Who is scared to death to try....

Ayeshia said:
same here my motto is that it get will get here when it gets here... no rush for long hair. And even though the health effects are slim to none you never none how it could spontanelously mutate your genes 15 years down the line haha...so Im straight.

I hope no one throws stones at me but the people who seem to do the least (including not taking MTg, no vits, etc) seem to get the most growth from what I have observed.

I agree 100%. This is what I found works best for me. When I wash, condition, and put my hair up in a protective style it grows just fine and there's less breakage. Less handling means retained growth. The secret to long hair for me is the right strength relaxer, extreme protection of the pre-relaxed sections, neutralizing almost to excess, once a month protein, and daily MOISTURE, and a protective style.
beyondcute said:
LOL!!! Sorry praz, maybe youre allergic ot sulfer. Im actually suprised imnot havign any problems I have the most dysfunctional skin EVER! Im even allergic to soap, go figure!

That is a big possibility but I have never experienced issues with the Sulfur 8 braid spray when I wore braids so I am not sure. I just know that I am just not so focused on growth but moreso on health nowadays. So I'm not so quick anymore to jump on any bandwagons! :)

The strangest thing was that I didn't experience issues using MTG until about a month or two after I started using it. At first, I just went along with the irritation until my DH noticed the ugly scaling it was causing. I was actually just going to deal with the burning sensation!! :(
I think everyone has achoice to use whatever products they feel. I have used mtg without any negative effects. If there would have been any I would have stopped using it. I also did some research on it prior to use. You have to do what works for you. My health comes first. I would suggest doing research on anything you want to try that you here about on the board. That includes human and non human products.
I'll admit I'm terrified of trying the MTG even though I've seen pictures of ladies showing rewarding results. :) I just haven't found the courage yet, plus I'm expecting and not due until March, so maybe after the baby's born. Then again maybe not b/c I'll also be breast feeding. I'll try washing, conditioning and less heat for a while and see what type of results I'll get.
I'm not scared- it just doesn't appeal to me enough to try. Besides my hair is already pretty long. The most I do know is take a multivitamin (whenever I remember)
Some of the things used and made for animals are safer than the stuff they market for humans...how did I come to this conclusin...in my MTG search, I read the ingredients on a lot of the animal shampoo and conditioner products...and a lot of the stuff that is banned on the board are not contained in the products for animals...parabens, mineral oil, petroleum, so I bought horse shampoo and conditioner and have been using it ever since...