Who Is Responsible For Planning The Wedding Anniversary?


Well-Known Member
I'm a newlywed and our anniversary is coming up. I just wondering for our first anniversary should it be my husbands responsibility to plan something or should I? Or both?

I'm new to all this. Thoughts?
I can't remember what we did for our first anniversary, but I planned our anniversary last year. If your husband is not a planner, don't expect him to start now (learned this the hard way). So be prepared to take the lead. If he's anything like mine, he'll go along with whatever you say "as long as he gets to spend it with you."
I don't plan our anniversary, but from time to time, I do surprise him with a gift that he isn't expecting.
He always plans something nice. I love this!

He says our anniversary day is supposed to be all for me, and he usually goes all out.

I disagree...but just not too loudly. Lol.
On the flip side, an acquaintance planned her first and second year anniversaries with her husband. She's steamed, fully ready for a melt down for year #three if he doesn't step up and "do" something. Her words.

But I think he's going to sit back and let her handle it again this year. She took the reigns early on, and he's comfortable now.
My advice is don't start something you don't wish to continue for a lifetime. Too bad she didn't ask me before she made those plans twice in a row thinking it would motivate him. I think she was more worried about updating their facebook status with nice pictures that would show the "haters" how "in love" they are. I was like girl...oops, sorry. I see this needs its own thread. (lol)
My vote is for him to plan it or the both of you plan together. IMO if you take over and start planning now you will be planning this for the rest of your life which trust me will get OLD. Anniversary is kind of like Valentine's Day to me.
I agree with @hopeful. Get him involved in the planning right from the beginning or you will be responsible for it forever.
On the flip side, an acquaintance planned her first and second year anniversaries with her husband. She's steamed, fully ready for a melt down for year #three if he doesn't step up and "do" something. Her words.

But I think he's going to sit back and let her handle it again this year. She took the reigns early on, and he's comfortable now.
My advice is don't start something you don't wish to continue for a lifetime. Too bad she didn't ask me before she made those plans twice in a row thinking it would motivate him. I think she was more worried about updating their facebook status with nice pictures that would show the "haters" how "in love" they are. I was like girl...oops, sorry. I see this needs its own thread. (lol)

:yep: :yep: :yep: This is the idea I had in the back of my mind so I appreciate hearing it from you ladies @hopeful, @MizAvalon, @lana! I've heard the old folks say "don't start something that you don't plan on continuing throughout your marriage." He is slightly in the doghouse for Valentine's Day (though he made up for it) so I don't think I need to plan our anniversary. Plus, I'm pregnant! I really don't have the energy to do the planning.
I'm a newlywed and our anniversary is coming up. I just wondering for our first anniversary should it be my husbands responsibility to plan something or should I? Or both?

I'm new to all this. Thoughts?

My DH plans it for the most part - he designated himself as the planner. But I think I am a better planner and I come up with way more fun/romantic ideas :lol: So, I will email him lots of things that I would like to do way ahead of time and he will choose one (or none, lol) and plan it. My absolute favorite was when he surprised me with a SATC weekend.

Have fun and Happy Anniversary :)
My DH plans it for the most part - he designated himself as the planner. But I think I am a better planner and I come up with way more fun/romantic ideas :lol: So, I will email him lots of things that I would like to do way ahead of time and he will choose one (or none, lol) and plan it. My absolute favorite was when he surprised me with a SATC weekend.

Have fun and Happy Anniversary :)

Thanks! I like how you let him think he came up with the idea all on his own! :lol: What us a "SATC weeked"? :look: I'm not sure I know what this is.
Remember the show Sex and the City? And how fabulous those ladies lived? Well, we did what I call a Sex and the City weekend. A long weekend of a Broadway show, romantic restaurants, MOMA, shopping and a plush hotel. Manhattan is my all time favorite city, so that was a major big deal for me and a great surprise! :)
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It depends on your personalities. I know that DH's love language is gifts so I TRY to let him plan things for us. However, I also recognize that while his heart is in the right place, he is often unimaginative so the plan falls short of its intent.

Some years, when I'm hyped about our anniversary, I'll tell him early that I want to plan something for us. The other years, I let him do his thing and look for the joy within the idea vs the actual execution. Don't get me wrong, love this man to pieces and am always happy to be spending another year being loved by him. However, I am practical by nature and since our anniversary is in the fall, around back to school nite, sports physicals, meet the teacher nite, so on and so forth, some years all I need is his shoulder to lay my head on and a drink to calm my nerves.)

I will say that no matter who plans what, it is nice if you two establish some routine that you both look forward to no matter what. One year we both got sick but come hell or high water, we both got each other mushy love cards and lavendar roses. These two items remind of us of the date when we both "knew".
Thanks ladies!! :giveheart:
The update:
Looks like he has a surprised weekend getaway planned for us!! :grin: I was told to pack a bag and plan to be gone for a few nights!! :yahoo: I love this man (and no, not just because he planned it :lol:)

All right, now!!!!! I'm excited for you :) Come back and give us details, lady! ETA: When you get back, I mean :lol: