Who here has acheived their goals WITHOUT protective styling??


New Member
Hello all..I was just curious to know how many of you ladies have had success growing your hair without using protective styles...meaning, no buns,fake ponies,braids..etc etc. Basically just wearing your hair down/ends exposed. If you did, what did you do extra to make sure that your hair stayed healthy?????
Thank ya' kindly!! /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Well, I don't really do much protective styling. I wear my hair down 80% of the time, and it's now bra-strap. I make sure I wash and deep condition once a week and I use protein as needed. If my hair needs moisture during the week, I mist with my leave-in.
Good Question Hunnybunny! Wow...for real Cleo?!
Gives a sister hope that she won't have to rock a bun or have hair clipped up forever! /images/graemlins/clap.gif
I wash and condition weekly, rollerset mostly, and keep my hair moisturized. I also get my ends trimmed slightly with each touch-up.
Cleo said:
Well, I don't really do much protective styling. I wear my hair down 80% of the time, and it's now bra-strap. I make sure I wash and deep condition once a week and I use protein as needed. If my hair needs moisture during the week, I mist with my leave-in.

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Awww shucks... I may not have to do my protective style...although I think I only wore it twice anyway /images/graemlins/spank.gif

Great post hunnybunny. /images/graemlins/up.gif Funny you posted this because I was thinking about this this morning.

Cleo: What kind of leave-in do you use? I mean Are you using a regular conditioner watered down, or a liquid leave-in. TIA
most of my growth (when I had some) was acquired without much protective styling. I'm trying to re-accumulate the growth I lost when I trimmed in Sept. using them now.

So far, so good. I don't think it's mandatory, but it can happen a little faster when you don't wear your hair down. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Thanks Everyone--I asked this question because I feel like protective styles just aren't for me--I know they wouldn't hurt or anything--but I was always curious to know how many ladies had success without them--

and Cleo-I have to say that you have some B-E-A-UTIFUL Hair!!! /images/graemlins/smile.gif I have a quick question for ya...Do you use heat at all--to dry or style your hair--from your pics it looks as though u wear ur hair straight--do u maintain that look by wrapping or some other method--I guess to make a long story short...whats ur regimen girl?!!! /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Kaddy - I use liquid leave-ins (H-two or Pantene Detangling spray) if I'm wearing it down or I use Salerm if I put it in a bun after washing.

Hunnybunny - thanks love! I usually use heat once a week to blowdry if I'm wearing my hair down, which is normally the case. Once a month I may just airdry in a bun and leave it that way until my next wash. I also use my ceramic iron 3-4 times a month when I want a bend to my ends (trying to be cute). Because I continue to use heat, I dust my hair every month, and get a small trim with every touch up to prevent split ends.
Thanks Cleo, I use H-two as well and was wondering if that would be a good product to use.
Cleo said:
Kaddy - I use liquid leave-ins (H-two or Pantene Detangling spray) if I'm wearing it down or I use Salerm if I put it in a bun after washing.

Hunnybunny - thanks love! I usually use heat once a week to blowdry if I'm wearing my hair down, which is normally the case. Once a month I may just airdry in a bun and leave it that way until my next wash. I also use my ceramic iron 3-4 times a month when I want a bend to my ends (trying to be cute). Because I continue to use heat, I dust my hair every month, and get a small trim with every touch up to prevent split ends.

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HMMM..you use your ceramic 3-4 times month..and here I am SCARED that it will cause a lot of damage...
I don't want to put the wrong information out there, but I believe that Nay seldom wears protective styling. Her hair is amazing! She inspires me to stay long & natural.
Thanks Cleo /images/graemlins/clap.gif ...one last question I promise!!! /images/graemlins/smile.gif

So how do u maintain your hair at night when you wear it straight? Thanks in advance hun /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Hunnybunny, ask away, I don't mind. I'm sorry, I forgot to answer that when you initially asked /images/graemlins/wink.gif. When I wear it down, I wrap every night.
Okay for real, for real this time...this is my last one..lol..How often do you relax??!

I'm gonna leave you alone now cause I don't want you to be like/images/graemlins/wallbash.gif... /images/graemlins/grin.gif

Maybe I shoulda just PM'd ya but I figured someone else might wanna know all of the good info your givin' me /images/graemlins/smile.gif
I am loving HunnyBunny right now! The thirst for knowledge must be quenched!

It's a compliment Cleo...we just wanna know cause you got dat great hair chica... /images/graemlins/smile.gif
hunnybunny81 said:
Okay for real, for real this time...this is my last one..lol..How often do you relax??!

I'm gonna leave you alone now cause I don't want you to be like/images/graemlins/wallbash.gif... /images/graemlins/grin.gif

Maybe I shoulda just PM'd ya but I figured someone else might wanna know all of the good info your givin' me /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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Hunny you are too funny, I would never be that way. I relax every 8-9 weeks. In the summer I can only wait 8 weeks. I tried waiting 11 once and I experienced some breakage /images/graemlins/frown.gif.
MonaLisa said:
I am loving HunnyBunny right now! The thirst for knowledge must be quenched!

It's a compliment Cleo...we just wanna know cause you got dat great hair chica... /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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Thanks Mona /images/graemlins/Rose.gif
hunnybunny81 said:
Thanks soooooo much Cleo!!!

- you are my new hair inspiration /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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Thanks hunnybunny. You are too sweet! /images/graemlins/smile.gif
My hair is not long currently, but it had been quite long before. I noticed that I maintained much more length by just wearing it free, not handling it. My hair doesn't react well to a lot of handling or upstyles.
I'm not big on protective styles, but I wear them many times by default. Meaning, I like to keep my hair out of the way, so I'll do one big loose twist and secure with a bobby pin or barette. So if I run in the Mall or whatever, I'll just slip the bobby pin out and wear my hair down.

I always wear my hair in a scrunchi bun when I'm in the house and at night with a satin scarf.

ETA: I do like to rock "phony ponies" from time to time and this is also considered a protective style. I wear them more for convenience rather than a protective style.
hunnybunny81 said:
Quick question Honeyhips--How often were you trimming when ur ends were like that?

[/ QUOTE ]I hadn't had them trimmed for that year. So maybe it was that and not the protective styling. /images/graemlins/blush.gif /images/graemlins/laugh.gif
I also rarely do a protective style. My hair is out a whole lot. I just keep it (especially the ends) very moisturized.
Im wearing my hair out nearly all the time now cos I think that it needs to breathe and get some fresh air for a bit. It's still growing....
This is really encouraging to hear ladies /images/graemlins/clap.gif It seems to me that the key to wearing the hair down/out often is to keep those ends moisturized!!! I'll have to make a stronger effort to do so now /images/graemlins/smile.gif
I usually wear 1 or 2 single braids with the ends exposed, but I moisturize the ends every morning and night with a little oil mixed with conditioner or something similar.
i look horrible with buns and my hair up. I keep it healthy by mostly rollersetting it and using leave in. SLeeping with a satin cap helped alot too.
I wear my hair out about 90% of the time. I moisturise my ends x2 per day. I ALWAYS sleep with a satin scarf at night and when I am at home. I would like to wear a bun more often but LOL due to vanity reasons I cannot resist wearing my hair out.