Who Knew??? The *SECRET* to Gorgeous Wavy Waist Length hair is.....


New Member

Sooooo funny! :lachen::lachen::lachen:
I'm so confussed. Correct me if I am wrong but that looks like interlocks in her hair. She is really trying to say that is all her? Was this a joke? I'm so confussed
I guess this is a parody. She's probably making fun of this other woman on youtube who actually has very long, pretty, wavy hair and uses Pink Moisturizer.
Can you imagine if Pink Moisturizer was actually healthy for our hair? So many Black women would have waist length hair. That crap ain't nothing but some glorified mineral oil.
I guess this is a parody. She's probably making fun of this other woman on youtube who actually has very long, pretty, wavy hair and uses Pink Moisturizer.

Can you post the youtube link to this other woman?

Nevermind found it:


I had no idea it was her, she's actually a hair idol of mine. :blush: Well whatever works. I guess sometimes it's not what you use it's how you use it, how often and what else you do to your hair that matters.:ohwell: I also think she just started reusing it, she's experimenting with products. Anyway, to each her own I won't be putting that crap on my head. :look:
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I used that product faithfully for years and never had issues. I am still not sure what my thoughts are on mineral oil because back in the day, mineral oils were in all the products and my hair must've loved them.

I used better products now because I can and I prefer natural products. However, just wanted to say that not everyone had problems with Pink Oil.
When the hair fell off of her head, that was it for me. Too funny.

"Something's happening...cut, cut, cut!"

Can you post the youtube link to this other woman?

Nevermind found it:


I had no idea it was her, she's actually a hair idol of mine. :blush: Well whatever works. I guess sometimes it's not what you use it's how you use it, how often and what else you do to your hair that matters.:ohwell: I also think she just started reusing it, she's experimenting with products. Anyway, to each her own I won't be putting that crap on my head. :look:


Thanks for posting the link. I'm subscribed to her, but I couldn't remember her name. People went hard on her when she said she uses Pink Moisturizer! I think she's trying to use more natural products now.

I used to use PM back in the day...never really had any problems with it, but I guess I "know better" now so I don't use it.
OMG, I love the replies to the real video!!

"oh my goodness Im glad that pink oil works for you, but it has so many bad ingredients. The mineral oil and petroletum are the devil!" :lachen::lachen: the Debil!!!

and this one! so innocent! "The earrings are really cute, but I'm still on the fence about Pink oil. I've used it for about 6 months and it doesn't moisturize well for me." No... I would say unless you moisturize your hair first and then use the pink oil to seal only you would have some definite trouble.
That vid gets a small smile out of me.

On the Pink Oil discussion: If you have strong hair, Pink Oil isn't going to harm it. My mom and many others used Pink Oil quite successfully.

I'm definitely not on the whole "only natural products are good" bandwagon. Whatever works works. I don't like heavy greasy products because they don't work for my fine strands, but if they work for someone, like the lady in the second vid, I would never try to dissuade them from using it.
When I first saw this video I thought she was making fun of Shima, because people are always trying to prove her hair is a weave. I don't know who she's making fun of, but that "somethings happening....cut the camera!" part had me rooooollllling!
lol i remember when i first found pink oil, i was in middle school and my mom always had it, but not for us, she gave us other things (amongst which vaseline :look:) so i started using it on the sly and i thought it was the best thing ever FOR THE FIRST 5 SECONDS :lachen: then i'd have to reapply! Lol but then again i knew NOTHING about hair then, absolutely ZERO! Lol
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Pink oil was the ish them youtubers r some hayturz! I used to love the smell and would apply it then blowdry! Too bad I can't afford anything anymore but Vo5 lol
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First off, that was HILARIOUS! Loved it. I don't know why you guys are going in so hard on Pink Lotion though! The ingredients aren't that great, but there are some good ones, and that stuff is soooo cheap! I don't use it, but I don't get the vast dislike of mineral oil and petroleum...they "seal" the hair just like natural oils. I just don't want to pay $50 for products with all that filler...nope nope! But Pink Lotion is like what, $3 or something? My mom used to use it on me when I was a kid with relaxed hair and I had hair to the middle of my back...I can't hate on it, lol!
Goodness, that Pink Oil stayed drying my hair out. I realize now that Pink Oil may only work if you use it on your hair while it's wet, sealing in the moisture. Applying Pink Oil on dry hair is just asking for trouble. When I was in high school, Pink Oil worked the best when I used it as a leave-in on wet hair, before blow-drying. I had to stop using it altogether though.