Who earns more? and does it matter?

Who makes more?

  • My SO makes more than me.

    Votes: 12 48.0%
  • I makes more than my SO.

    Votes: 10 40.0%
  • We earn about the same incomes.

    Votes: 3 12.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
I thoguht this was interesting:

Question: Beyonce and Jay-Z: Each of this husband-and-wife team is a music icon in their own right, but who out-earns the other?


Answer: Beyonce does.

According to Forbes, in 2010 Beyonce made $87 million from a combination of touring, endorsements and her clothing line, House of Dereon. Meanwhile, her husband, former Def Jam Recordings CEO and winner of 13 Grammy Awards, Jay-Z, earned $63 million from his newest album, Blueprint III and its subsequent tour, as well as from investments in the 40/40 Club, the New Jersey Nets and the Broadway show "Fela!"

Who makes more in your relationship? And has it ever cause any concern or problems?
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No surprise on Beyonce and Jay. She's still touring - he does random shows here and there. She's bringing in money. He's investing money.

Personally, I don't care but I think it really depends on the individuals involved. But regardless of the situation, men need to feel like providers. Find that balance, and who brings in more really doesn't have to matter...

I'm a student, so obviously he's got me. When I graduate, including bonuses, he's got me by about $50K and I'm ok with that. He better watch out, though, cuz the master plan is about to kick into high gear! :lol:
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It shouldn't matter. but Jay is worth way more than Beyonce. She might have made more during a particular year but his net worth outweighs hers. Bey ain't stupid.
This is a good question. I honestly dont think it should matter as long as the bills are being payed and business is getting handled from both partners..i am a fan of 50/50...jmho
i, personally, would not want to marry someone who made less than me. especially since i probably won't ever make more than 25K. :nono:
it depends on what income bracket we are in.

If I'm making 75K and he makes 25K, I wouldn't be able to do it.
If I'm making 75K and he makes 65K, then the difference is so small, I wouldn't care.

I think the potential to make more money is also a big deal. You can start off making less money but if you're in a job that has a greater earning potential, you can easily surpass your mate in a short time.
Throughout stages of the career, the dh and I have taken turns making more. Neither of us had a problem with it when the other made more. Nor did we dangle that over each other heads. At the end of the day, as long as the bills are paid, we are fed, clothed and are in good health....it doesn't matter.
At this stage of the game, DH and I are pretty close in salary (he makes slightly more than I do). IMO, married people :swordfigh about who makes more is utterly ridiculous. Considering that the money that comes into the relationship provides for both people, who CARES about which name is on which paycheck?
I've learned not to pay as much attention to short term things like who made the most this year and look at things in more of a long term context.

For example: My mother noticed that her firm was assigning her on huge amounts of business trips and her hours were continuously escalating and it was limiting her time with us so she began her own consulting firm. It was very successful and she easily out-earned my dad by 50, sometimes 70%. This lasted for years, then her company took a hit with the downturn and by then my dad's salary was higher then it was in the past and he now out-earns her.

Another great example is the president and first lady. First of all when they met she was his boss lol Then he graduated with the top honors and accolades and turned around and opted to become a community organizer making something like 7 - 11,000/Yr while Michelle opted to become vice-prez of Chicago university hospital, sat on the board of directors of numerous corporations and a bunch other stuff I can't remember that allowed her to rake in something like half a mill per yr if I recall correctly. EASILY outearning her hubby. Then he decided to teach constitutional law, ran for senate and won on his second try then we all know what happened 4yrs later.

So I think these things fluctuate. I think the most important thing to bear in mind is marrying a good man that you know is on the right path. My mom met my dad because they were in the same engineering program, Michelle met Barack because they both worked in the same prestigious law firm. Even if he takes some detours in getting there, if you know he has a solid background and character then you know he's on his way and you'll compliment eachother accordingly.

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I'm single, but initially I would prefer that the guy makes boats load more than I do. But once we married, I would like for him to make more, but it's not a deal breaker if he doesn't. As long as bills are paid and trips are taken, I'll be happy.
I made significantly more than my ex-husband and he said it didn't matter, but it DID. In the future I would prefer my mate and I make close to the same amount or he makes more.
I'm not with anyone currently. But in past relationships I have made more. With my career I'm pretty much always going to make more. I try not to let this enter the relationship but it always seems to find a way. They usually ask or hint around, and ususally their figure on how much I make is, well, ridiculous.
I will cosign with the study that men who make less than thier wives are more likely to cheat. I know many women in this same situation right now.

On a side note, I have talked about dating and money with many of my male friends and they, hands down, say they wouldn't want to be with a woman that made more than they did. One guy even said he understood men who cheated on thier wives with a higher income. He didn't endorse it, he just said he understood.

I'm not syaing that every man will cheat on if your income ins higher, I just think you have to be careful when selecting a mate if you have a high income. I have learned that not every one views money the same way.
I'm not with anyone currently. But in past relationships I have made more. With my career I'm pretty much always going to make more. I try not to let this enter the relationship but it always seems to find a way. They usually ask or hint around, and ususally their figure on how much I make is, well, ridiculous.
I will cosign with the study that men who make less than thier wives are more likely to cheat. I know many women in this same situation right now.

On a side note, I have talked about dating and money with many of my male friends and they, hands down, say they wouldn't want to be with a woman that made more than they did. One guy even said he understood men who cheated on thier wives with a higher income. He didn't endorse it, he just said he understood.

I'm not syaing that every man will cheat on if your income ins higher, I just think you have to be careful when selecting a mate if you have a high income. I have learned that not every one views money the same way.

ITA, I've never been married, but money (correct….. my money) seems to make so men nervous.

I'm down-to-earth and don't flaunt anything.......but like you said some will start to speculate about your $$$$ and figure that you don't really need them - which is not true on an emotional level.

Ps. I don’t equate a salary with wealth.
It doesn't bother me, as long as he is good with what he has, he can take care of himself, and he has bigger plans. Even if they plans won't put his salary over mine, he has to have motivation. $$$ does not equal that.

I have had men that could use Ben Franks as tissue and some that were not as able.
A majority of men with cash tend to be very insecure, I mean there are some that are not, but most are, in some way or fashion. They tend to value themselves with money and things. Men that are not rich or well-off tend to have a little more comfort with themselves from my experience.
Doesnt matter to me. But if they have an issue with me making more, then I will just bank all my money, and make them take care of all the bills themself. I have no issue with that at all :)
It would be less of a headache if I married a man that made more than me but as a future physician, the chances are slim (unless I marry another doc, which I'm not sure that I want to do). Unfortunately, a lot of men still feel insecure about the idea of a woman making more than them because they feel as though their position as head of the household/provider is being compromised. I really don't care especially when, as someone mentioned previously, the money would still be coming back to the same household.