thanks so much.
AMJMJR said:
Thanks so much Shimmie! I definitely need to feel loved right now. I am going through a rough divorce and at times just don't feel God's presence at times.
Thanks so much.
Oh AMJMJR, I'm sorry. Just know that divorce is only a temporary state of being. It's not the end of your Dreams for a happy life. For God is doing a new thing and He will bring yoiu through it.

God bless you. You are never alone. ;)
pebbles said:
Thanks Shimmie. You know I love you, too. :)

Right now I'm praying for God to wrap His loving arms around Rozlips and remind her that He loves her. The loss of her baby must truly be devastating to her and her husband. I've been sad for her since she announced it on the OT forum, and will be praying for God to strengthen her in the days and weeks ahead. :Rose:
Oh my goodness. Oh Pebs, I'm so sad about this. I haven't been on OT much today, just briefly. My prayers are with her and her family too. I have to send her something via PM.
Shimmie said:
Hello Sweet Angel, ;) Is it you?

Well, not to worry... for truly loved you are.

Here's a great big hug to prove it and it is meant completely from my heart. But even more, from the heart of God our Father who art in Heaven.

In His own words....a soft yet strong whisper,

"I love you, sweet one of Love..."

And God never lies...

Aww Shimmie you are such a sweet heart.

I could sure use a hug right now. I feel so down and depressed. I know something is wrong but I don't know what's bothering me. It's been like this for the past month...... :( :( :(
Angels, this is for you...;)

Sweet Child of Love,

Your hearts have not been forgotten...neither have your tears.

My ears are not too far that I cannot hear your cries;
My arms are not too short that I cannot reach you to embrace you.

Sweet child of Love, you are mine.

Can a mother forget her nursing child?
Can a Father forget the first words that call his name?

Sweet child of Love...you are mine...

I follow you each day and my path is not bound to footsteps in the sand.
I'm the pulse of your heart and you are the pulse of mine...

Sweet child of Love, I am with you all the time.

There is no task too great that I cannot take on for you
There is no prayer too late, that I will withhold from coming true.

Sweet child of Love, with all of my heart, I am one with you.

Trust Me Sweet One.....Please trust me.
For what you have asked, it shall be done;
Here on earth as it has -- already been done -- in Heaven

Sweet Child of Love,

Thou art mine, I have called you by name...
and I will love you; even until the end --
of which there is no end,
to me calling you...

Sweet Child of Love, you are mine.


Sweet sleep everyone.... ;)

With all my heart,
SexySin985 said:
Aww Shimmie you are such a sweet heart.

I could sure use a hug right now. I feel so down and depressed. I know something is wrong but I don't know what's bothering me. It's been like this for the past month...... :( :( :(

baby42 said:

:kiss: Don't be sad anymore...You are loved. ;) The Lord gave me something to write and I shared it above about His love.
You know Shimmie, sometimes when you have these posts that start off with God has a message for you, I think to myself okay why doesn't God just pm me the message directly.:lol: Majority of the time you do have really great posts that touch the heart. I know someone out there really needed to hear this message so keep them coming. :D
Shimmie said:
Hello Sweet Angel, ;) Is it you?

Well, not to worry... for truly loved you are.

Here's a great big hug to prove it and it is meant completely from my heart. But even more, from the heart of God our Father who art in Heaven.

In His own words....a soft yet strong whisper,

"I love you, sweet one of Love..."

And God never lies...
Love you back more!! I miss you where have you been?
star said:
Love you back more!! I miss you where have you been?
Hey Darlin' I'm still here.

I've been busy and actually lead of the Lord to stay offline and focus on home, my family and other things...mostly more prayer time. Much of it, you and I talked about a little while back.

It happens to each of us, especially when you notice that you still have 2 months of clean and folded laundry that has yet to be put away in the closets and dresser draws. :lol:

I wanted to check in today for PM's and prayer requests. I don't want to miss anyone who needs prayer or even a hug to get through the day.

So, here are loving hugs to you and everyone...I haven't 'left' you. I'm just being lead of the Lord to ease back some and focus on Him.
Allandra said:
Shimmie. Shimmie. Shimmie.

You always say the right words.


Hey Darlin, hugs to you too.

Now, I don't always 'say' the right words, but thank God for the times when I do...:lol: You know me too well...:cool:

Happy days and nights and sweet moments to you Allandra. I wish you a Christmas of dreams come true...afterall, aren't they long overdue? You deserve the very best.
Am I too late to raise my hand to ask for a hug? Things going on around me that I have no control over, one being my health and the person that I thought would stand by me... just moved on and I feel very alone. I am glad that found this post today. Thanks
DivaNDistress said:
Am I too late to raise my hand to ask for a hug? Things going on around me that I have no control over, one being my health and the person that I thought would stand by me... just moved on and I feel very alone. I am glad that found this post today. Thanks

Never too late for hugs. Here's preciuous one...hugs just for you (((hugS))). And know this, from the crown of your head to the very soles of yoiur feet, you are the healed of God. I speak loving words of life and healing over you and in Jesus' name, you are whole, well and healed from every manner of sickness or disease.

Most of all, you are loved. Yes dear one, you are loved and no one can take that away from you, no matter how far they may have 'moved' on. You are still loved. For when they 'moved', Love did not 'move' with them. Love stayed and will always stay with you, because you were created and designed in and by love...Love is who you are.

Be at peace for God has named you, His "Beloved". No longer are you known as a Diva N Distress. You are a Diva truly blessed.

Sweet sleep angel...;)
Shimmie said:
Angels, this is for you...;)

Sweet Child of Love,

Your hearts have not been forgotten...neither have your tears.

My ears are not too far that I cannot hear your cries;
My arms are not too short that I cannot reach you to embrace you.

Sweet child of Love, you are mine.

Can a mother forget her nursing child?
Can a Father forget the first words that call his name?

Sweet child of Love...you are mine...

I follow you each day and my path is not bound to footsteps in the sand.
I'm the pulse of your heart and you are the pulse of mine...

Sweet child of Love, I am with you all the time.

There is no task too great that I cannot take on for you
There is no prayer too late, that I will withhold from coming true.

Sweet child of Love, with all of my heart, I am one with you.

Trust Me Sweet One.....Please trust me.
For what you have asked, it shall be done;
Here on earth as it has -- already been done -- in Heaven

Sweet Child of Love,

Thou art mine, I have called you by name...
and I will love you; even until the end --
of which there is no end,
to me calling you...

Sweet Child of Love, you are mine.


Sweet sleep everyone.... ;)

With all my heart,

i really need this right now. thanks shimmie.:)
I need a hug right now. My job is taking me through. I know God is taking me to the next level. The labor is really intense and I need the skilled women of God to take up a wailing for me.

Thanks in a advance
Loving hugs from our Father above to both of you sweet ladies.

It's going to be okay. Whatever it is you are going through, it's going to be okay. Through each moment of despair, God has taken every care, into His loving arms there is you.

Warm and loving blessings,
Shimmie said:
Hello Sweet Angel, ;) Is it you?

Well, not to worry... for truly loved you are.

Here's a great big hug to prove it and it is meant completely from my heart. But even more, from the heart of God our Father who art in Heaven.

In His own words....a soft yet strong whisper,

"I love you, sweet one of Love..."

And God never lies...

Thanks Shimmie... I think God has shown u that Ministering hurting women is YOUR ministry. I also feel in my heart that this is not only your ministry , this is your TESTIMONY...This is spirtually carthartic for u as well. You are not only bringing healing to others , u are bringing it to yourself..It an honor to be a vessel of God & by blessing others u will be continually Blessed.
PrincessDiva said:
Thanks Shimmie... I think God has shown u that Ministering hurting women is YOUR ministry. I also feel in my heart that this is not only your ministry , this is your TESTIMONY...This is spirtually carthartic for u as well. You are not only bringing healing to others , u are bringing it to yourself..It an honor to be a vessel of God & by blessing others u will be continually Blessed.

I TOTALLY AGREE! I haven't been on this board long, but the posts that I have read truly have a healing effect because they are ministered through the Holy Spirit. I know that when we are too weak to pray for or encourage ourselves that God will allow another to make that intercession. I am just thankful for your ministry.
Ladies, thank you. My heart is quite full from your replies. I can't help but notice how the Lord has used three (3) 'Diva's' in a row to speak to me directly. "Divadoll237, Princess Diva, and DivaNDistress' ;). It's not by coincidence nor is it a plan of 'man.' ;).

You're correct, my ministry is most definitely my testimony. One cannot 'feel' what they have not lived. And through it all -- all that's left of me is love.

God bless you sweet sisters; I hope I never 'fail' you nor most of all, Jesus.

Loving hugs,