Who eles has this hair type


New Member
Hello i am new to this board, but i am enjoying all the info and pictures. Here is my problem i was born with a lot of hair, and have struggled with it because it is extremely thick. My mother always handle my hair but when i got old enought to i messed it up not with curling irons i was the roller queen so i always keep a decent length of hair but it was always so dry and puffy yet i burn really fast. So my mother told me my hair was not course but a cottony spongey type, cause i could not handle super strength relaxers, and mild on some days. Any how my hair has been a constent struggle, since i knew nothing of conditioning my hair, it wasn't until coming to this board that i actually started to condition and stopped putting all the drying gels in my hair, last week i decided to really get serious and follow some of the regimens i saw with type 4a/b hair and washed, conditioned and used moisture products on my hair wet and dryed without gel or setting lotion, i never thought my hair would dry striaght with out it, but it actually looks so much better and not as dry. Anyway i have felt like no one has my type of hair, i think that i just have a lot of hair on my head and its not that it is soo thick, but it will puff up so when i get it permed they tend to want to use super and i burn really bad and of course my hair never looks super straight. Who else has this type of hair and if so what do you use on it, my hair has no swing factor, and it looks better than it use to since coming to the board but it's still a struggle. Once when i was 17 i braided my hair up and did nothing but put pink moisture and vitamin e on it and keep it tyed up, i did this for 3 months. Of course there is not way i could do that now but my hair was gourgeous bouncy and long i want my hair like this again. My hair grows really fast but i have never been able to get it past a certain length. Any sugesstions of products that i can use? i have been using so many and they all are o.k. but nothing great if i get any responses i will list what i use or have used so far.

Thanks sorry so long.
Breakthru! and motions cpr. My hair isn't cottony like yours. Buts its the epithony of thick. And i wash with breakthru shampoo then there conditioner and then motions cpr. Then daily i apply the breakthru dailing moistorizing lotion. Its great.
I will try that i have used the motions cpr once and it was good but i'll try the break thru products.

I think I have the same type of hair like you! My hair is fine but it is so voluminous that everyone thinks it's thick. I can only use mild or regular strenght relaxers not super or I will be bald. I do frequent co-washes at least 3 times a week or ACV washes they really help out. I do deep conditioning treatments once a week. The products that I use are as follows;

Aubrey Organics Glycogen Protein Balancer
Karites 5% shea butter cream conditioner
UBH Deep conditioner
Aphogee for hard core breakage which is rare
Pure unrefined shea butter
UBH dew
LML magic spray
LML BTN duo shampoo and conditioner

I hope this helps!
I have super thick hair too but I like it. You might as well like yours too cos it isnt going anywhere and its what God gave you
Plus look how may people wear weaves and pieces for extra thickness.
I dont think we have the same texture though but I have discovered that first roller setting (put it in ponytails first)then curling work wonders if you want to wear it straight.
The main thing with thick hair is to keep it in really good condition and use nice moiture rich products. Redken all soft shampoo and heavy cream are excellant. Paul Mitchell leave in 'The conditioner' is good too.
I would suggest buying the best products you can afford and really pampering your hair.
My sister has gotten really good results with the entire elasta qp line and she also like motions cpr.
Hi Missa.
If I'm understanding you correctly I think we have the same kind of hair. I have have so much hair on my head but it's so fine. It appears to be very, very thick but it can only take so much heat or it will flatten out and look thin and lifeless. Also if I'm gonna wear my hair down and want body I have to be careful not to put to much oil on it otherswise it will weigh down my fine hair. No one understands because my hair looks so thick but I think it's that I have alot of strands. I use CON shampoo and then do a ACV rinse. I use UBH conditioner or make my own if money is tight to deep condition and Queen Hellen to soften it up. I use BB moisterizer and Wild growth hair oil.
I'm still a little unsure of my hair type but I think I have 4a/b and c beause I have waves, curls and something else going on in there.

Welcome to the board!!
I do. I have that thick finely textured cottony stuff you are talking about. What is best for this type of hair: jojoba oil or shea butter?
Again, depending on body ph some respond better to oils and some to butters. I was having great results with oils until recently when on a whim I tried experiementing with shea butter and have not looked back since. Irrestblebth (sp wrong sorry) uses a lot of butters and her hair looks great!
I have used the shea butter before as well when my hair ws natural and it did great. But i had forgotten about it.

I have another question for everyone, in starting out your growing process did you cut it all off even or just go from where you were. I started out with about a inch of hair because i cut it off real short into a halle do, then after letting it grow out i damaged it real bad with color so i cut the top dwon short but kept the back, it's growing but it's so uneven. I was wondering should i try to get it cut even of just go from where i am.
I have the cottony-soft hair too. And I totally understand the feelings you've expressed, esp. when it comes to being "the only one" w/this hair type.

If your hair is still in tact, just start now doing the right things. I could recommend 10 things that work for me today that I probably wouldn't have recommended 10 weeks ago. It's sort of trial and error, once your hair is in a healthy state it seems that regimes are all a matter of what works for you. I use higher end products, while my hair buddy who has the exact hair type is using drugstore products for the most part and has hair to her elbows!

The one thing I will recommend to calm the puffies is to tame the frizzies. I was able to do that by deep conditioning after every wash, 20 mins w/heat. I don't know how it took, but I definitely don't struggle w/it. I stood in the rain (@ a concert, w/an umbrella) for almost 2 hours w/minimal puffing. The only thing that really puffed were parts that actually got wet. But for those w/puffiness you understand that just meer humidity in the air will cause you hair to triple in minutes. I got tired of being held hostage by my flighty hair so I textured it. It's nice b/c my hair has a curl pattern that I like and got to keep!!!

Less is more when it comes to this hair type, anything too greasy, oily, etc. only weighs it down & stops it from moving. You may need to clarify if you're already weighed down. Try heavy moisturizing products @ the shampoo-conditioner stage, so you don't have to use heavy products after washing. Increasing conditioner washes and hot oil treatments should help you too.

As far as growing un-evenly.... I would have said in the past let your hair grow and cut it evenly when you get to a length you are comfortable with. But if you've done the Halle, do it now. I had super un-even hair for awhile a few years ago and tried to hold on just to look at the length (on one side, so stupid! LOL), one side was 17", the other was 14-14.5". It was evened against my will, but now I would never consider keeping it. Healthy, even ends look sooooo much better.