Who has completly/nearly stopped hair breakage?


New Member
Is it possible to completly or almost stop hair from breaking? If it is, then what products/treatments can help me stop my breakage, As soon as I get my hair out of these braids I am going to try Aphogee protein, how often should I use it??
Hi Kamilla16,

Use the Aphogee only once every 4-6 weeks. Be sure to follow that up with a moisturizing conditioner. I do think it's possible to slow/stop breakage with proper care.
No breakage here!
The way I stopped breakage was washing my hair all the time. I wash at least 5 days out the week. I'm gonan cut it back when school starts and hopefully the no breaking spell will continue!
Re: Who has completly/nearly stopped hair breakage

Mine has decreased a lot lately but I can't pin-point the exact thing that did it. I tried Motions CPR, Nexxus emergencee and Keraphix and nothing helped. I did recently start deep conditioning with the LeKair with aloe so maybe that did it.
My hair does not break. I condition "wash" once or twice per week. Deep condition once per week with Elucence/shea oil. Deep condition once per month with Optimum with VitPlex (for protein). Use Hennalucent once every 6-8 weeks (light protein). Hot Oil with EO 1-2 times per month. Shampoo with Elucence 1-2 times per month. I air-dry and wear my hair loose and curly every day. I spritz with water/glycerin/conditioner after washing or rinsing. If I don't do that, then I will just spritz with plain water to rejuvenate my curls. I only comb when it's soaking wet with conditioner in it. Pretty simple. I think all of these things contribute to the lack of breakage.
I stopped it by cutting all the relax hair off going natural.....:)

But before I did that, Cathy Howse conditioner helped me alot
Thanks ladies when I try the Aphogee, I'll let you know how that works out, Also I may be getting an ADORE rinse put in my hair, will that protect my hair strands?
No more breakage (2.5 years straight) thanks to Motions CPR. I still use it from time to time, but I mostly use Nexxus Emergencee (on the ends only) and Nexxus Keraphix (for deep conditions).
The lekair cholesterol is what really did the trick for me and doing conditioning washes every day when I am 8 weeks post relaxer
Re: Who has completly/nearly stopped hair breakage

At first I cut the breakage down by moisturizing a lot with either my spray moisturizer or ORS Carrot Oil. I also use Nexxus Keraphix. And...stretching my relaxers out longer. I still had some breakage though. I started doing conditioner washes now every other day at least and I barely have any breakage at all! I'm talking only about 1 or 2 hairs on average!
Re: Who has completly/nearly stopped hair breakage

So far aphogee has stopped my breakage! I really needed protein and this was it!! Good luck!!!
what shampoo do you use? are you natural, and if so what is your texture (3a, 4b etc) . . .
sorrry for all the questions i feel like i'm intergating you.
With the use of nexxis emergencee and lekair cholesterol i've been able to stop breakage! The trick is I have ti use the emergencee for three weekz after my relaxer and then i switch over to the lekair until itz time for a touchup.
My hair breakage has really slowed down since I started air-drying a month ago and washing my hair every 3 days. I wash with Nexxus Botonoil (sometimes Therapee),use Nexxus Keraphix once each week and Nexxus Humectress Conditioner after every wash (left on for about 30 minutes in a cap). I'm using Nexxus Headress as a leave-in.

However, today I used Infusium 23 after my Headress and I noticed some breakage I didn't have before. Infusium is supposed to be very good. I wonder if I'm not using it correctly...
I'd have to say Aphoghee treatment (the stinky hard one). That has tremendously helped my hair. Everytime I use it (about every 4 weeks) my hair just feels stronger and stronger.