Who is starting over?

Is your hair not where you want it to be, so cutting it and starting over is your best next move? Thats me too. I stretched between my relaxers too long and I had extreme breakage and my thick full hair is now thin. It wasnt just the stretching but the last relaxer I received was a overprocess. So I had weak strands and a serious demarcation line. I thought I had it under control but apparently not. In actuality I wasnt stretching, I was transitioning and I couldnt handle the difference in textures.

So I plan on perming my hair (not bone straight aka texlaxing) after I cut a good 3in off to start off my new year brand new. I am going to go to the salon 2x month for a wash and set. And do my own wash and set the other weeks.

How are you starting over?
I'm not exactly starting over but i would like to have all of my hair healthy, so i decided to cut of the last remaining damaged texturized ends in 3 wks. After that i will just treat and protect my hair, until i regain my length.
liveyourdreams said:
Is your hair not where you want it to be, so cutting it and starting over is your best next move? Thats me too. I stretched between my relaxers too long and I had extreme breakage and my thick full hair is now thin. It wasnt just the stretching but the last relaxer I received was a overprocess. So I had weak strands and a serious demarcation line. I thought I had it under control but apparently not. In actuality I wasnt stretching, I was transitioning and I couldnt handle the difference in textures.

So I plan on perming my hair (not bone straight aka texlaxing) after I cut a good 3in off to start off my new year brand new. I am going to go to the salon 2x month for a wash and set. And do my own wash and set the other weeks.

How are you starting over?

I am trying to start over in the aspect of my attitude I guess. I need to just stay focused without over obessing so that is what I am trying to do.
I'm kind of starting over. My hair was at bra-strap length but the ends were dreadful because I carelessly neglected them all year (especially during the summer). I don't know why I got so lazy, I even started sleeping with my hair all out. Anyway, disgusted by the last few inches, I cut them off. After seeing the new thick ends I got addicted and cut off a little more. Now I'm at shoulder length.
Its a setback but I must say my hair looks much healthier.

Now I'm taking MSM, bioton, and silica in hopes of speeding up the process of getting it back to bra strap.
I was doing good with my texlaxed hair reaching armpit and healthy. I am so happy with my progress I decided to take it a step further and transition. I didnt want it to grow any longer, so i decided to stop actively growing my hair now and focus on growing out the relaxer.
Add me to the list! I've realized that the previous relaxer I was using (affirm) was ruining my hair! by underprocessing it and I missed out on substantial growth :(

Now that I'm using silk elements, my hair is growing out especially my crown area. If anything the most progress I made was the crown area.. it used to stretch up to the top of my lips but now it's a bit past my jaw line/chin.

I would like my hair to be all one length anyway so I don't really care much for the growth of my bottom layers so I've cut some off. It pretty much looks like a collar bone length bob now (when I don't use extensions ;) ) .
I'll also be trimming every 8 weeks especially the bottom layer!
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I started over like 8 times this year. I had serious breakage in the back of my hair, so even though my hair was growing I had see thrus-which I can't stand:mad: -so I kept on trimming my hair until it looked healthy. It's been a rough year with no net gain, BUT my hair grew like crazy.

So this year is about retaining growth. I'm looking for APL around March.
I am. I moved to Eastern Europe and encountered hard water and breakage/shedding problems. My hair did not suffer too much, but now that the situation is under control, I am on a mission to retain more growth, trim less and thicken up my ends on my right side where I see some thinning due to the problems. I had a major setback last year and just got back on track this summer, so I am looking to put an end to this once and for all and retain some serious inches this year!
liveyourdreams said:
Is your hair not where you want it to be, so cutting it and starting over is your best next move? Thats me too. I stretched between my relaxers too long and I had extreme breakage and my thick full hair is now thin. It wasnt just the stretching but the last relaxer I received was a overprocess. So I had weak strands and a serious demarcation line. I thought I had it under control but apparently not. In actuality I wasnt stretching, I was transitioning and I couldnt handle the difference in textures.

So I plan on perming my hair (not bone straight aka texlaxing) after I cut a good 3in off to start off my new year brand new. I am going to go to the salon 2x month for a wash and set. And do my own wash and set the other weeks.

How are you starting over?
I'm seriously considering going to tree braids for an extended period as a protective style while I let my hair grow out and figure out what I want to do with it. I just had 3 inches cut off and it is now in generally good shape, I have some really good products that I like now. I know how to take much better care of it thanks to this board... I would just like to have about 6 more inches of length which would give me more versatility, especially since I workout a lot. Now it's a little too short to pull into my UPA clip, and working out in falls isn't really an option. I have another thread out there fishing for ideas. I have 1 inch new growth in 1 month so that's great news. If I put my hair up, I'll be rocking something by the summer. The jury's out right now. Let me know ladies if you have any ideas for this 4b girl. Newgrowth is fine until I workout and sweat. I'm afraid of washing my hair everyday, and that is time consuming with the air dry, I'll be going to bed or work with wet hair, I detest wet hair unless its right after a workout.

I know, I'm so high maintenance!! I am enjoying Marshal arts so much I don't want to have to be stressing about my hair!!! :cry:
I am!! I am natural at the moment but would be relaxing very soon. My hair was looking better when I was relaxed. I experienced a huge amount of shedding after child birth, stress, and low iron levels this year. My once thick hair is see through now and I keep wearing wigs which are making me sick. I am stuck in a style rot and completely fed up with my hair. But I am determined to have healthy thick hair again.
I am starting over. I haven't been taking care of my ends so I may have to cut at least 3 inches off in a few weeks. Once I do, I am going to be stringent about my regimen. Especially keeping the ends moisturized and protected.
ME ME!! I am starting over. February of 2005, I was mid blade, which was my first goal, you couldn't tell me nothing:lol: August of 2005 my hair just broke all off I tell you!!! but just the middle part. So, I had to cut my hair every so often. As the middle grew in, I would cut the back and the sides and so on and so forth.
I got my hair pressed (I'm texturized) in September and it is doing great!!. I did a trim then as well, because I just can't hold on to uneven hair. I am getting a relaxer in a couple of weeks when I take this weave out so I can gauge my growth. I'm past shoulders now, so I pray to be back to mid blade by April.
I'm so disgusted because me and this girl at my job had the same length of hair before my mishap, and now she is past bra strap and I know it could've been me to :wallbash: All of the hard work, products (product whore in the house) and for as something drastic like that to happen!! But in the end, I trust that it will be all good......... venting, venting, venting .....and I'm out :look:
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Indigo said:
ME ME!! I am starting over. February of 2005, I was mid blade, which was my first goal, you couldn't tell me nothing:lol: August of 2005 my hair just broke all off I tell you!!! but just the middle part. So, I had to cut my hair every so often. As the middle grew in, I would cut the back and the sides and so on and so forth.
I got my hair pressed (I'm texturized) in September and it is doing great!!. I did a trim then as well, because I just can't hold on to uneven hair. I am getting a relaxer in a couple of weeks when I take this weave out so I can gauge my growth. I'm past shoulders now, so I pray to be back to mid blade by April.
I'm so disgusted because me and this girl at my job had the same length of hair before my mishap, and now she is past bra strap and I know it could've been me to :wallbash: All of the hard work, products (product whore in the house) and for as something drastic like that to happen!! But in the end, I trust that it will be all good......... venting, venting, venting .....and I'm out :look:
See, we are going to work this out... Together, welcome girlfriend.... I know were I went wrong....

I have to admit my faults...I had no business, doing a chemical process on my hair after all those years in braids. See I did the same thing before about 20 years ago but I lived in professional press and curl heaven for about 1 year and my hair was swangin virgin then I got a perm when I came here in 1988... (the beauty shop was giving me 2 + 1 's in Los Angeles back in 1984!!!) I professional hair care has it merrits...I can do other stuff good..... :look:
Completely redoing my regimen. Water and oil only to moisturize every day and a new deep conditioner. I'll probably splurge and order the Keracare tub. I'm simplifying. One oil, one shampoo, and one deep conditioner. Weekly deep conditions, bun/ponytail every day, relax every three months (I'll try!), and NO trimming!
Me too, but I'm starting over with a totally new head of hair. I love this hair and will enjoy growing it back out. :yep: It wasn't worth it to have long scraggly hair so I chopped about 4 inches and I'm loving every minute. :D
I'm not wearing protective styles and I probably won't stretch more than 6 months.
Im starting over! I have found a new stylist. She cut my old ragged ends on the last visit. No colored ends, yea I miss the color:( . I'm skied:D to get a new relaxer on thrusday and start my Bootcamp challenge early :up:
No more extreme heat... just rollersets, braid sets or buns:look: I will post a pic in my siggy.
i started over in june cause i had scraggly hair
now i have grown to about the length b4 i cut
but i kind of regret it cause although it is healthy
it is still scraggly looking. i just posted in my fotki
and i kind of think it was a waste of a cut because
i dont wear my hair down much :confused:
I did get rid of some of the splits from the trying to
get the texturizer right experiments so i dont think i
will be doing that again but i am happy that i am
where i am now and i know i tried!
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I am also starting over. About a year ago my hair was bra-strap length and I was satisfied. Then I moved to Puerto Rico where I went to different salons that messed up my hair badly. I came back to Florida and had to get a drastic haircut because my hair was very uneven but I was trying to hold on to it for dear life and finally had to learn to let go. I got my hair cut to about ear-length and am wearing weaves again to just leave it alone and let it re-grow to where it was before.
I guess I'm starting over. Before joining LHCF, in october I chopped off those dry dead ends, taking me from nearly BSL to a couple inches past SL. This time I'm trying to keep my ends moisturised, using less heat & taking supplements so that when I reach BSL again my hair will be healthy (hopefully) :)
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I am back to where I started when I joined the hair boards 3 YEARS AGO!!!
I was armpit length with thick ends and now I will be around the base of my neck by the time I am done cutting the thin ends. Years worth of progress gone! :mad:

It all started with that darn MTG and it has been downhill ever since.

I am just going to cut it off next week. My ends are sooo thin it is ridiculous... By the time I am done my hair probably won't even be neck length. But I am tired of walking around with my hair a mess.

I've learned from my mistakes and I think I have a good regimen down. It's just a matter of waiting till it grows back.
I recently cut off 5 inches. I was about 1 1/2 inches from brastrap. Not due to starting over but I just needed a change from my long boring almost brastrap length hair. It was all one length and it just lay there looking all boring. I am now sporting a shoulder length slightly layered cut with longish swoop bangs. I love how it looks and I may be wearing this style for a while before I begin growing my hair out again.
AtlantaJJ said:
See, we are going to work this out... Together, welcome girlfriend.... I know were I went wrong....

I have to admit my faults...I had no business, doing a chemical process on my hair after all those years in braids. See I did the same thing before about 20 years ago but I lived in professional press and curl heaven for about 1 year and my hair was swangin virgin then I got a perm when I came here in 1988... (the beauty shop was giving me 2 + 1 's in Los Angeles back in 1984!!!) I professional hair care has it merrits...I can do other stuff good..... :look:

Yes!! Yes!! We are going to work this out,and I can't wait! What was the 2 + 1's ??sorry i'm a little slow right about now :lol:
douglala said:
I am back to where I started when I joined the hair boards 3 YEARS AGO!!!
I was armpit length with thick ends and now I will be around the base of my neck by the time I am done cutting the thin ends. Years worth of progress gone! :mad:

It all started with that darn MTG and it has been downhill ever since.

I am just going to cut it off next week. My ends are sooo thin it is ridiculous... By the time I am done my hair probably won't even be neck length. But I am tired of walking around with my hair a mess.

I've learned from my mistakes and I think I have a good regimen down. It's just a matter of waiting till it grows back.

What's up?!?!?! I remember we started around the same time! How did the MTG do a number on your hair like that? Oh boy! My beatician who only does my presses told me that sulfur "pops the hair off" after it grows a certain length. I kind of brushed her off because she's old school ; and she told me she couldn't texturize my hair among other hair tactics that didn't sit well with me :ohwell: