Who doesn't use leave-ins?


Well-Known Member
I don't.

Every time I try to use something as a leave-in, I either get greasy hair, stiff hair, or it just doesn't act right.

There are a few times that I've had success, but it seams I can never replicate it twice.

I find that a dab of oil, I'm using evoo right now, is usually all my hair will tolerate.

Who else doesn't use leave-ins & what do you do instead?
You're not alone. I've found that over time it dries my hair out. I use a mix of softening and anti-breakage/fall teas with oils in a spritz bottle instead. My hair is doing much better.
My hair likes a mix of coconut oil and castor oil on wet hair, sometimes I use grapeseed. I prefer the castor it leaves such a nice coating.

BUT recently I tried Paul Mitchell's "The Conditioner", that stuff is awesome. Plus no cones!

I use it with the oil or without. Usually I do a layering of oil,conditioner,oil. Then airdry.
I use leave ins but I plan to stop after I'm done with these two bottles I have left because my DC is more than enough I don't rly need any more moisture. I'll probably keep my protein leave in tho
I spray my damp hair with aloe vera juice and seal it with an oil mixture before styling. For me, that is a "leave-in". I have never liked actual leave-ins either.