Who else is jealous?

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
So I'm sitting here looking at folks' progress pics and I'm soooo jealous . . . I've been here for almost a year (but I really didn't start implementing a regimen untnil about 6 months ago). While the quality and health of my hair has improved tremendously, the length seems to be about the same. (Yes, I am at SL . . . where many a long-haired dream has died.) Yet, I look around me and see folks gaining inches and inches over a few short months . . . and I get jealous. (I mean, don't get me wrong - I'm happy for y'all, but wishing that I had that swinging hair too . . . .)

Who else is a little frustrated/jealous?
I envy that most relaxed and Tex-laxed women use a lot less products than I can reasonably get away with.:wallbash:
I'm so jealous.

Granted, I chopped off about 3 inches of dead ends and I've gotten back to SL, and my hair is much more healthy, but I just think I'm not gonna get there. I gave up direct heat, I DC at every wash, I protective style only and I still think I'm not gonna make it. :ohwell:
I'm jealous of the folk who found this board in 2002. I'd have seriously droolworthy hair by now if I'd found this place that long ago.
I'm jealous of the folk who found this board in 2002. I'd have seriously droolworthy hair by now if I'd found this place that long ago.

Ditto. I'm not really jealous, but inspired. When I feel down about minor setbacks or feel discouraged about my growth retention I go straight to fotkis and calculate how much time I have to get to my next goal and work on what it will take to get there.
JCoily - I used to think that, too - about finding the board when I did and wishing that I had found it earlier. But stick around. Soon, you'll be one that has tenure.

When I came to the boards in 2003, it was b/c I had a serious hair problem. I stuck around and learned all I could. Because of that, I was able to bounce back.

You guys - just keep working on it. Don't give up. Time will pass no matter what you do. Why not let the time pass and have longer, healthier hair when you get there? :)
I sometimes envy the fact that some women can use crazy heat or wear their hair down everyday or only wash every 4 weeks and still have amazing growth but I have to be SO CAREFUL and practically treat my hair like fine china just to get a couple of inches. But as I slowly learn what works for MY hair and I see definite progress I'm too excited to be envious for long. Plus all these women are my hair inspirations!! HHG to everyone!!
I'm jealous of the folk who found this board in 2002. I'd have seriously droolworthy hair by now if I'd found this place that long ago.
Shoot Ive been here since 03 and my hair was longer then than it is now before I BC'd. :rolleyes: Its cool tho...it's cool:grin:
I'm jealous of the folk who found this board in 2002. I'd have seriously droolworthy hair by now if I'd found this place that long ago.

ITA! I think, "What the heck was I doing in '03?! My hair could have been down to my buttocks by now!"

I know, I know-I'll get there........eventually!:rolleyes:
Another JCoily cosigner here. I wish I had found LHCF sooner. I just don't understand why I never came across it:wallbash:

On another note, I envy how there are so many ladies here that really know how to have their hair looking salon fresh. I wish I could do that:rolleyes:
Another JCoily cosigner here. I wish I had found LHCF sooner. I just don't understand why I never came across it:wallbash:

On another note, I envy how there are so many ladies here that really know how to have their hair looking salon fresh. I wish I could do that:rolleyes:

me too! I guess I am jealous :grin:
Glad to see that I'm not alone in this . . . here's to successful hair growing in the future so folks will be jealous of US :grin:
ita!!! i always say that i'd wish i found the boards while i was in college. 4 years in school would have been PERFECT to focus on healthy hair. i'd be BSL by now.

but i'm seriously jealous of those girls who get 1/2in of hair a month. ii get a lowsy 1/4
I don't get jealous. All the old timers with long hair inspires me. I KNOW that will be me in a year or two. I Will get to MBL.

Now that I'm getting ready to go back to school I won't be looking at my growth all the time. Right now I have to learn how to do simple styles without heat.
Another JCoily cosigner here. I wish I had found LHCF sooner. I just don't understand why I never came across it:wallbash:

On another note, I envy how there are so many ladies here that really know how to have their hair looking salon fresh. I wish I could do that:rolleyes:

Me too...although Ive gotten better at styling my hair....Im not THAT good at it! I mean it looks nice...but not salon fresh. Its like either I have a lot of body and its a little frizzy or its really sleek and smooth but too flat for my taste. I cant get that perfect balance of smooth/sleek and body and bounce. I just keep practicing....
I'm a little jealous at those folks who use a growth aid and have like 10 inches of growth in a month. I use the same growth aid and get no where near as much. :ohwell:

I wish I had found the board back in the day too. Oh well. I'm learning now and that's all that matters (at least that's what I say to help myself sleep at night. LOL)
I'm a little jealous at those folks who use a growth aid and have like 10 inches of growth in a month. I use the same growth aid and get no where near as much. :ohwell:

I wish I had found the board back in the day too. Oh well. I'm learning now and that's all that matters (at least that's what I say to help myself sleep at night. LOL)

Trust me, u would feel worse if u DID find the board back in the day and had two or three major setbacks causing u to cut it all off and start from scratch multiple times (points at self lol)! All it takes is one bad relaxer or one Scissor happy stylist and u are at square one!
Trust me, u would feel worse if u DID find the board back in the day and had two or three major setbacks causing u to cut it all off and start from scratch multiple times (points at self lol)! All it takes is one bad relaxer or one Scissor happy stylist and u are at square one!

You've got a point. I never thought about it that way. :-)
I am jealous that ya'll have regimens. I am still trying to figure everything out...
I don't know how to rollerset, I am a past SL but still not APL- I am usually in braids but want to take a break but really don't know how to manage my hair... soooo I'm learning...
I'm jealous of the folk who found this board in 2002. I'd have seriously droolworthy hair by now if I'd found this place that long ago.

ITA!! If I only had the knowledge then... :gorgeous:. I wouldn't have had to cut off my SL hair. I didn't even realize I had SL hair.

ita!!! i always say that i'd wish i found the boards while i was in college. 4 years in school would have been PERFECT to focus on healthy hair. i'd be BSL by now.

but i'm seriously jealous of those girls who get 1/2in of hair a month. ii get a lowsy 1/4

Totally understand! My .25inch is small potatoes to some of these girls. :lachen:

Oh and trust me! If you had found lhcf in college, you would have still wish you had found it earlier. I'm going to college next year, and I wish I would have found it in ninth grade! I don't think any of us will ever be satisfied with when we encountered lhcf.
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You have to get past that "I think you want me to grow but I'm not sure because you have been cutting/trimming and that's all I know" phase.

Everyone gets to a particular point where it seems the hair won't grow past it, because it has been trained not to.

Once you get past that "phase", you'll see faster growth.

My hair took FOREVER to get past the "just below the shoulders" because that is all it knew.

Stay away from scissors. That's my advice... and SCRITCH! :)
im not really jealous. the progress pics inspire me to not to give up. there are so many women here who have done it, and we can too! yes I may have to try a little harder but anythign worth having is worth working hard for.
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