Who is scared to death to try....


Well-Known Member
Some of these non-traditional hair care remedies? There are a few products being used on this board not marketed towards human hair growth or care. The number of people using them appears to be pretty large and many people not afraid to give it a shot. My question is who is SCARED to try some of these things???

I AM!!! Something about using stuff that hasn't been approved or specifically designed for human hair care or growth just doesn't sit well with me. Even with all the claims about how fast and great some of this stuff works, things like the stories of allergic reactions and the "unknown" factors kills my curiousity and stirs up nervousness and fear.

Ooooh, I did try the Mega Tek Rebuilder at one point, but that is also marketed towards human usage. There was nothing at all special about it that I could tell...and I wasn't comfortable using it, so stopped using it all together not to long afterwards.
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so1913 said:
LOL...that's why it scares me!

You know, in our quest to be thinner, richer, prettier, etc, I think deep down inside we know that stuff just don't sound/seem right, but due to self-esteem, vanity issues, etc, we push all of that aside and bite the bullet. Unfortunately, the bullet bites back in many cases.
i'm a little scared, but the part of me that isn't scared just doesn't want to try them, period. For me, I have plenty of time to grow long hair, if I do EVERYTHING and try all these things and grow hair from midback to the floor in six months, where will the fun be in that??

I get frustrated sometimes, that at every touch-up, my hair is always just 1.5" to 2" longer and i'd LOVE to see a difference in growth of about 4" between touch-ups :lol: but then again, I have time. My ultimate goal is basically 10 months away :yay: and knowing that I could possibly grow more hair makes it exciting. So i'm in no hurry to get to the floor, despite the frustrations, I enjoy watching my hair grow at its regular pace :)
I just feel relieved that I have found a regimen that works for me. I can't imagine wanting long hair so bad that I would be willing to try any and every crazy thing that is suggested.:ohwell:

But as long as these methods work for the folks that are using them, then whatever.
MizAvalon said:
I just feel relieved that I have found a regimen that works for me. I can't imagine wanting long hair so bad that I would be willing to try any and every crazy thing that is suggested.:ohwell:

But as long as these methods work for the folks that are using them, then whatever.
same here my motto is that it get will get here when it gets here... no rush for long hair. And even though the health effects are slim to none you never none how it could spontanelously mutate your genes 15 years down the line haha...so Im straight.

I hope no one throws stones at me but the people who seem to do the least (including not taking MTg, no vits, etc) seem to get the most growth from what I have observed.
Ok.....I share the same thoughts as all you ladies...and then some, lol...(that I will not share at this moment). I know this could possibly be a sensitive topic and I don't want people to start being on the defensive who are using some of this stuff, it's not a personal attack on anyone...more so just personal opinion.

But some of the stories on this board are quite disturbing and bizzare to ME, one recent one in particular that had me extremely puzzled because there was a HUGE response it seemed as though no one saw anything wrong or odd about the picture.

At least I know there are 4 other people that are "thinking what I'm thinking" sometimes, LOL!
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Ayeshia said:
same here my motto is that it get will get here when it gets here... no rush for long hair. And even though the health effects are slim to none you never none how it could spontanelously mutate your genes 15 years down the line haha...so Im straight.

I hope no one throws stones at me but the people who seem to do the least (including not taking MTg, no vits, etc) seem to get the most growth from what I have observed.

ITA with this statement, Ive seen the most progress in the women that just keep it simple, clean, and conditioned. I believe Ive had pretty good growth and have never taken any vits or special potions.
I'm scared...I freely admit it. But then I see/hear of all the wonderful results some ladies have been having with [insert product here] and I tend to wonder: "Hmmm...maybe it's not THAT bad...".

But, I don't know... I still am kind of leary about products made for animals. Almost like, there is a REASON why these products are for animals, and haven't been marketed to HUMANS yet. :ohwell:
But, maybe this is just fear inside of me talking. I especially get afraid when I hear of side-effects (rashes, sickness to stomach, itching, burning, etc) that some ladies are experiencing with some of these products. It's one thing to be getting a rash or a burn from a product that is marketed towards humans. But it's a TOTALLY different thing altogether when you're getting these same side-effects from products marketed towards animals.

It's like, even if I went to the emergency room or to my doctor/dermatologist because I was experiencing these side effects, I feel like they would look @ me and say: "well, what were you doing using these products for animals anyway???" It's like..."what did you expect?" :(

I'm perfectly happy with using products made for man, and other supplements that have been deemed relatively safe for human consumption. I think I'm pretty much happy with my hair growth rate. Of course probably everyone of us on this board would like a little faster growth rate, but I'm not looking to endanger my health for it! :nono:
Well I can say for myself that I wont try anything unless Ive done my research. Most times if its a fad, there is no research to support what people are saying. So it ends there. At one point in time Id never think that some of my cooking ingreidnts would make my hair healthy but then again olive oil and peppermint oil actually have some hair benefits. As far as misusing stuff with a warning lable..... Id never go there.

Then agian some stuff works for some peopel while other things do not (yall not gonna get me to give up my grease, not happening :) )

Edited to add: Oh yea I need to admit that yes IM scared to try some things and on top of that Im scared for the people trying them but alas such is life and its not my head.
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I live by the motto that I'll try anything once. Some may think it's reckless, but I honestly don't believe that I'll have any long term effects from the things I try. Basically MTG and vitamins. I haven't done much else. When I grow a third breast from a combo of MTG and B12, you guys will be the first to know. :look:
careful with the b12 now.... (my uncle has liver problems and he is always on us about vitamins) :) A friend of mines wrote the company president at Shapleys and they said the original owner was selling it to humans but they hated the smell. People started buying it for horses and thats where the market led them. Some of the stuff is still marketed for humans (Mane and Tail shampoo, conditioner) I researched that one for about 5 months. As far as it being formulated for humans they want to change the smell without affecting the sulfer. What also sold me was the fact that is says "practically non-toxic is swallowed" right on the bottle. I cant say that for my shampoo, or conditioner.

ANyways I just wish everyone was cautious with what they wanna do. Some people just jump on the bandwagon without any type of evidence or research. I even condulted a dermatologist who (laghingly) told me that her mother and grandmother had been using MTG for years. She said she would use it if it didnt smell so funnky :) I asked her about some other stuff Ive heard about on this forum and she had a fit. Some of the stuff she said was dangerous but Im not here to preach about what my doctor said. If anyone wanted to hear that they would see thier own docotrs.
beyondcute said:
Well I can say for myself that I wont try anything unless Ive done my research. Most times if its a fad, there is no research to support what people are saying. So it ends there. At one point in time Id never think that some of my cooking ingreidnts would make my hair healthy but then again olive oil and peppermint oil actually have some hair benefits. As far as misusing stuff with a warning lable..... Id never go there.

Then agian some stuff works for some peopel while other things do not (yall not gonna get me to give up my grease, not happening :) )

Edited to add: Oh yea I need to admit that yes IM scared to try some things and on top of that Im scared for the people trying them but alas such is life and its not my head.

Please tell me what the CAG method is.I'm searching for a new hair technique. Please teach me. :notworthy
Crystalicequeen123 said:
I'm scared...I freely admit it. But then I see/hear of all the wonderful results some ladies have been having with [insert product here] and I tend to wonder: "Hmmm...maybe it's not THAT bad...".

But, I don't know... I still am kind of leary about products made for animals.Almost like, there is a REASON why these products are for animals, and haven't been marketed to HUMANS yet. :ohwell:
But, maybe this is just fear inside of me talking. I especially get afraid when I hear of side-effects (rashes, sickness to stomach, itching, burning, etc) that some ladies are experiencing with some of these products. It's one thing to be getting a rash or a burn from a product that is marketed towards humans. But it's a TOTALLY different thing altogether when you're getting these same side-effects from products marketed towards animals.

It's like, even if I went to the emergency room or to my doctor/dermatologist because I was experiencing these side effects, I feel like they would look @ me and say: "well, what were you doing using these products for animals anyway???" It's like..."what did you expect?" :(

I'm perfectly happy with using products made for man, and other supplements that have been deemed relatively safe for human consumption. I think I'm pretty much happy with my hair growth rate. Of course probably everyone of us on this board would like a little faster growth rate, but I'm not looking to endanger my health for it! :nono:

I agree 100%...You basically stated exactly everything I was planning on saying:)
I used to jump on the bandwagon when it came to these new growth remedies. The last being MTG.....Yes, it did increase my growth rate; however, it ruined the back of my scalp resulting in the driest of dry skin, peeling and cracking scalp, and the feeling of a relaxer burn....


Note: I'm not knocking anyone that tries them. I just know it is not good for me. :)
LOL!!! Sorry praz, maybe youre allergic ot sulfer. Im actually suprised imnot havign any problems I have the most dysfunctional skin EVER! Im even allergic to soap, go figure!
Ayeshia said:
And even though the health effects are slim to none you never none how it could spontanelously mutate your genes 15 years down the line haha...so Im straight.

That's what scares me. We don't know what the long term effects of some of these products are. Yes, I am scared to use a product that's designed for animals, especially for animals that are bigger and larger than humans. I'd rather have short hair all my life than wake up 15 years from now with some strange crippling disease.
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beyondcute said:
careful with the b12 now.... (my uncle has liver problems and he is always on us about vitamins)

What did he say about vitamins? I know that you can overdose on some vitamins but I thought for the most part they were okay...esp. if your diet is lacking.
IMO, regardless if its for human consumption or not, DO THE REASEARCH. There's lots of down home home made remedies that do work, some that don't. Educate yourselves and learn about what you're putting on your head and in your bodies.

Without doing research and experimentation I wouldn't have found out the things I did find out. On the other hand, You have to be cognizant of the possible consequences/side effects as well, no matter if its MTG or a vitamin tablet.

Porsche19 said:
We can put horse hair all up in our head, but are afraid to use the horses hair products :lol:

Hahah!! LOL* :lol: That is pretty funny. ;)

But, I'll just edit what I said in my first post and say that I'm not really knocking any particular product in general, but I have to say that I did some more research and found out that Shapely's MTG was suppposedly originally made for HUMANS. Therefore, maybe this product is an exception. I didn't mean to say that ALL products that are marketed towards Animals are all bad and can't/shouldn't be used by humans. I just meant that I tend to shy away from it, that's all. Call me scared, ignorant, or whatever...but I freely admit it.
beyondcute said:
LOL!!! Sorry praz, maybe youre allergic ot sulfer. Im actually suprised imnot havign any problems I have the most dysfunctional skin EVER! Im even allergic to soap, go figure!

Yeah, I think I might be allergic to sulfur too, because one time my doctor prescribed some medication for me (made for humans mind you), and after a couple of days I started having stomach problems and I broke out in hives and rashes! EEEK! :eek: I then did some research on the ingredients in the medication and found out it contained sulfur and read online that some people are allergic to sulfur and have the same reactions I had with it.

So, some people just can't take certain types of "remedies". No biggie.
I just can't see how some people can use products that smell bad or are too oily. It just does not seem to be worth it when hair will grow anyway.
Ayeshia said:
same here my motto is that it get will get here when it gets here... no rush for long hair. And even though the health effects are slim to none you never none how it could spontanelously mutate your genes 15 years down the line haha...so Im straight.

I hope no one throws stones at me but the people who seem to do the least (including not taking MTg, no vits, etc) seem to get the most growth from what I have observed.

I agree with everything you said, I do want longer hair but I am not rushing it. I just wash, condition, and keep my hair twisted and moisturized.
Arcadian said:
IMO, regardless if its for human consumption or not, DO THE REASEARCH. There's lots of down home home made remedies that do work, some that don't. Educate yourselves and learn about what you're putting on your head and in your bodies.

Without doing research and experimentation I wouldn't have found out the things I did find out. On the other hand, You have to be cognizant of the possible consequences/side effects as well, no matter if its MTG or a vitamin tablet.

Im soooo 100% with you on this one! You have to do your own research. Only trust what YOU find. ANd then double check your own research.

Someone asked about vitamin overdoses. We only need a small amount of B12 and when we intake too much it gets strored in our liver. It DOES NOT pass thru your body in your urine. Here's some stuff I found in online medical journals and science journals (Im a bio major/nerd :) ) *If you dont want ot read this skip to the last paragraph*

From 'Nutrition for Vegetarians' by drs. Agatha and Calvin Trash (the updated version with updates and corrections, 1996):

"Generally the routine use of vitamin B12 supplements are not advised. In animals studies, there have been cases of increased cancer production in animals receiving high levels of B-12. It has been noted that the animals have an increased production of white blood cells such as occurs in chronic myelogenous leukemia. A case has been reported of acute myeloblastic leukemia resulting from B-12 overdose in the treatment of pernicious anemia."

"According to this site, Yale School of Medicine researchers have found that a diet high in cholesterol, animal protein and vitamin B12 is linked to risk of a specific type of cancer of the stomach and esophagus that has been increasing rapidly" (site link http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2001/10/011030225654.htm)

"The Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine recommends that vitamin B12 should be consumed only from food sources to prevent intake of potentially toxic levels"

I called my uncle and he says that 'because people that take them that dont need them have excess stord in thier livers and the constant storing of them can get to dangerous levels.' He went on to say he took them when he was in the army and when he got hurt they did tests on hoim and told him he had liver damage. They couldnt figure it out because my unlce dosnt drink but then they found out he was takign amulti vitamin and a vitamin b pill every day. He wasc compromising his own liver. Enough rambling...

In conlusion anything is excess is bad for you. Most of the sites only reccomend supplemental B12 if its prescribed. Otherwise the regular daily multi-vitamin will suffice.
Lanelle said:
What did he say about vitamins? I know that you can overdose on some vitamins but I thought for the most part they were okay...esp. if your diet is lacking.

Yes, you can overdose on all vitamins. There is no such thing as a vitamin that is safe to take on unlimited amounts. Nature has wired our bodies in such a way that moderation is always safer than excess. Here is a good site with info on vitamin toxicities (scroll down to see various vitamins):