who knew mane n tail had so many products? Not me! Lol


Active Member
soooo, came to find out that mane n tail has loads of products i didn't know anything about! O_O

they have a deep moisturizing conditioner? A replenishing one, too? Uh? Where have i been at? And all sorts of other goodies! I have the regular conditioner and i mix it with wheat germ oil and i likeseses it lol
have any of you ladies tried any of their other products?? How did they work? Pls share! And thanks in advance! =)
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Crap!!! I didn't know they had all that stuff either!!

Product. Junkie. Senses. TINGLING!!!!! :look:
Yup, they do. I kid you not the BSS I go to back home stocks the hoofmaker. Yes, it is for horses' hooves. I nearly died :lachen:. Didn't bother to tell them anything. Can't imagine how that slipped in. All the other products are for human hair though. I just buy the detangler.
Yeah Ive seen the hoofmaker in the hair section before:giggle:, oh yeah, the Deep Moisturizing conditioner isnt anything to get excited about, its just OKAY and you have to use a ton of it before it feels like your hair is completely coated in conditioner,:rolleyes: